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Sysmex CyFlow 流式细胞仪系列介绍

郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 12:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CyFlow® Cube 6 /Cube 6 Max 六参数细胞仪

The CyFlow® Cube 6 is an economical 6 parameter flow cytometry instrument equipped with blue and blue/red lasers and 4 fluorescence detectors, suitable for a wide range of applications. The minimal set-up time and maintenance enables easy instrument operation.
With its compact, bench-top design (L 381 x W 280 x H 279.5 mm), the CyFlow® Cube 6 features a built-in Windows™ PC with a 15" LCD screen (additional 2nd screen support). The CyFlow® Cube 6 is equipped with standard interfaces for USB, LAN, video output, etc.

Light Source 可选两路光源,蓝光或红光激光器
  • Up to 2 simultaneous light sources (laser)
  • Blue laser: 50mW 488nm
  • Red laser: 25mW 638nm
  • •Cytometer Dimensions:
    L 385mm x W 280mm x H 290mm
  • •Robby Autoloader Station: L 745mm

The newly designed, intuitive CyFlow acquisition and analysis software offers measurement of millions of cells at your fingertips.
  • Quickly choose your plots for analysis from all combinations shown in Preview Mode.
  • Easily compare plots with the Overlay Wizard, for single or dual parameters.
  • Share and customize your results within your research organization with the report generator.
  • Change your view with Zoom and V-Log scale, you are even able to gate in Zoom Mode.
  • Compensation rapidly with Compensation Wizard.


CyFlow® Robby 6 Autoloading Station
  • Protective housing with no light incidence
  • Flexible well/tube measurements
Microplates and Tubes
  • 48 or 96-Well-Plates, V, U and flat-bottom are fitting (max.2)
  • Plates meeting the Standards (ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 through 4-2004)
  • 2ml tubes (max. 120)
Autoloader Dimensions
L 360mm x W 370mm x H 270mm

  • Absolute Cell Counting
  • Immunology
  • Hematology and Platelet Analysis
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma
  • Leukocyte Depletion
  • Stem Cells
  • Pathology
  • Cancer Research
  • DNA Analysis
  • Apoptosis
  • Cell Cultures
  • Cell and Particle Sorting
  • Cell Proliferation
  • Cytokines
  • Viability
  • Toxicology
  • Quality Assurance in Food & Beverage Industry
  • Fermentation Process Control
  • Detection of Microorganisms
  • Research
  • Quality Control in Dairy Industry & Milk Products
  • Biomonitoring
  • Marine Biology & Algae
  • Nucleic Acid Composition
  • Bioreactor Process Optimization
  • Quality Control in Cosmetics
  • Research | Agrosciences | Breeding | Aquaculture
  • Sperm Cell Counting, Viability and Function


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
CyFlow® Cube 8 / Cube 8 Max 8参数细胞仪

The CyFlow® Cube 8 is a compact flow cytometry analyzer offering modular configurations customizable for your research. This includes upgrade options for optical parameters and fluorescence channels, additional laser light sources selectable from a wide range of nine excitation wavelengths (355 - 785 nm), optional CyFlow® Sorter and CyFlow® Robby 8 Autoloading Station for well plates and sample tubes.
With its small dimensions the multi-laser CyFlow® Cube 8 features built-in Windows™ PC,19" LCD screen (additional 2nd screen support), software controlled pressure regulators and integrated sheath/waste container. The CyFlow® Cube 8 is equipped with standard interfaces for USB, LAN, video output, etc.

Light Source 光源最大四路,可以从8中激光器/LED中选择。
  • Up to 4 light sources (3 laser + high power UV-LED)
  • Blue laser: 50mW 488nm, 200mW adjustable 488nm
  • •Red laser: 25mW 638nm, 40mW 640nm
  • Violet laser: 100mW 405nm •UV laser: 60mW 375nm
  • •Green laser: 30mW 532nm, 100mW 532nm
  • •Yellow laser: 100mW 561nm
  • Orange laser: 50mW 594nm
  • •High power UV-LED: 365nm
  • Cytometer Dimensions
    •L 500mm x W 470mm x H 370mm
  • •With Robby Autoloader Station: L 840mm

The newly designed, intuitive CyFlow acquisition and analysis software offers measurement of millions of cells at your fingertips.
  • Quickly choose your plots for analysis from all combinations shown in Preview Mode
  • Easily compare plots with the Overlay Wizard, for single or dual parameters
  • Share and customize your results within your research organization with the report generator
  • Change your view with Zoom and V-Log scale, you are even able to gate in Zoom Mode
  • Compensation rapidly with Compensation Wizard


CyFlow® Robby 8 Autoloading Station
  • Protective housing with no light incidence
  • Flexible well/tube measurements

Microplates and Tubes
  • 48 or 96-Well-Plates, V, U and flat-bottom can be used (max.2)
  • Plates meeting the Standards (ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 through 4-2004)
  • 2ml tubes (max. 120)
Autoloader Dimensions
  • L 370mm x W 332mm x H 370mm
CyFlow Cube Sorter Module
  • Optional cell-sorter add-on for the CyFlow® Cube 8
  • The Cube Sorter combines a flow chamber with a piezo element, including electric activation
  • Sort cells or particles without destruction to ensure high yield and purity
  • As a closed system, in contrast to typical droplet sorters, the process is smooth with reduced mechanical stress. This is especially important when working with fragile cell types
  • Avoid biohazardous situations for your cell culture through the sorter’s closed compact design that can easily be placed on a standard clean bench or under a hood
  • Absolute Cell Counting
  • Immunology
  • Hematology and Platelet Analysis
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma
  • Leukocyte Depletion
  • Stem Cells
  • Pathology
  • Cancer Research
  • DNA Analysis
  • Apoptosis
  • Cell Cultures
  • Cell and Particle Sorting
  • Cell Proliferation
  • Cytokines
  • Viability
  • Toxicology
  • Quality Assurance in Food & Beverage Industry
  • Fermentation Process Control
  • Detection of Microorganisms
  • Research
  • Quality Control in Dairy Industry & Milk Products
  • Biomonitoring
  • Marine Biology & Algae
  • Nucleic Acid Composition
  • Bioreactor Process Optimization
  • Quality Control in Cosmetics
  • Research | Agrosciences | Breeding | Aquaculture
  • Sperm Cell Counting, Viability and Function


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
CyFlow® Cube有关的PDF介绍和视频


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
CyFlow® Ploidy

The CyFlow® Ploidy Analyser is a compact flow cytometer for ploidy analysis, high resolution DNA and genome size analysis for plants, animals and micro- organisms.
This modular system is equipped with a UV LED (365nm) and/or a green laser ( 532nm) which, when used in combination with Partec CyStain® reagents, provides high resolution DNA analysis with DAPI or propidium iodide.
The CyFlow® Ploidy instrument measures the DNA content of many thousands of individual nuclei within seconds or minutes. The result is directly displayed as a DNA histogram on the internal 15.4” color display. The automated, real-time ploidy analysis is extremely time- and cost- efficient.

[size=1.5]CyFlow® Ploidy
Light Source
  • UV LED: 365nm
  • Green Laser: 532nm
Cytometer Dimensions:
L 385mm x W 280mm x H 290mm

CyFlow® Robby 6 Autoloading Station
  • Protective housing with no light incidence
  • Flexible well/tube measurements
Microplates and Tubes
  • 48 or 96-Well-Plates, V, U and flat-bottom are fitting (max.2)
  • Plates meeting the Standards (ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 through 4-2004)
  • 2ml tubes (max. 120)
Autoloader Dimensions
L 360mm x W 370mm x H 270mm

  • Detection of Ploidy Level
  • Plant Genome Size and DNA Analysis
  • Detection of Hybrids
  • Gender Determination
  • Cell Type Identification in Natural Populations
  • Research | Agrosciences | Breeding | Aquaculture
  • Aneuploids and Allopolyploids
  • Polysomy
  • Detection of Apomixis and Reproduction Behaviour
  • Polysomaty and Plant Chimera Analysis


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
CyFlow® Space

The CyFlow® Space is a bench-top Flow Cytometer designed for cell and particle analysis and absolute counting. It detects two forward scatter signals and one side scatter in combination with up to 13 colors of fluorescence and can be equipped with the CyFlow® Sorter for closed, non-destructive and non-hazardous cell and particle sorting.
The CyFlow® Space cell cycle analyzer is suited to a wide variety of applications; up to 5 user defined light sources can be chosen from a wide range of nine excitation wavelengths (355-785 nm).
[size=1.5]CyFlow® Space
Light Source
  • Up to 5 light sources
  • Blue solid state laser: 50mW fix or 200mW adjustable 488nm
  • Red diode laser: 25mW 638nm or 40mW 640nm
  • Violet diode laser: 100mW 405nm
  • Green DPSS laser: 30 or 100mW 532nm
  • Yellow laser: 100mW 561nm
  • High power UV LED: 365nm
  • Ultra-violet diode laser: 60mW 375nm
  • Orange diode laser: 50mW 594nm
  • Cytometer Dimensions
    L 560mm x W 650mm x H 300mm


Windows™ based FloMax® software includes multiple online gating, logical gates, and color gating. N-color online and offline software compensation is another standard feature of FloMax® software. Data may be acquired with compensation or as uncompensated raw data. Either way, compensation can be done, undone, or changed after analysis on stored data. User-selectable statistics are calculated on subset populations identified by regions that are created by the user with easy-to-use drawing tools and combined using simple, logical formulas.
Other sophisticated features include cell cycle analysis and peak analysis. Custom reports are quickly and easily generated from the acquired data using the integrated, macro-driven interface with Microsoft™ Word and Excel. FloMax® data files are stored in FCS standard, and therefore, they are fully compatible with other commercial flow cytometry software.
FloMax® software is pre-installed on the Windows™ PC that is delivered as part of the CyFlow® Space systems. Three additional licenses for offline copies of FloMax® software are also included free of charge, thus offering a cost-effective solution for working groups with the need for offline data analysis software.

CyFlow® Space Autoloading Station
  • (Automatic sample loading from 96/384 well plates)
  • High speed mode < 15 minutes/96 well plates
  • User defined cleaning and sample re-suspension
  • Start-up time < 2 minutes

  • 96 and 384 well-plates with V, U and flat-boom wells
  • Plates meeting the Standards (ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 through 4-2004)
Autoloader Dimensions
  • L 200mm x W 320mm x H 280mm
  • Cell Sorter
  • Closed sorting system for the CyFlow Space, which can be easily sterilized for sterile sorting
  • Any environmental contamination is completely avoided due to the closed flow system
  • Sorting action takes place smoothly and gently, so fragile cells or large particles (e.g.: plant protoplasts or islets of Langerhans) are sorted with minimal sheer force acting on the cells during deflection
  • Sorting input rates can be up to thousands of cells per second with sorting output rate of up to 300 cells per second.

  • Absolute Cell and Particle Counting
  • Cell and Particle Sorting
  • Microbiology
    • Yeast viability and Fermentation Process Control
    • Water quality analysis
    • Absolute counting of Bacteria and other Microorganisms
    • Viability of Bacteria and other Microorganisms
    • Quality Control in Dairy Industry & Milk Products
    • Marine Biology & Algae
    • Agrosciences and Aquaculture
    • Quality Control in Cosmetics
  • Industrial applications
    • Bioreactor Process Optimization
    • Quality Assurance in Food & Beverage Industry
    • Biomonitoring
    • Biofuels
  • Cell Biology
    • Cell Cycle and DNA Analysis
    • Viability and live/dead analysis
    • Cell Proliferation
    • Apoptosis
    • Cancer research
    • Toxicology
    • Cytokines and bead based assays
    • Cell Signaling
  • Plant Biology
    • Detection of Ploidy Level
    • Plant Genome Size and DNA Analysis
  • Multi- Colour Flow Cytometry
    • Leukemia and Lymphoma
    • Stem Cells
    • Platelet Counting
    • Leukocyte Depletion


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
CyScope® Plus HP

The CyScope® HP is a uniquely innovative microscope, offering LED fluorescence and light microscopy in a compact design and implementing sophisticated optics. It employs incident light (e.g. UV, royal blue, blue, green, red) and transmitted light detection, either simultaneously or separately. The blue (470nm), green (528nm) and red (624nm) LEDs with extremely long lifetime of several thousand hours work in a high power / high current mode, cooled by a miniature fan.
As well as being a laboratory microscope, the CyScope® HP can be operated using a battery, allowing true portability for field work. Additional microscope variations available upon request.
[size=1.5]CyScope® Plus HP
The  CyScope® HP is a uniquely innovative microscope, offering LED fluorescence and light microscopy in a compact design and implementing sophisticated optics. It employs incident light (e.g. UV, royal blue, blue, green, red) and transmitted light detection, either simultaneously or separately. The blue (470nm), green (528nm) and red (624nm) LEDs with extremely long lifetime of several thousand hours work in a high power / high current mode, cooled by a miniature fan.
As well as being a laboratory microscope, the CyScope® HP can be operated using a battery, allowing true portability for field work.
Additional microscope variations available upon request.

  • Corrected for infinity (tube length infinity) in order to have parallel output beams
  • Additional experimental setups can be added at any distance from output aperture.
  • Calculation for a single wavelength (436 nm) to maintain high light gathering power (numerical aperture NA)
  • Housing has standard length and industry standard RMS (0.8 inch 36-TPI) mounting thread
  • Immersion glycerine lens for highest numerical aperture (NA = 1.25) with working distance of 0.5 mm
  • High viscosity immersion gel and stable long-term coupling is available
  • Broadband (UV or visible) antireflection coatings or laser line coatings are available for these objectives upon customer request

  • Immunofluorescence
  • Viability Studies
  • Toxicology
  • Quality Assurance in Food & Beverage Industry
  • Research | Microbiology
  • Quality Control in Dairy Industry & Milk Products
  • Yeast Analysis


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2017-1-14 13:16 | 显示全部楼层





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Oppenheimer 发表于 2017-1-14 16:24 | 显示全部楼层
Sysmex 2013年收购了德国流式细胞分析公司Partec,Partec公司成立于1967年,是较早开始商品化流式细胞仪开发的公司之一。
秦皇岛医疗器械 发表于 2017-1-16 08:59 | 显示全部楼层
suxi 发表于 2020-3-2 10:49 | 显示全部楼层
gengen 发表于 2020-6-10 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
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