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ABX PENTRA400全自动生化分析仪

郑振寰 发表于 2007-12-31 09:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

From routine to specific tests,
perform them all on a single system.

Up to 420 tests per hour with ISE module

The ABX Pentra 400 is an extremely compact Clinical Chemistry benchtop analyzer. Its automation and continuous loading provides enhanced productivity in a user-friendly environment.


Innovative features:特点

  • 55 on-board assays  55个检测项目
  • Innovative cassette format 创新的盒式结构(可能不准确的翻译)
  • Integrated work station and validation station 完整的工作站和确认
  • Touch screen  触摸屏
  • Real-time viewing of your workflow 实时工作流程观测

Physical 指标

  • System Size: 40” x 28” x 25” (W x L x H) 主机系统
  • System Weight: 264 lbs
  • External Cooling Unit Size: 12” x 17” x 16” (W x L x H) 外部冷却系统
  • External Cooling Unit Weight: 77 lbs
  • Printer: Laser printer 激光打印
  • Sound level: < 60 dBa 噪音
  • Operating temperature: from 15 to 32°C 操作温度
  • Operating Humidity: from 20 to 85% 操作湿度
  • Total Power Requirements (with Printer): 1000 VA  电源功率
  • Water: De-ionized/Distilled Water - 10L Tank  去离子水或蒸馏水
  • Water specifications: 水要求
    • Resistivity > 5 MegOhms   电阻大于5兆欧
    • Conductivity < 0.2 μS/cm  电导率小于0.2us/cm

Computer & Sofware :计算机和软件

  • Operating system: Windows XP  操作系统:WINDOWS XP
  • Data processing: 数据处理
    • 12 inch Color LCD Touch Screen 12英寸彩色液晶触摸屏
    • Database Capacity: 100,000 results  数据保存10万结果
    • Processor: 600 MHz  处理器速度600MHz
    • RC 232C: Patient results, QC to LIS with ASTM protocol  RS232支持传送 病人结果/质控/LIS和ASTM格式
  • Integrated Validation Station 完整的确认工作站(没明白什么意思)
    Quality Control Management:Levey Jennings, Automatic QC, Default controls and Westgard rules 质控
  • Logs: 日志
    • Reagents, Quality Control, Calibrations  试剂、质控、定标
    • Applications, Maintenance, Sequencing, Flags and Alarms 应用,维护,程序,提示,报警
  • Export of archived data: USB key 输出存档:USB钥
  • Audible alarms  声音报警
  • Interactive Help: HTML Format 交互式帮助文件,HTML格式

Optical System :光学系统

  • Tungsten-halogen Lamp 卤素灯炮
  • Measurement Principle: 测量方法
    • Bi-chromatic light absorbance 吸光度法
    • Choice of 15 wavelengths from 340 to 700 nm 15个波长,340nm-700nm
    • Wavelength selection with holographic grating technology 波长选择采用全息光栅
  • Sensor: Photo diode array  接收器:光电接收二极管阵列
  • Optical Linearity: 2.5 A. at 340mm; 3.0 at other wavelengths 光学线形,340nm 2.5A,其他3.0

General Description:概要

  • Analysis Method Types: 分析方法
    • Spectrophotometry: Colorimetry and Turbidimetry 分光光度计:比色法和比浊法
    • Potentiometry: Direct (Serum or Plasma) and Indirect (Urine) 血清血浆和尿液
  • Up to 55 parameters on board 超过55个测试项目
  • Optional ISE Module (Na+, K+, Cl-) 选配电解质
  • Maximum Throughput: 420 test/h 最大测试速度420/h
  • CE Marked CE认证

Sample Handling 样本操作

  • Sample Capacity: 6 racks with 10 sample positions for primary tubes or cups 样本量:6个架子,每架10标本位
  • Continuous loading 连续进样
  • Positive Sample Identification: Integrated Barcode Reader and Tube Presence Detector 样本识别:条形码和试管轨道监测
  • Sample Needle:Level, Shock and Clot Detection 样本针:水平、震动和凝块探测
  • Sample Collection Format: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 mL (diameter: 16mm) 样本采集形式,2、3、4、5、7、10ml(试管直径16mm)
  • Sample Specimen: Serum, Plasma, Urine, CSF, Whole Blood, Homogeneous Fluids 样本范围:血清、血浆、尿液、脑脊液、全血、均匀流质
  • Sample Volume: 2 to 380 μL 样本体积2-380ul
  • Automatic Sample Dilution: from 1/2 to 1/22,500  自动样本稀释 1:2----1:22500
  • ISE: 10 μL (Indirect) or 65 μL (Direct)
  • Automatic Post Concentration: from x2.0 to x 10.0
  • Automatic Re-run  自动重测

Calibrator/Control Handling 定标和质控

  • Calibrator/Controls Positioning on Sample or Reagent Tray 样本和试剂盘设有定标和质控位
  • Automatic Standard Dilution Series: 自动稀释
    • Dilution Factors: Main Direct 1/2 - 1/150
    • Dilution Factors: Main Indirect 1/2 - 1/1508

Reagent Handling :试剂盘

  • 52 Reagent positions on board: 52个试剂位
    • 44 in a closed refrigerated area (2-10°C) 44个在封闭的冷藏区
    • 8 at room temperature 8个室温保存
  • Positive Reagent Identification:Integrated Barcode Reader 试剂识别:条形码
  • Reagent Needle: Level Detection and Preheating 试剂针 液面探测和预热
  • Reagent management with cassettes: Automated Reagent On-board Stability Check plus Test Countdown with automatic back-up 盒式试剂藏,倒计数计算试剂容量
  • Reagent Volume: from 2 to 600 μL 试剂用量:2-600ul

Reaction System:反应系统

  • Reaction Volume: 150 to 600 μL  反应体积 150-600ul
  • Reaction Temperature: Air bath at 37°C 温度37度
  • Photometer Reaction Cycle:12 seconds  光度计循环时间12秒,也就是读点。从这里可以看出 不带ISE速度为300/h
  • Homogenization with Teflon-coated Stirrer 带有特氟隆涂层的搅拌针
  • Reaction Time: 1 to 100 cycles 反应时间1--100循环,也就是1-100个点,每点12秒
  • Disposable Acrylic Cuvettes
  • Automatic Cuvette Changer
  • Cuvette Capacity: 36 segments (432 cuvettes) 36组432个反应杯?
  • 7 Integrated Calculation Algorithms


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-12-31 09:58 | 显示全部楼层
这是ABX PENTRA400的试剂情况

From routine to specific tests,
perform them all on a single system.

CE marked Liquid Chemistry, reagent range for ABX Pentra 400

Reagents wich simplify your organization

  • A number of tests per cassette to meet your needs
  • Extended linearity and increased stability
  • Just one calibrator and two human controls four routine analysis
  • All specific protein calibrators in a liquid form

Enzymes and Substrates

  • 37 methods CE marked with applications for serum, plasma and urine
  • Fewer post-dilution due to increased linearity
  • Based on the latest research in Clinical Chemistry and complies with international recomendations (IFCC)

Specific proteins

  • 24 applications CE marked with applicatons for serum, plasma, whole blood or hemolysate (HbA1c), and urine (microalbumin)
  • Standardised and in compliance with international recommendations
    • Most specific proteins are standardised against CRM 470
    • HbA1c methodologies on whole blood or hemolysate are NGSP-certified
  • Purified and concentrated antiserums
    • Long shelf-life (up to 5 years)
    • No risk of antigen excess on IgA, IgG, IgM


none here
ReferencestestsFormulationContainer formatNumber of tests
A11A01626ALP CPIFCCCassette125
A11A01627ALT CPIFCCCassette250
A11A01629AST CPIFCCCassette250
A11A01628Amylase CPEPS-G7Cassette125
A11A01632CK NAC CPIFCC/DGKCCassette125
A11A01643CK-MB RTUNAC Immuno-inhibitionVial125
A11A01630GGT CPSZAZ Carboxilated SubstrateCassette250
A11A01644LDH RTUDGKCVial125
A11A01631Lipase CPColorimetricCassette100


none here
ReferenceDesignationFormulationContainer formatNumber of tests
11A01664Albumin CPBromocresol GreenCassette327
A11A01639Total Bilirubin CPDCACassette200
A11A01635Direct Bilirubin CPDCACassette100
A11A01633Calcium CPOCPCassette250
A11A01634Cholesterol CPChol. esterase / Chol. OxidaseaCassette380
A11A01636HDL, Direct CPPolyanionsCassette240
A11A01638LDL, Direct CPDetergent / Chol Oxidase/ EsteraseCassette100
A11A01645CO2 RTUUV EnzymaticVial200 (2x100)
A11A01666Creatinine CPJaffe/Alkaline PicrateCassette120
A11A01679Fructosamine NBTVial600 (6x100)
A11A01668Glucose PAP CPPeroxidaseCassette327
A11A01667Glucose HK CPGlucose HexokinaseCassette200
A11A01637Iron CPFereneCassette327
A11A01721Lactic AcidLactate oxidase/PeroxidaseVial260 (10x26)
A11A01646Magnesium RTUXylidyl BlueVial200 (2x100)
A11A01665Phosphorus CPAmmonium Molybdate UVCassette100
A11A01669Total Protein CPBiuretCassette300
A11A01642Urinary Proteins CPPyrogalol redCassette100
A11A01640Triglycerides CPPAPCassette327
A11A01670Uric Acid CPUricase/PeroxidaseCassette220
A11A01641Urea CPGLDHCassette220
A11A01642Urinary Proteins CPPyrogalol redCassette100

Specific Proteins

ReferenceDesignationFormulationContainer FormatNumber of tests
A11A01693Alpha 1-AntitrypsinTIAVial660
A11A01687Apo A1TIAVial215
A11A01688Apo BTIAVial300
A11A01612ASO CPLatex TIACassette100
A11A01611CRP CPLatex TIACassette200
A11A01614Ferritin CPLatex TIACassette100
A11A01702HbA1C WBLatex TIAVial345
A11A01623Micro-albumin CPTIACassette150
A11A01615Myoglobin CPLatex TIACassette100
A11A01613RF CPLatex TIACassette100

Auxiliary Reagents

ReferenceDesignationFormulationContainer formatVolume
A11A01655Accelerator I CPBufferCassette99 mL
A11A01656Accelerator II CPBufferCassette99 mL
A11A01675Accelerator IV CPBufferCassette99 mL
A11A01730HbA1c WB Hemolysis ReagentHemolysingVial110 mL
A11A01662Sample Diluent CPBufferCassette99 mL


ReferenceDesignationFormulationContainer Format
A11A01652MultiCalLyo10 x 3 mL
A11A01647HDL CalLyo2 x 1 mL
A11A01678LDL CalLyo2 x 1 mL
A11A01648CO2 CalRTU3 x 3 mL
A11A01616CRP CalRTU5 x 1 mL
A11A01617ASO CalRTU4 x 1 mL
A11A01619Ferritin CalRTU4 x 1 mL
A11A01618RF CalRTU5 x 1 mL
A11A01620Myoglobin CalRTU5 x 1 mL
A11A01624µ-Alb CalRTU5 x 1 mL
A11A01703HbA1c WB CalRTU1 x 8 mL + 5 x 2 mL
A11A01698Protein CalRTU4 x 1 mL
A11A01773Apo CalLyo2 x 1 mL
A11A01680Fructo CalLyo3 x 1 mL
A11A01673Urine CalRTU3 x 1 mL


ReferenceDesignationFormulationContainer Format
A11A01653N ControlLyo10 x 5 mL
A11A01654P ControlLyo10 x 5 mL
A11A01786CK ControlLyo4 x 3 mL
A11A01650CO2 ControlRTU3 x 3 mL
A11A01621Immuno I Control L/HLyo1 x 3 mL + 1 x 3 mL
A11A01622Immuno II Control L/HLyo1 x 3 mL + 1 x 3 mL
A11A01625µ-Alb Control L/HRTU2 x 1 mL + 2 x 1 mL
A11A01731Low CRP ControlRTU4 x 1 mL
A11A01704HbA1c WB ControlLyo2 x 0.25 mL + 2 x 0.25 mL
A11A01700Protein Control L/HRTU2 x 1 mL + 2 x 1 mL
A11A01774Apo Control L/HLyo1 mL + 1 mL
A11A01681Fructo Control NLyo3 x 1 mL
A11A01682Fructo Control PLyo3 x 1 mL
A11A01674Urine Control L/HRTU1 x 10 mL + 1 x 10 mL


ReferenceDesignationFormulationContainer FormatCapacity
A11A01717Standard 1RTUBottle280 mL
A11A01718Standard 2RTUBottle100 mL
A11A01719ReferenceRTUBottle100 mL
A11A01769Etching CPRTUCassette25 mL


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-12-31 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
这是ABX PENTRA400的演示视频
 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-12-31 10:01 | 显示全部楼层
朱凡 发表于 2009-6-19 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
赵虎 发表于 2011-6-10 16:47 | 显示全部楼层
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