Barry designed and build a Cardiac Output Computer Simulator some years ago. It works well, is cheap and not too difficult to build. Here his instructions:
| Do-it-yourself
Cardiac Output Computer Simulator
created by Barry Voss
Overview of the Thermodilution Cardiac Output Computer Simulator
In clinical practice cardiac output can be estimated with the thermodilution method. A catheter is insertedinto the pulmonary artery. The catheter has a thermistor in the tip measuring the temperature of the blood.A second thermistor is inserted into a bag of saline to measure its temperature (the saline is the injectate).The injectate is typically room temperature or iced saline (0 degrees centigrade). On the cardiac outputcomputer the user enters a 'constant'. This is a number determined by the manufacturer that tells thecomputer the temperature of the injectate, and the volume of the injectate over a prescribed period oftime. The constant is a number that the user looks up on a chart provided by the manufacturer. A typicalinjectate volume would be 10 ml, and a typical time would be 3 seconds. The user presses a 'startmeasurement' button on the computer and delivers the injectate via syringe into the catheter and thus intothe artery of the patient. The thermistor at the tip of the catheter measures the temperature differential ofthe blood/saline over time and performs a calculation estimating the cardiac output. Cardiac outputtypically run in the 3 to 8 liters per minute range. This process is very technique dependant so threemeasurements are done to get a good average.
Cardiac output is measured by placing a catheter with a thermistor on the tip through the rightventricle into the pulmonary artery, injecting cold saline into the catheter, and integrating theresulting pulmonary artery temperature profile...
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