Key CELL-DYN Sapphire™ Benefits
- Patented MAPSS™ plus 3- color fluorescent technology increases accuracy for better patient care
- First pass fluorescent NRBC analysis improves efficiency and patient care
- First pass optical platelet analysis provides greater confidence to the laboratory and physician
- Routine monoclonal analysis now allows Hematology Analyzers to be truly Diagnostic Instruments
- The internal design provides dependability, which minimizes service and maintenance requirements
- Simple, automated, single mode calibration makes calibration procedures a quick and easy operation
- Minimal maintenance with on board automated logs to track every maintenance action ensures a reliable system and increases laboratory efficiency
WBC and Differential
Multi-dimensional cell classification using patented Multi Angle Polarized Scatter Separation ( MAPSS™) plus 3-color Fluorescent technology provides analysis of both the White Blood Cell count and the Differential on the CELL-DYN Sapphire™. MAPSS™ plus 3-color Fluorescence uses fluorescent flowcytometric measurements of multiple angles of light scatter of up to 20,000 cellular events. This unique process enables multiple scatterplots to be produced to further the characterization of cellular events. Information is available on the CELL-DYN Sapphire™ to provide:
- Identification and enumeration of WBCs and subpopulations
- Identification of abnormal cell types
- Identification of interfering substances thereby giving:
- First pass identification of NRBCs
- Accurate Identification of Platelet Clumps
WBC differentials are virtually free of interference from NRBCs, clumped platelets, and debris providing improved laboratory efficiency and better patient care.
A Resistant RBC Mode enables samples flagged for the presence of resistant RBCs to be analyzed by a stronger lytic method to exclude resistant RBCs from the total WBC count and differential, resulting in a reduction of manual slide reviews and manual verification of the WBC count.
Nucleated Red Blood Cell ( NRBC ) Enumeration
Using red fluorescence, every sample is analyzed for the presence of Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBCs). The fluorescent DNA measurement then identifies NRBCs improving the ability to accurately detect pathology.
NRBCs, on the CELL-DYN Sapphire™ are enumerated as a unique nucleated cell sub-population, eliminating the need to correct the WBC count.
Platelet Analysis
The Platelet Count is considered the one of the most clinically important CBC parameters. The CELL-DYN Sapphire™ uses multiple technologies to provide the highest degree of accuracy for this critical result.
The primary method employs the use of dual angle optical analysis, which has the ability to eliminate common interferences such as fragmented or small red blood cells. Every count is validated by an impedance method notifying the operator of possible interferences.
Importantly, the CELL-DYN Sapphire™ also has the unique ability to offer yet a third platelet method. The fully automated, random access CD61 monoclonal marker is specific for platelets. This optional monoclonal method can prove beneficial in verification of critical platelet results that are complicated with interferences as well as giving increased confidence in platelet transfusion management.
The CELL-DYN Sapphire™ uses true fluorescent flow cytometry providing automated, random access reticulocyte analysis . This method allows for excellent separation of mature RBCs, platelets and the presence of leukocytosis from the reticulocyte population. The fluorescent method also provides an Immature Reticulocyte Fraction – IRF. With high sensitivity, the IRF is able to provide further clinical information when monitoring bone marrow response.
Fully Automated Monoclonal Antibody Analysis
The CELL-DYN Sapphire™ is the only routine Hematology Analyzer that is able to provide fully automated, random access monoclonal antibody analysis. This unique ability offers the laboratory reportable, fully automated CD61 immunoplatelet count in approximately 4 minutes, and a fully automated CD3/4 and CD3/8 Immuno T-cell count is in approximately 7 minutes.
In addition, the ability to download FCS ( flow cytometry standard ) files opens up additional opportunities for monoclonal analysis on the CELL-DYN Sapphire™ analyzer.
CELL-DYN Sapphire™ Specifications
- The 100 sample autoloader shares a single fluidic pathway with the open (micro) mode. This eliminates potential bias that can occur between multiple processing modes providing better confidence in patient results.
- Full data management with data storage for 10,000 cycles with intuitive software and graphics allows for easy assessment of patient results and simplified staff training.
- Onboard searchable operator's manual provides easy access to information.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-21 22:57:03编辑过]