Product Information Histology Solvents and Reagents
A competitive range of convenient packed solvents and alcohol’s especially manufactured to meet your specific needs in a variety of Histology and Cytology laboratory techniques.
A broad range of ready-to-use alcohols and mixtures are available in convenient and easy-to- carry HDPE cans. The quality of these alcohols matches your needs in Histo pathology and Cytology laboratory techniques. Extensive testing has proven the suitability and indicated excellent results when used in appropriate staining and tissue preparation procedures. The range of alcohol’s consists of Methanol, Ethanol, Ethanol denatured with Methanol, IPA and Benzyl alcohol.
Alongside the widely used UltraClear, both Xylene and Toluene are available in a Histo grade quality. These solvents are especially prepared for use in all Histology technologies in the laboratory, like coverslipping and tissue embedding.
We supply an excellent type of Paraffin: UltraPar. UltraPar dissolves extremely well in organic solvents and UltraClear. Also sectioning at 2 祄 is easily performed. UltraPar does not shrink and it does not crack during cooling.
Product availability
Hematoxyline Mayer
1 liter
Hematoxyline Mayer
2.5 liter
Eosine Solution 0.2% ready to use
1 liter
Eosine Solution 0.2% ready to use
2.5 liter
Eosine Solution 0.2% aqueous use
1 liter
Eosine Solution 0.2% aqueous use
2.5 liter