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郑振寰 发表于 2007-1-26 08:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Clinical body fluid test


Bacillary dysentery: 杆菌()痢疾, 菌痢

An infectious disease caused by bacteria of the Shigella species and characterized by blood diarrhea. The disease is common in, but not restricted to, tropical regions.The worst case is usually that caused by S. Dysenteriae I. Stool mucus, abdominal pain, tenesmus and dehydration may also be present. Identical symptoms can, however, be produced by other bacteria.

Blood-brain barrier: 血脑屏障

The barrier exists between the blood and the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord.

Cast: 管型

A positive copy or likeness of a hollow organ (a renal tubule, bronchiole, etc), which is formed of effused plastic matter and extruded from the body.A urinary cast can be a bacterial cast , a hyalin cast , a cell cast ,a epithelial cast or a fatty cast.

Cerebrospinal fluid: 脑脊液

CSF is a clear colourless fluid contained in the subarachnoid space and ventricular system of the brain and spinal cord.

Cholera: 霍乱

A contagious disease caused by Vibrio Cholerae, which produces a toxin that alters the water and electrolyte fluxes toward secretion in the upper intestinal tract, thereby causing a profuse,watery diarrhea resulting in severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. The disease is endemic in southeast Asia and India and epidemic globally. It is commonly transmitted in contaminated drinking water.

Chylous effusion: 乳靡渗出

A large collection of lymph fluid in the serous cavity, sometimes secondary to blockage of the main lymph duct or injury to it.

Cryptococcal meningitis: 隐球菌性脑膜炎

Cryptococcal inflammation of the meninges. When it affects the dura mater, the disease is termed pachymeningitis, when the arachnoid and pia mater are involved, it is called leptomeningitis or meningitis proper.

Epithelial cell: 上皮细胞

A kind of cell constitutes epithelium that is a membranous cellular tissue, which covers a free surface or lines a tube or cavity of an animal body.There are several types: columnar epithelial cell, squamaus epithelial cell, transitional epithelial cell and tailed epithelial cell.

Exudates: 渗出物,渗出液

Material, such as fluid, cells or cellular debris, which has escaped from blood vessels and has been deposited in tissues or on tissue surfaces, usually as a result of inflammation.An exudate, in contrast to a transudate, is characterized by a high content of protein, cells or solid materials derived from cells.

Glycosuria: 糖尿

Excretion of abnormal amounts of glucose or other sugars in urine.

Hemoglobinuria: 血红蛋白尿

The presence of free hemoglobin or its derivatives in urine. The urine is dark brown in color. Hemoglobinuria should be differentiated from lysis of erythrocytes during hematuria by dilute or alkaline urine.Hemoglobinuria may result from toxins, some infections, incompatible blood transfusions, extensive burns, excessive physical exertion, and as a feature of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria,or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Sudden hemoglobinuria may be a primary cause of a contributing factor to acute renal failure.

Lumbar puncture: 腰椎穿刺

A diagnostic procedure where a sterile needle is introduced into the lower spine (L2) to collect cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic purposes.Chemical analysis, cellular analysis and CSF pressure can all be measured with this procedure. This test can aid in the diagnosis of meningitis, subarachnoidhemorrhage and multiple sclerosis.

Microscopic hematuria: 显微镜性血尿

Excretion of urine containing blood, which can be demonstrated only by the microscope and usually equal or more than 3/HPF.

Myoglobinuria: 肌红蛋白尿

The presence of myoglobin in the urine, as in deficiency of muscle phosphorylase, in crush injuries, and after vigorous and prolonged exercise in susceptible persons.

Occult blood: 潜血, 隐血

Blood that is in the feces or vomitus that is not obvious by general inspection. Occult blood test is used as a diagnostic screening test for colon cancer and peptic ulcer.

Oliguria or anuria: 无尿症,无尿少尿

Oliguria: scanty urine excretion. It may occur in acute renal failure, dehydration, shock, congestive heart failure, and urinary tract obstruction in the urethra,in bilateral ureteral obstruction or in unilateral renal obstruction if only one kidney is functional. Usually urine volume is less than 0.4L/24 hours or 17ml/hour.Anuria: the absence of urine formation. Usually urine volume is less than 100ml/24 hours. It may result from urethral obstruction, bilateral cortical necrosis, or severe acute glomerulonephritis.

Polyuria: 多尿症

The formation of urine in abnormally large volume, reflected by frequency and as wellas by volume of urination. Usually urine volume is more than 2.5L/24 hours.

Pregnancy test: 妊娠试验

A laboratory examination to confirm whether a woman is pregnant.

Proteinuria: 蛋白尿

Urinary excretion of abnormal amounts of protein. Normally protein screen test is positive when up to 150 milligrams of protein be excreted per 24 hours.Persistent proteinuria is an important sign of renal disease, either primary or related to systemic disorders.

Purulent meningitis: 化脓性脑膜炎

Bacterium inflammation of the meninges. When it affects the dura mater, the disease is termed pachymeningitis, when the arachnoid and pia mater are involved, it is called leptomeningitis or meningitis proper.

Specific gravity: 比重

A measure of concentration, it is the weight of a substance as compared (as a ratio) with that of an equal volume of pure water.

Tarry stool: 柏油样粪,血便

When upper digestive tract bleeds over 50 ml, erythrocytes are destroyed by gastrointestinal fluid and hemoglobin is released.Then hemoglobin degrades to hemachrome, porphyrin and iron. Iron combine with sulfide to become iron sulfide. The stool, mixture of iron sulfide and intestinal mucus, shows a tarry appearance.

Transudate: 漏出液

A transudate is derived fluid substance from plasma, which has passed through a membrane or been extruded from a tissue.

Urinalysis: 尿分析(),尿检验

A laboratory examination of urine, usually a screening routine for unselected urine specimens. Variables evaluation are color, concentration as indicated by specific gravity or osmolality ,PH , and the presence of a variety of chemical constituents , especially sugar , protein , and blood. A microscopic examination of formed elements is often included.

Urobilin: 尿胆素

An oxidized form of urobilinogen found in the feces and sometimes in urine left standing in the air.

Urobilinogen: 尿胆素原

A colorless compound formed in the intestines by the reduction of bilirubin. Some is excreted in the feces, where by oxidation it becomes urobilin;Some is reabsorbed, excreted in the urine as urobilinogen and re-excreted in the bile as bilirubin. The urobilinogen in the urine may be later oxidized to urobilin.


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