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郑振寰 发表于 2007-1-26 08:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Clinical kidney function test


Azotemia 氮质血症

The accumulation of nitrogenous wastes such as urea and creatinine in blood, resulting from renal function disorder.

Bence-Jones protein: Bence-Jones蛋白

These proteins are dimers of immunoglobulin light chains, normally produced by plasma cells. Bence-Jones proteins are sufficiently small to be excreted by the kidney. It is a characteristic protein found in the urine of most patients with multiple myeloma. It can be used to help in diagnosis of the disease and to monitor the response to treatment.

Broad cast (renal failure cast): 宽管型

A cast approximately four times as broad as the usual cast, formed in a collecting tubule. The presence in urine of large numbers reflects end-stage renal disease.

Cellular cast 细胞管型

A cast in which there are red blood cells or/and white blood cells et al.

Charge barrier: 电荷屏障

The glomerular basement membrane possesses negatively charged sites that restrict the filtration of macromolecules carrying negative charge (e.g. albumin).

Chyluria: 乳糜尿

The presence of chyle in the urine. Chyluria results from rupture of lymphatics in the presence of obstruction of the upper abdominal or thoracic lymph flow due to any cause. Thus chylus leaks into the renal pelvis. The presence of chyle causes the urine to appear milky.

Concentration and dilution test: 浓缩稀释试验

One of the distal nephron function test. Distal nephron regulates the body water balance mainly by its concentration and dilution function. The estimation of reduction in concentrating and diluting ability of the kidney can provid the sensitive means of detecting early impairment in renal function.

Creatinine: 肌酐

Creatinine is the product of creatine metabolism. It is freely filtered at the glomeruli and is not reabsorbed by the tubules. The amount of creatinine per unit of muscle is constant and the concentration of plasma creatinine is stable.

Cystatin C: 半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C

γ-trace protein, post-γ-globulin. A family of human cystein protease inhibitors. Cystatin C is a basic microglobulin with molecular weight of 13 KD. It shows a faint post-γ-band in the electrophoresis. Serum cystatin C is a muscle independent marker for GFR.

Endogenous creatinine clearance: 内生肌酐清除率

An evaluation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) obtained by measurement of the amount of plasma creatinine and its rate of excretion into urine. The amount of creatinine produced by endogenous protein metabolism is relatively constant.

Fat cast : 脂肪管型

A cast, in which cellular elements have degenerated into lipid droplet-appearing material, reflecting advanced renal parenchymal disease.

Granular cast: 颗粒管型

A cast characterized by the presence of fine or coarse granules, usually tubular, representing degeneration of cells, previously incorporated into the cast. Granular cast reflects parenchymal renal disease.

Hyaline cast 透明管型

A clear, lightly refractile cylinder best seen in the urinary sediment upon microscopic examination under low lighting. Hyaline casts are composed mainly of Tomm-Horsfall protein, a mucoprotein of tubular origin, but also may contain other serum proteins. Their rate of formation depends on the degree of proteinuria, the urine flow rate and pH. They dissolve rapidly at alkaline situation. Although usually associated with renal parenchymal.

Isosthenuria: 等渗尿, 等张尿

The urine having the same osmolality (about 300 mosm/kg H2O) as the normal plasma.

Jaundice 黄疸

Yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from hyperbilirubinemia and subsequent deposition of bile pigment in the involved structure.

Ketonacidosis: 酮症酸中毒

A metabolic acidosis associated with an accumulation of ketone bodies that is characteristic of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

Ketonemia 酮血症

Also acetonemia. An increased concentration of acetone in the blood seen in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and in starvation.

Ketonuria 酮尿

The excretion of ketone bodies in the urine, as seen in starvation, fever and diabetes mellitus.

Light chain: 轻链(免疫球蛋白)

Usually means the lighter of the two types of polypeptide chains that are found in immunoglobulin or antibody molecules. Also used as a nonspecific term for the smaller subunits of several proteins such as immunoglobulin, myosin, dynein, clathrin.

Glomerular filtration rate: 肾小球滤过率

The rate in milliliters per minute at which plasma substances are filtered through the glomeruli into the proximal tubule.

Low molecular weight protein: 低分子量蛋白

A group of urinary proteins whose molecular weight are below 50KD (e.g.α1-microglobulin, retinol-binding protein, etc).

Microalbumin: 微量白蛋白

Microalbumin is defined as an elevated albumin excretion in urine (30mg~300mg/24h), that is not detectable by urine dipstick test. Urinary microalbumin is an early sign of renal injury, and a marker of renal disease progression.

Mosenthal test: 莫氏试验

A concentration function test. Allow the patient to have an ordinary food and fluid intake. Collect separately the urine voided by the patient every 2h in the day and the total urine in the night. Measure the specific gravity and the volume of each of the urine specimens.

Non-selective proteinuria: 非选择性蛋白尿

Proteinuria characterized by the excretion of proteins with a wide range of molecular weights, usually but not exclusively associated with diffuse proliferative and membranous types of glomerulonephritis.

Inulin clearance: 菊粉清除()

Polysaccharide inulin is the substance filtered freely at the glomeruli, but is not secreted or absorbed by tubules.The inulin clearance is the most accurate estimation of GFR up to now. But the test is cumbersome, time-consuming and uncomfortable to the patient.

Osmolality: 重量克分子渗透压浓度

Osmolality is used to identify the number of moles of particles per kilogram of water. The osmolality of a solution does not depend on the kind of particles of a substance or its electrical charge, but only on the number of particles.

Renal function 肾功能

The primary function of kidney is to regulate the body's internal environment. The renal function consists of formation of urine, regulation of fluid-electrolyte balance and acid-base balance, excretion of waste products, and hormonal functions.

Renal threshold sugar: 肾糖阈

The point of sugar (glucose) concentration in the blood (8.88mmol/L in the normal) at which the kidney will excrete sugar (glucosuria); called also leak point.

Renal tubule acidosis: 肾小管酸中毒

A clinical syndrome characterized by inability to excrete acid urine, and by low plasma bicarbonate and high plasma chloride concentrations, often with hypokalemia.

Selective proteinuria: 选择性蛋白尿

Proteinuria is restricted to albumin and smaller globulins such as transferrin (molecular weight 99000). It is usually but not exclusively seen in lipoid nephrosis and in early glomerular injury.

Tubular proteinuria 肾小管性蛋白尿

Failure of tubular reabsorption of normally filtered proteins. Usually less than 1g/24hours. Main clinical cause is the following: exogenous poisons (cadmium, Hg, some antimicrobials), endogenous metabolite (cystine, light chains etc), immunologic reaction (transplantation rejection, sarcoid) and congenital disease (Fanconi syndrome).

Urea: 尿素

Urea is the final product of protein catabolism. Blood urea concentration elevates in the presence of advanced renal function disorder.

Uric Acid 尿酸

Uric acid is derived from the oxidation of purine bases. There is progressive increase of plasma uric acid level in the advanced renal insufficiency.

Urinary sediment 尿沉淀

The particulate material present in urine, separated by centrifugation. It consists of cells, casts, crystals and sometimes microorganisms. The quantity and composition of urine sediment undergo characteristic changes in many renal and non-renal conditions so that microscopic examination of the sediment of freshly passed urine is often a useful diagnostic procedure.


A glycoprotein of 30000 daltons that formed in liver cells and lymphocytes. It can be freely filtered from the glomerular basement membrane and completely reabsorbed by the renal proximal tubules. When proximal tubule is injured, it will increase in the urine.


β2-microglobulin is a polypeptide of 11800 daltons that forms the light chain of class Ⅰmajor histocompatibility antigens and can therefore be detected on all cells bearing these antigens. Increased free β2-microglobulin is found in the blood of some immunologic diseases and glomerular injury, but in the urine of patients with tubule injury.

Waxy cast : 蜡样管型

A cast in which cellular elements have degenerated into waxy-appearing material, reflecting advanced renal parenchymal disease.


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