C COFF 088 095 UNSTABLE CONDUCTIVITY (HIGH TEST)错误代码088 095 不稳定的电导率(测试高值) Unconditional error, blood pump available 绝对错误,血泵有效
General description of conditions for occurring: 故障的一般描述 - No conductivity value sent from CPU C to CPU P due to unstable signal 由于信号无效,没有电导率的值传送到CPU C和CPU P.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: 故障的技术说明 - PRI(PI_CondNoAchHighErrCnt) > 0 PRI 〉0 - Unstable cond. value in conductivity cell B, FRI(FI_MM90CONDB) 传导单元B无效值
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred:故障发生的可能情况 - Air in fluid path 管道存在空气 - Broken CPU C conductivity cell (cell B) 传导单元B的CPU C损坏 - Broken MM I/O board MM 接口板损坏 - Broken control driver board 控制驱动板损坏。