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spzxlp 发表于 2007-4-22 16:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我医院现在用的是AGFA3300的相机,不知道最近怎么了,经常出现自检半天过不去,最后出现了一个ERR634的错误数字,因为我们的医院小,也没专门的维修人员,AGFA公司收费也太昂贵,所以在这里问问各位老师 ,能帮忙解决一下这个问题

BeckmanCoulter DXA系列培训资料
Ortho VITROS 系列培训资料
Ortho enGen_ThermoFisher TCA 实验室自动化系统培训资料
Roche Cobas 实验室自动化系统培训资料
Roche Cobas modular系列分析仪培训资料
Horiba-ABX Yumizen系列培训资料
DiaSorin Liaison系列培训资料
Atellica Solution系列培训资料
Siemens Immunoassay系列培训资料 西门子化学发光系列
SIEMENS Advia系列培训资料 西门子生化系列
Toshiba/Abbott系列培训资料 东芝雅培生化系列
Abbott Architect 系列培训资料 雅培生化化学发光系列
ACL TOP 系列培训资料 沃芬TOP血凝系列
BeckmanCoulter Immunoassay系列培训资料 贝克曼化学发光系列
BeckmanCoulter DXH 系列培训资料 贝克曼DXH血球系列
BeckmanCoulter自动样品处理系统介绍性培训资料 贝克曼前后处理流水线系列
BeckmanCoulter AU系列培训资料 贝克曼AU生化系列
BeckmanCoulter DXC系列培训资料 贝克曼DXC生化系列
LaboSpect003/008/AS 7100/7180分析仪培训资料
Horiba-ABX系列培训资料 Horiba-ABX血球系列
Sysmex 血凝系列培训(CA/CS)
Sysmex 尿液分析系列培训(UF1000/5000/UC3500)
Sysmex 血球系列培训(KX21/POCH/XS/XT/XE)
Sysmex XN系列培训(XN-L/XN1000/XN2000/XN3000/XN9000)
Sysmex HISCL系列培训

郑振寰 发表于 2007-4-22 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| spzxlp 发表于 2007-4-22 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢 管理员
郑振寰 发表于 2007-4-30 16:35 | 显示全部楼层


=msg 634
Meaning: 322GS CAL sensor does not receive laser beam
main reasons status 08/98:
If old DA converter is installed (black or golden lid) most likely D/A converter on laser
control board 134GS defective.
Check output of laser control board like described below.
Replace laser control board if output is not o.k.
2) At SW versions LTP1305 and 1405 the test whether beam is present is already
done after 6 secs after switch on.
If the laser tube is switched on at very low temperature (<15›C) it may take more than
6 secs. until the tube is on.
At LTP01509 this test is done after 30 secs, avoiding error message 634.)
3) Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No
real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW <
LTP18XX): Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
4) Wrong message due to a delayed ignition of the laser tube. No
real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW <
LTP18XX): Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.

Remark: First of all, test if laser beam is present in the film plane with the service program
(repair - tests - print engine - AOM test - bright). If beam is not present in the filmplane
check if laser tube works: insert a firm piece of paper between laser tube and pre scan
---No beam present:---
Reason: 402GS (Power supply for laser tube) defective
Cure: Check fuse 400 Si2.
Check voltage 2,5 kV by connecting a spare high voltage
power supply 402 GS at the laser tube.
Reason: 300EL (HE-NE laser tube) defective
Cure: Replace HE-NE laser by changing "pre scan unit"
Reason: 308GS AOM defective.
Cure: Check 118GS (AOM driver) like described below. If it is o.k.dismount pre scan cover
and check beam in the optical path after diaphragm. Service program: AOM bright. If
beam is not present behind diaphragm exchange 308 GS (AOM) by changing "prescan
unit". Adjust AOM driver afterwards.if beam is present check laser optical path for alien
element or broken part.
---Beam present:---
Reason: 300M1 (polarized filter motor) or 314GS (I/O Bus laser calibration board) defective.
Cure: Check polarized filter motor with service software.
Check voltage (8V ripple) for polarized filter motor on 314GS (laser calibration board).
Remark: Replace 314GS (laser calibration board) and 322 GS Cal sensor always together
Cure: Check fuses Si1/Si2 in 130GS (Power Supply Print Engine)
Cure: Check voltage on 130GS (Power Supply Print Engine): +/- 18V DC
Reason: 118GS (AOM-driver board) or 134GS (I/O Bus laser control board defective).
Cure: Check +/-18 V DC and fuses Si1 and Si2 on 130GS (power supply print engine)
Cure: Check +25 V DC and fuse Si3 on 130GS (power supply print engine).
If fuse is blown check the current supplied to the AOM driver.
If the current is higher than 400 mA exchange the AOM driver and adjust the new
Cure: Check 134 (GS I/O Bus laser control board) output:
- connect a T-piece at video plug on 118GS AOM driver
- check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:
(repair - tests - printengine - AOM test)
AOM off Þ appr. -360mV (+/-60 mV)
AOM bright Þ appr. +460mV (+/-60mV)
Cure: Check output (RF) of 118GS (AOM driver board) with oscilloscope
- switch laser imager off
- plug in a T-connector at 118GS (AOM driver) output
switch laser imager on and check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:
AOM off Þ appr. 0V, 80 MHz
AOM bright Þ appr. 15 V, 80 MHz
Reason: 300MG1 (lifting magnet), 322GS (Cal sensor) or 314GS (laser calibration board)
Cure: Check lifting magnet with the service program.
Calibrate with the service program to different values up to 254.
Remark: Replace 314GS laser calibration board and 322GS cal sensor always together.
Reason: Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No real
hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW < LTP18XX).
Cure: Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.

爱克发维修(广州) 发表于 2007-5-4 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
chen007 发表于 2007-8-24 16:58 | 显示全部楼层


sj256 发表于 2008-5-23 18:05 | 显示全部楼层


Meaning : 322GS CAL sensor does not receive laser beam (main reasons status 08/98:        

 1) If old DA converter is installed (black or golden lid) most likely D/A converter on laser control board 134GS defective.        
    Check output of laser control board like described below.        
    Replace laser control board if output is not o.k.)       
 2) At SW versions LTP1305 and 1405 the test whether beam is present is already done after 6 secs after switch on.        
    If the laser tube is switched on at very low temperature (<15汣) it may take more than 6 secs. until the tube is on. At LTP01509 this test is done after 40 secs, avoiding error message 634.)       

 3) Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW < LTP18XX): Upgrade to SW LTP_1A04* or higher
 4) Wrong message due to a delayed ignition of the laser tube. No real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW < LTP18XX): Upgrade device SW to LTP_1A04* or higher.
   *Order Numbers:
-CM+9.8394.3623.0 DIL EPROM (for RK188 + installed in type 8390 and 8391, type 8394/300 up to SN2768 and type 8394/600 up to SN4670)
-CM+9.8394.3577.0 Flash Eprom (for RK188 pro installed in type 8394/300 as of SN2769 and type 8394/600 as of SN4671).

Remark  : First of all test if laser beam is present in the film       
          plane with the service program (repair - tests - print       
          engine - AOM test - bright). If beam is not present in       
          the filmplane check if laser tube works: insert a firm       
          piece of paper between laser tube and pre scan cover.       
        ---No beam present:---       
Reason  : 402GS (Power supply for laser tube) defective       

Cure    : Check fuse 400 Si2.        
          Check voltage 2,5 kV by connecting a spare high voltage       
          power supply 402 GS at the laser tube.       
Reason  : 300EL (HE-NE laser tube) defective       
Cure    : Replace HE-NE laser by changing "pre scan unit"       
Reason  : 308GS AOM defective.       
Cure    : Check 118GS (AOM driver) like described below. If it is o.k. dismount pre scan cover and check beam in the optical path after diaphragm. Service program: AOM bright.       

          If beam is not present behind diaphragm exchange 308 GS (AOM) by changing "pre scan unit". Adjust AOM driver afterwards.       
          If beam is present check laser optical path for alien element or broken part.       
        ---Beam present:---       
Reason  : 300M1 (polarized filter motor) or 314GS (I/O Bus       
          laser calibration board) defective.       
Cure    : Check polarized filter motor with service software.       

          Check voltage (8V ripple) for polarized filter motor on        
          314GS (laser calibration board).       
Remark  : Replace 314GS (laser calibration board) and 322 GS Cal sensor always together                 
Cure    : Check fuses Si1/Si2 in 130GS (Power Supply Print Engine)       
Cure    : Check voltage on 130GS (Power Supply Print Engine): +/- 18V DC       
Reason  : 118GS (AOM-driver board) or 134GS (I/O Bus laser control       

          board defective).       
Cure    : Check +/-18 V DC and fuses Si1 and Si2 on 130GS        
          (power supply print engine)       
Cure    : Check +25 V DC and fuse Si3 on 130GS (power supply print engine).       
          If fuse is blown check the current supplied to the AOM driver. If the current is higher than 400 mA exchange the AOM driver and adjust the new board.       
Cure    : Check 134 (GS I/O Bus laser control board) output:       
        - connect a T-piece at video plug on 118GS AOM driver       

        - check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:       
          (repair - tests - printengine - AOM test)      
          AOM off    ---> appr. -360mV (+/-60 mV) 
          AOM bright ---> appr. +460mV (+/-60mV) 
Cure    : Check output (RF) of 118GS (AOM driver board) with oscilloscope       
        - switch laser imager off       
        - plug in a T-connector at 118GS (AOM driver) output       
        - switch laser imager on and check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:       

          AOM off    ---> appr. 0V, 80 MHz       
          AOM bright ---> appr. 15 V, 80 MHz       
Reason  : 300MG1 (lifting magnet), 322GS (Cal sensor) or 314GS (laser calibration board) defective.       
Cure    : Check lifting magnet with the service program.       
          Calibrate with the service program to different values up to 254.       
          Remark: Replace 314GS laser calibration board and 322GS cal sensor always together.       

Reason: : Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW < LTP18XX).
Cure:     Upgrade to SW LTP_1A04* or higher
          *Order Numbers:
-CM+9.8394.3623.0 DIL EPROM (for RK188 + installed in type 8390 and 8391, type 8394/300 up to SN2768 and type 8394/600 up to SN4670)
-CM+9.8394.3577.0 Flash Eprom (for RK188 pro installed in type 8394/300 as of SN2769 and type 8394/600 as of SN4671).

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