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上海市临床检验中心 胡晓波 李 冰 金大鸣 张锦锋
目前,国际上关于血细胞计数的标准化工作主要由国际血液学标准化委员会(ICSH)来推动。ICSH(international council for standardization in haematology)是一个促进和鼓励改良方法,推动建立国际间血液分析数据可比性的标准,提供专业间交流的非官方组织。
ICSH源于1963年欧洲血液学协会成立的标准化委员会,首次讨论的主题是红细胞方法学和标准化。到1966年,正式成立国际血液学标准化委员会。目前,ICSH组成了由主席、副主席、秘书长、秘书、财务负责人和干事组成的委员会,现任主席是澳大利亚的W.Hughes博士,前任主席是美国的BS.Bull教授,第一副主席是英国的A.j.Bellingham教授,第二副主席是美国的E.Simson博士,秘书长是美国的O.W.van Assendelft博士,执行秘书是英国的R.M.Rowan博士,财务负责人是美国的B.Houwen博士,干事有来自ISLH的加拿大人B.Fernandes博士,来自WHO的英国人S.M.Lewis博士,来自ISBT的新西兰人P.Strengers博士,和美国的J.A.Koepke博士、日本的N.Tatsumi教授。
早期ICSH有4个独立工作组负责细胞计数方面的问题,包括细胞计数组(主席,PW Helleman),血细胞压积(PCV)组(主席,WH Crosby),细胞大小组(主席,JM England),和血红蛋白测定组(主席,OW van Assendelft),由SM Lewis和JF Coster作为秘书组协调工作。阶段性工作在1970年慕尼黑国际血液学委员会上作了专题报道,PW Helleman回顾了计数系统的物理原理,稀释液的化学成分,和如何控制这些因素,使红细胞计数和细胞大小测量标准化,涉及有脉冲增益、阈值、重合误差、毛细管小孔直径、流体动力学速率和流量、细胞通过小孔的浓度的问题。R Thom在对细胞计数小孔面积的研究中发现,细胞流经电极会影响脉冲电压,证明通过小孔时,红细胞会扭血成纺锤形,白细胞保持球形。SM Lewis建立了一种稳定的、用戊二醛固定的血细胞标准物,将血液和不同动物血液(山羊、马、人等)混合,用于核查脉冲和细胞大小分布曲线的制品,不过,因固定细胞与新鲜细胞通过检测敏感区的方式不同,需要通过形状因子来调节。
细胞测量组是将细胞计数、血细胞压积、细胞大小和血红蛋白测定组合并成立的,于1979年8月在伯林召开了第一次会议,当时主要成员有JM England(主席,已过世),RM Rowan(秘书),OW van Assendelf,BS Bull,W Coulter(Coulter公司,已过世),W Groner(Technicon公司),A Richardson-Jones,JA Koeple,SM Lewis和R Thom等,后来专家组扩大,增加了部分血液学家,如N Tatsumi、G DOnofrio、G Klee,和生物统计学家CE McLaren等。同时,吸引了Sysmex公司的K Fujimoto和Abbott公司的L van Hove。
1.Recommended Methods for the Determination of Packed Cell Volume by Centrifugation.WHO DocumentLAB/89.1,1989;
Biochi Clin 14,405-10,1990
2.ICSH Recommendations for the Analysis of Red Cell,White Cell and Platelet Size Distribution Curves.Methods for Fitting a Single Reference Distribution and Assessing its Goodness of Fit.Clin Lab Haematol 12,417-31,1990
3.ICSH Guidelines for Reticulocyte Counting by Microscopy on Supravitally Stained Preparations.WHO document LBS/92.3
4.Calibration and Maintenance of Semi-Automated Haematology Equipment.WHO document LBS/92.8
5.Recommendations of the ICSH for Ethylenediaminetetraacetc Acid Anticoagulation of Blood for Blood Cell Counting and Sizing.Am J Clin Path100,371-2,1993
6.Reference Method for the Enumeration of Erythrocytes and Leucocytes.Clin Lab Haematol 16,131-8,1994
7.Guidelines for the Evaluation of Bood Cell Analyzers Including those Used for Differential Leuko cyte and Reticulocyte Counting and Cell Marker Applications.Clin Lab Haematol16,157-74,1994
8. Recommendation of the ICSH on Reporting Differential Leukocyte Counts.Clin Lab Haematol17,113,1995
9.Stability of Haemiglobin Cyanide Standards,J Clin Path49,275-7,1996
10.Recommendations for Reference Method for Haemoglobinometry in Humman Blood (ICSH Stand and 1995)and Sepecifications for International Haemiglobincyanide Standard(4th edition).J Clin Path 49,271-4,1996
11.Recommended Method for the Determination of the Haemoglobin Concentration of Blood.WHO document LAB/84.10;Revised 1991
12.Revised Recommendations for the Measurement of the Serum Iron in Human Blood.Br J Haematol 75,615-6,1990
13.Stable Lyophilized Reagents for the Serum Ferritin Assay.Clini Lab Haematol 13,297-305,1991
14.Interpretation of Measured Red Cell Mass and Plasma Volume in Adults.Br J Haematol 89,748-56,1995
15.Announcement:Nomenclature of Platelet—Specific Antigens.British Journal of Haematoloty 74,239-40,1990 Revised Guidelines for Compatibility Testing in Hospital Blood Banks:Important Changes for Quality Assurance and Procedures.Clini Lab Haematol 12,235-6,1990
16.Recommended Procedures for the Classification of Acute Leukaemias.Leuk Lympho 11,37-50,1993
17.ICSH Recommendations for Measurement of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.J Clini Path 46,Rate.WHO document LAB/93.1
18.Recommendations for Standardization,Safety and Quality Control of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.WHO document LAB/93.1
19.Haematology Laboratory Management and Practice.S.M.Lewis and J.A.Koepke,eds.Butterworth—Heinemann,Oxford,UK,1995
20.Huefner Memorial Symposium:Analytical and Physiological Aspects of 100 Years of Hemoglobin Research.Lab Hematol 1,30-36;143-69,1995.van Assendelft OW,Introduction 1,143-4,1995 The Oxygen—Binding Capacity of Human Hemoglobin.Zijlstra WG,Huefner Memorial Lecture:1,145-53,1995.Reference Method for the Measur-
ement of Hemoglobin.van Assendelft OW,Buursma A,1,154-
5,1995,Spectrophotometric and Oxygen-Binding Properties of Human Whole Blood.Zwart A,1,156-60,1995.CO-Oximetric Measurement of Oxyhemoglobin,Deoxyhemoglobin,and Dyshe-
moglobins in Blood:Effects of Analytical Wavelength and Reference Method Selection.Brunelle JA,Degtiarov AM,Moran RF,Race LA,1,161-4,1995.Vasoconstriction and the Effic-
acy of Hemoglobin-Based Blood Substitutes.Wislow RM,1,165-9,1995.Blood Substitutes and their Possile Interference with Routine Laboratory Hematology Tests.Houwen B,Kim JC,Change L,Clement L,Hav K,Hull B,Klein O,Mast BJ,Lebeck LK,1,30-6,1995.
21.Review Article.Standardization and Harmonization of the Blood Count.The role of ICSH.S.M.Lewis.Euro J Haem-
Atoll 4,Suppl 53,9-13,1990
22.Evaluation of a 200 mm Long Vacuum Aspiration Tube for Measurement of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.M.Cas-
Well and J.Stuart.J Clin Path 44,429-30,1991
23.New evelopments inEstabishing Reference Methods in Blood Cel Counting.Lab Med 19,191-201,1995
24.Calibration and Control of Basic Blood Cell Counters.WHO/LAB/97.2
25.Methods for Reticulocyte Counting(flow cytometry & supravitaldyes);ApprovedGuideline.H44-A,Vol.17,No.15.N-CCLS/ICSH joint publication,1997
26.Proposed Reference Method for Reticulocyte Counting Based on the Determination of the Reticulocyte to Red Cell Ratio.Clin Lab Haematol 20,77-9,1998
27.Guidelines for the Organisation and Management of External Quality Assessment Schemes Using Proficiency Testing.Int J Hematol 69,45-52,1998
28.Advanced Lboratory Methods in Haematology Edited by RM Rowan,OW van Assendelft and FE Preston,Edware Arnold Ltd,433p,2002
29.Platelet Counting by the RBC/Platelet Ratio Method:A Reference Method.ICSH and ISLH.Am J Clin Path.115,460-464,2001
30.Recommendations for Single—Use Evacuated Containers for Blood Specimen Collection for Hematological Analyses.ICSH Lab Hematol 8,1-6,2002
31.Specimen Collection,Storage and Transmission to the Laboratory for Hematological Test.ISH/ICSH.Inter Hematol,75,261-268,2002
32.Recommendations for Reference Method for the Packed Cell Volume.ICSH Lab Hematol 7,148-170,2001