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郑振寰 发表于 2007-5-9 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2.2 Error Messages of the Laser imager
Service displays LR5200 / LR3300 / LR2100 Version 3 / Sept. 08, 1998
file ‘’errors.hlp
copy to c:\8390 on your service PC
Error messages at the laser imager display without error code.
Attention: only for LTP01305.
In LTP1405 and LTP1509 these error messages have own error codes.
Error display: Meaning
FIFO time-out: See error description for error 604
FOI violation: See error description for error 606
FOI_EFI error: See error description for error 608
=msg 100
Meaning: 142GS (FOI interface): AMDI cannot synchronize
Reason: FOI cable defective.
Cure: Check cable for damage.
Reason: Controller not ready.
Cure: Check operating condition of the controller.
2 green LED`s on the CPU on Þ Controller busy
bottom red LED on the CPU on Þ software error controller
red LED on CPU on Þ Fatal error controller refer to 6.3.3
=msg 101
Meaning: 142GS (FOI interface): waiting for feedback from controller
AMDI waits for positive acknowledge.
Reason: FOI interface in MG or LR hangup. Red LED on the FOI lights up.
Cure: Reset the Laser camera. Reset the Controller.
Red LED on the FOI interface must be off.
=msg 200
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error. Timer installation impossible.
Reason: Software error
Cure: Replace EPROM IC1 on the 102GS (CPU)
=msg 201
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error. "Service Installation" impossible.
Reason: Software error
Cur: Replace EPROM IC1 on the 102GS (CPU)
=msg 210
Meaning: 136GS (Light barrier board): not detected during I/O bus node check.
Reason: 136GS (Light barrier board defective).
Cure: Replace light barrier board.
Reason: Wrong coding of 136GS.
Cure: Check coding.
All wire strap switches should be open
Reason: Cable between 136GS (light barrier board) and 126GS (I/Obus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.

=msg 212
Meaning: 104GS (Driver board): not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 104GS (Driver board) defective.
Cure: Replace driver board.
Reason: Wrong coding of 104GS
Cure: Check coding.
All wire strap switches should be off.
Jumper on ST4 must be between pin 1 and 2
Reason: Cable between 104GS (driver board) and 126GS
(I/O bus distributor) not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
=msg 213
Meaning: 114GS (display board): not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 114GS (display board) defective.
Cure: Replace display board.
Reason: Wrong coding of 114GS
Cure: Check coding: S1=0; S2=8.
Reason: Cable between 114 GS (display board) and 126GS (I/O busdistributor)
not connected / interrupted
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
=msg 260
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Not enough memory to store the sensitometric values
Reason: RAM error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore")
=msg 280
Meaning: Films in the dispenser magazine need recalibration
Reason: After completion of the "check density" function in the "offline menu", a difference was
detected between the sensitometric curve and the previously stored curve.
Cure: "calibrate density". See User manual
=msg 290
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Disk not formatted
Reason: RAM error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 291
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Bad pages found on disk.
Reason: Loss of data in the battery-buffered RAM.
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 292
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Impossible to repair FAT (file allocation table).
Reason: Loss of data in the battery-buffered RAM.
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").

=msg 293
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Bad DIP (Disk information Block
Reason: Loss of data in the battery- buffered RAM.
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 294
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): not enough memory
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 295
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Disk service menu can`t be installed.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 296
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): not enough memory for RAM disk.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 297
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Codesegment overlap, disksize too large.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
msg 298
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Pagesize > 64 kB.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 299
Meaning: 102GS (CPU): Serious error: Too many files. Not enough memory.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 102GS (CPU) and restore installation values from device disk
(perform a "restore").
=msg 305
Meaning: AOM characteristic data are corrupted (internal error, displayed in the error ringbuffer
and the logbook only)
Reason: RAM disk error
Cure: A om Characteristic will automatically be measured again.
=msg 306
Meaning: SENS-O-LUT data are corrupted, check sum error (internal error, displayed in the error
ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: RAM disk error
Cure: SENS-LUT will be recalculated and corrected automatically with help of current AOMcharacteristic.
=msg 307
Meaning: TASTE-LUT data are corrupted (internal error)
Reason: RAM disk or transmission error controller —> Laser Imager
Cure: Transmission of TASTE-LUT will be automatically repeated via AMDI-C from the
=msg 310
Meaning : 122GS (Stepper motor board main drive): not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 122GS (Stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 122GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O busdistributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 122GS
Cure: Adjust switchcode to 1.
=msg 311
Meaning: 856GS (Stepper motor board steam gate): not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: 856GS (Stepper motor board staem gate) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 856GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 856GS
Cure: Open all wire strap switches.
=msg 312
Meaning: 856GS (Stepper motor board steam gate): Voltage 28 V AC not present
Reason: Fuse 400 SI3 (8A) blown
Cure: Replace fuse
Reason: Receiver not inserted
Cure: No possibility to Switch the film run’s clutch (only through a service technician by hand
Reason: Cable between 400 XS1/2 and 856 GS not connected / interrupted
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage
=msg 320
Meaning: Filmswitch (receiver / film processor) undefined
Reason : Film switch not latched properly.
Cure: Check mounting position of the film switch.
Reason: Microswitches 100S5/100S6 defective.
Cure: Test microswitches with an ohm meter. Check cable connection to
104GS (driver board)
Reason: 104GS (driver board) reads out the filmswitch position in a wrong way.
Cure: Replace 104GS (driver board).
=msg 321
Meaning: Steam gate can not be closed (Light sensor 854GS not open)
Reason: 850M1 (Stepper motor) defective.
Cure: Check stepper motor with service software
Reason: 852GS (Light barrier steam gate closed) defective.
Cure: Check light barrier function with service program
Reason: Dirt deposits on the steam gate.
Cure: Dismount and clean steam gate. Refer to section 3.
=msg 322
Meaning: Steam gate can not be opened (Light sensor 852GS still closed)
Reason: 850M1 (Stepper motor) defective.
Cure: Check stepper motor with service software
Reason: 854GS (Light barrier steam gate open) defective.
Cure: Check light barrier function with service program
Reason: Dirt deposits on the steam gate.
Cure: Dismount and clean steam gate. Refer to section 3
=msg 323
Meaning: Last film was not transported out from the transport section of the laser imager.
Film is in GS 138 (lightbarrier exit laser imager).
Reason: Film jam during transport to the connected processor.
Cure: Open cover of the film sorter and remove the jammed film.
Cure: check the film transport with service software
Reason: film processor does not fetch the film
Cure: check film processor
Reason: main transport of the laser imager doesn`t work
Cure: check 100M1 (main drive) with service program
check 100MG1 (clutch for transport section) with service software
remove belt. Check gears for easy running
=msg 324
Meaning: Time-out shift film switch to processor (only P version)
Reason: Microswitches 100S6 defective.
Cure: Test microswitches with an ohm meter. Check cable connection to
104GS (driver board)
Reason: Mechanical blockade of filmswitch
Cure: Take care that the filmswitch can turn to both end positions
=msg 325
Meaning: Time-out shift film switch to receiver (only P version)
Reason: Microswitches 100S5 defective
Cure: Test microswitches with an ohm meter. Check cable connection to
104GS (driver board)
Reason: Mechanical blockade of the filmswitch
Cure: Take care that the filmswitch can turn to both end positions
=msg 326
Meaning: steamgate can not be closed because 138GS (lightbarrier exit laser imager)
detected film.
Reason: Film jam during transport to the connected processor.
Cure: Open cover of the film sorter and remove the jammed film.
Cure: check the film transport with service program
Reason: Film in 138 GS (light barrier exit laser imager)
Cure: check 100M1 main drive with service program
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply on 122GS I/O bus stepper motor board for the main
drive not present.
Cure: Check fuse Si5 on 116GS fuse distributor.
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC


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Horiba-ABX系列培训资料 Horiba-ABX血球系列
Sysmex 血凝系列培训(CA/CS)
Sysmex 尿液分析系列培训(UF1000/5000/UC3500)
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Sysmex XN系列培训(XN-L/XN1000/XN2000/XN3000/XN9000)
Sysmex HISCL系列培训

爱克发维修(广州) 发表于 2007-5-27 12:25 | 显示全部楼层

yeec发错了吧?这不是AGFA LR5200的错误代码表,而是KODAK 8100的吧????

 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-5-27 13:56 | 显示全部楼层
=msg 341
Meaning: No response from 122GS (I/O bus stepper motor board) for the main drive
(UPI communication error).
Reason: IO Bus IC communication error on 122 GS
Cure: replace 122 GS
=msg 342
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 122GS maindrive (2A instead of 4A)
Cure: Change board to 4A version
=msg 343
Meaning: 122 GS (I/O bus stepper motor board maindrive)
Voltage 36.5 V DC not present
Reason: Fuse SI5 on on 116GS fuse distributor board blown
Cure: Check fuse SI5 on 116 fuse distributor board
Cure: Check Voltage 36.5 V DC
=msg 350
Meaning: node check: GS504 (stepper motor board for crosstransport
exit rollers drive) not found
Reason: 504GS (Stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 504GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O bus
distributor) not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 504GS
Cure: Adjust codeswitch to 7.
=msg 351
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 504GS (stepper motor board for crosstransport
exit rollers drive): 4A instead 2A
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 352
Meaning: No response from 504GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the
exit rollers drive crosstransport): UPI communication error.
Reason: IO Bus IC communication error on 504 GS
Cure: replace 504 GS
=msg 400
Meaning: Receiver magazine not inserted during startup or full during filmrun
(LR display: Insert empty receiver magazine)
Reason: 40 films have been transported into the receiver.
Cure: Insert empty receiver magazine.
=msg 401
Meaning: Receiver light barrier 73LS does not work
(This check will be performed after switch on)
Reason: 73LS defective
Cure: Change 73LS
Reason: Cable between 73LS and 71GS not connected / interrupted
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage
Reason: 79GS (Receiver Control board) defective
Cure: Replace Receiver Control Board
=msg 410
Meaning: 79GS (I/O bus control board dispenser 1) not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 79GS (control board) defective.
Cure: Replace control board
Reason: Cable between 79GS (control board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 79GS
Cure: Adjust code switch (of upper dispenser) to 1.
=msg 411
Meaning: 79GS (I/O bus control board dispenser 2; option) not detected
during I/O bus node check
Reason: Wrong setting in the service menu "imager setup"
Cure: Press 3 x <ESC> and 1 x <online> at the laser imager keypad to
get into the setup screen. Change to correct number of dispensers.
Reason: 79GS (control board) defective.
Cure: Replace control board
Reason: Cable between 79GS (control board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 79GS
Cure: Adjust code switch (for lower dispenser) to 2.
=msg 412
Meaning: 79GS (I/O bus control board receiver) not detected during I/O
bus node check
Reason: 79GS (control board) defective.
Cure: Replace control board
Reason: Cable between 79GS (control board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 79GS
Cure: Adjust codeswitch to 3.
Reason: No receiver node present at LR High Res P-Version (somebody moved the
film-guide to receiver!).
Cure: First aid: Open the left cover and move the film guide by hand (turn at clutch
100 MG5) to processor. Final cure: Upgrade from SW LTP17XX to LTP1805
(CM+9.8394.3617.0) or higher.
=msg 420
Meaning: No response from 79 GS (I/O bus control board) dispenser 1.
No acknowledge signal sent to CPU.
Reason: Communication error on 79GS control board dispenser 1
Cure: Replace control board
=msg 421
Meaning: No response from 79 GS (I/O bus control board) dispenser 2 (Option).
No acknowledge signal sent to CPU.
Reason: communication error on 79GS (control board) dispenser 1
Cure: Replace control board
=msg 422
Meaning: Dispenser 1 can not push film back into magazine
Reason: Transport rollers in the dispenser are not driven
Cure: check 100MG3 (clutch) in dispenser transport section
=msg 423
Meaning: Dispenser 2 can not push film back into magazine
Reason: transport rollers in the dispenser are not driven
Cure: check 100MG4 (clutch) in dispenser transport section
=msg 430
Meaning: Dispenser 1 retries (4) have failed because of doublefilm.
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Two or several films are sticking together
Cure: Remove the dispenser magazine, shake the magazine to separate
the films or separate them manually in the darkroom.
=msg 431
Meaning: 4 consecutive times feeding the film into the dispenser output rollers of dispenser 1
was not possible: Lightsensor 73LS doesn`t detect the film.
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only
Possible reasons:
-Friction inside dispenser clutch too low.
-wrong adjusted lightsensors for cam in separation unit (there adjustment
in the field is nearly impossible).
-no daylight package used: carton for daylight insert worn out.
Film has a lot of clearance inside magazine, and is pushed back in the magazine.
-Daylight package problem: film package is not totally removed.
-Dispenser magazine defective: especially observe the rear end of the magazine,
where in the past at a few magazines a small (but important) plastic strip was not glued
-Replace separation unit by new one: CM+8.8381.4000.1 (this will cure
the problem most likely).
-Clean or replace dispenser clutch.
-Check the daylight insert currently used in the magazine (if no daylight film used):
at the rear end it must be totally straight.
-Check magazine in the darkroom for film package not totally removed or
small plastic strip at the rear end not glued sufficient.
In General:
When you have checked that it is not dirt that causes the trouble take the dispenser
out, open the cover over the dispenser, plug in the cables again and look to it when a
magazine is inserted with low film level.
Simulate the dispenser rollers drive by hand.
=msg 432
Meaning: Dispenser 1 retries (4) have failed; the film density could not be measured
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Light sensor 73LS of dispenser 1 cannot measure density.
Cure: Check light sensor with service program. Replace light sensor 73 LS.
=msg 433
Meaning: Four consecutive times reaching the desired vacuum for dispenser 1 (about 200-300
mbar) was not possible.
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Possible reasons for 433:
-suction cups angle wrong adjusted ("negative" angle when film level low).
ÞFor a certain time in spring `94 a tool to adjust the suction cup angle
in production was not working properly!
-filter for vacuum pump dirty, pump diaphragm dirty.
(white talcum powder inside the hoses --> we had had some hoses with this white
powder inside......)
-hoses outside dispenser or inside (at separation unit) have a small whole, i.e. are not
tight. Especially check the hoses there, where they are bended (e.g. direct at suction
-hose at suction cup loose (not glued anymore).
-hoses not mounted at those two clips at separation unit.
-bearings at one of the two separating "arms" damaged (rough running, especially at
the end of movement).
-magnetic valve sporadically doesn`t close properly.
-Exchange separation unit by new one: CM+8.8381.4000.1
-Adjust angle of suction cups. See documentation LR3300 section 6.5.
-Clean or replace pump. Replace airfilter.
-Check hoses, replace if necessary (CM+7.8390.1016.2 outside; CM+7.8351.1016.2
-Glue hoses to suction cups with rubber glue.
-Mount hoses correctly.
-Exchange magnetic valve
In General:
How to solve stubborn dispenser problems:
When you have checked that it is not dirt that causes the trouble take the dispenser
out, open the cover over the dispenser, plug in the cables again and look to it when a
magazine is inserted with low film level.
Simulate the dispenser rollers drive by hand.
=msg 440
Meaning: Dispenser 2 retries (4) have failed because of doublefilm.
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Two or several films are sticking together
Cure: Remove the dispenser magazine, shake the magazine to separate the films or
separate them manually in the darkroom
=msg 441
Meaning: 4 consecutive times feeding the film into the dispenser output rollers of dispenser 2
was not possible:
Lightsensor 73LS doesn`t get the film(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the
error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Possible reason:
-Friction inside dispenser clutch too low.
-wrong adjusted lightsensors for cam in separation unit. (there adjustment in the field is
nearly impossible).
-no daylight package used: carton for daylight insert worn out Film has a lot of
clearance inside magazine, and is pushed back in the magazine.
-Daylight package problem: film package is not totally removed.
-Dispenser magazine defective: especially observe the rear end of the magazine,
where in the past at a few magazines a small (but important) plastic strip was not glued
-Exchange separation unit by new one: CM+8.8381.4000.1
-Clean or replace dispenser clutch.
-Check the daylight insert currently used in the magazine (if no daylight film used): at
the rear end it must be totally straight.
-Check magazine in the darkroom for film package not totally removed or small plastic
strip at the rear end not glued sufficient.
In General:
How to solve stubborn dispenser problems:
When you have checked that it is not dirt that causes the trouble take the dispenser out,
open the cover over the dispenser, plug in the cables again and look to it when a
magazine is inserted with low film level.
Simulate the dispenser rollers drive by hand.
=msg 442
Meaning : Dispenser 2 retries (4) have failed; the film density could not be measured
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Light sensor 73LS of dispenser 1 cannot measure density.
Cure: Check light sensor with service program. Replace light sensor 73 LS.
=msg 443
Meaning: Four consecutive times reaching the desired vacuum for dispenser 2 (about 200-300
mbar) was not possible
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Possible reasons for 443:
-suction cups angle wrong adjusted ("negative" angle when film level low).
Þ For a certain time in spring `94 a tool to adjust the suction cup angle in production
was not working properly!
hoses --> we had had some hoses with this white powder inside......)
-hoses outside dispenser or inside (at separation unit) have a small whole, i.e. are not
tight. Especially check the hoses there, where they are bended (e.g. direct at suction
-hose at suction cup loose (not glued anymore).
-hoses not mounted at those two clips at separation unit
-bearings at one of the two separating "arms" damaged (rough running especially at
the end of movement).
-magnetic valve sporadically doesn`t close properly.
-Exchange separation unit by new one: CM+8.8381.4000.1
-Adjust angle of suction cups. See documentation LR3300 section 6.5
-Clean or replace pump. Replace airfilter.
-Check hoses, replace if necessary (CM+7.8390.1016.2 outside; CM+7.8351.1016.2
-Glue hoses to suction cups with rubber glue.
-Mount hoses correctly.
-Exchange magnetic valve.
In General:
How to solve stubborn dispenser problems:
When you have checked that it is not dirt that causes the trouble take the dispenser
out, open the cover over the dispenser, plug in the cables again and look to it when a
magazine is inserted with low film level.
Simulate the dispenser rollers drive by hand.
=msg 450
Meaning: No vacuum at the section cup detected during warm up despite valve(s) is (are)
Reason: One of the solenoid valves 70MG1 defect
Cure: Check the valve(s) with the service software
Reason: Hoses leaky
Cure: Switch on the vacuum pump via Service software and check the hoses
Reason: Switch 400S1 for vacuum detection defective.
Cure: Replace vacuum pump 400M1
=msg 451
Meaning: Vacuum at the section cup is detected for both dispensers during warm up
Reason: Switch 400S1 at vacuum pump 400M1 closed; Pump or switch is hanging.
Cure: Replace vacuum pump
Reason. Solenoid valves 70MG1 defective
Cure: Check the valve(s) with the service software
=msg 452
Meaning: Vacuum at the section cup of dispenser 1detected for dispenser 1 during warm up
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: 70MG3 solenoid valve defective or hanging.
Cure: Replace solenoid valve
=msg 453
Meaning: Vacuum at the section cup detected for dispenser 2 during warm up
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: MG3 solenoid valve defective or hanging.
Cure: replace solenoid valve
爱克发维修(广州) 发表于 2007-5-27 20:19 | 显示全部楼层

yeec,我做AGFA设备维修已经近十年之久,我可以肯定地说这绝对不是AGFA LR5200相机的故障代码表,而是KODAK 8100的代码.

 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-5-27 20:41 | 显示全部楼层

=msg 501
Meaning: Developer temperature is 2 C too high
Reason: -No circulation in developer bath (belt that drives the pumps fell off. Pump is sticking)
-Temperature measuring system defective
-Temperature sensor 9E1 defective
-Temperature card 15GS1 defective
-CPU card 14GS1 defective
-Triac card 12GS1 defective
-Environment temperature too high
=msg 502
Meaning: Desired temperature in developer bath not reached.
Reason: Temperature error -> heating off, possibly no regeneration
-If temperature increase in 12 minutes < 1 K, Triac card 12GS1 defective.
-Overtemperature protection 10BE1 switched: Impeller housing of circulation pump
clogged due to some kind of sludge
Þ clean pump at every preventive maintenance (will take > 1 hour) or flood tanks with
cleaning chemicals from time to time.
-Heating element defective
=msg 503
Meaning: Temperature in fixer is > 41C
Reason: No circulation in fixing bath (belt that drives the pumps fell off. Pump is sticking
Þ replace pump)
Temperature sensor defective
CPU board defective
Triac board defective
=msg 504
Meaning: Desired temperature in fixer not reached (< 25C)
Reason: Temperature error -> heating off, possibly no replenishment
-Triac card 12GS1 defective
-Overtemperature protection 10BE2 switched: Impeller housing of circulation pump
clogged due to crystallization Þ clean pump at every preventive maintenance
(will take > 1 hour) or flood tanks with cleaning chemicals from time to time.
-Heating element defective
-Temperature measuring system defective
=msg 505
Meaning: The temperature increase in the dryer within 10 minutes is less than 0,5K
Reason: One or more dryer bulbs defective
Cross flow fan defective
Thermal cut-out on the IR heaters activated
Temperature sensor or control defective
=msg 506
Meaning: Processor drive speed error (91/92GS at CX160 IA; GS4 at CX330)
Reason: Motor speed too low resulting from to high torque, possibly
-film jam
-Defective motor control board
-Fuse on motor control baord defective
-Fuses on distributor board defective
-Distributor board defective
-CPU defective
=msg 507
Meaning: Developer level not reached
Reason: Replenisher pump defective
Triac board defective
Sensor defective
=msg 508
Meaning: Fixer level not reached
Reason: Replenisher pump defective
Triac baord defective
Sensor defective
=msg 509
Meaning: Water level not reached
Reason: Anti-algae solenoid valve defective
water supply solenoid valve defective
Triac board defective
Sensor defective
Water with too little conductivity
=msg 511
Meaning: No developer replenishment. Tank empty.
Reason: Empty detection responds
=msg 512
Meaning: No fixer replenishment. Tank empty.
Reason: Empty detection responds.
=msg 513
Meaning: Waste tank full
Reason: Sensor for "tank full" responds.
Reason: Board for level sensors defective.
=msg 516
Meaning: Light sensors 804MC / 806MC for processor
steamgate endposition didn`t detect endposition: Steamgate fails to open.
Reason: -Steamgate drive 850M1 or corresponding board 856GS defective or not connected
-No power --> check Si1 on 502 GS
-Light sensor 852MC / 806MC not connected or defective
-Filmjam in steamgate or jammed steamgate
=msg 521
Meaning: Chemix mixer empty
Reason: Empty detection responds.
=msg 522
Meaning: Exhaust fan out of order.
Reason: Fuse 1 A or power supply defective.
Cure: Change fuse to 1.25 A or exchange power supply.
Reason: Exhaust clogged
Reason: Exhaust hose too long. Decrease of pressure to high.
Cure: Use shorter hose, bigger diameter or additional fan
Test: Take off hose at LR3300P.
=msg 523
Meaning: Bottom tray full.
Reason: Hoses seem to be clogged.
Reason: Anti algae valve defective.
=msg 525
Meaning: No pump strokes are counted by microswitch at developer pump after the developer
replenisher pump switched on (emergency input is still possible until a level error is
Reason: Case1: Pump motor is turning
- Microswitch out of adjustment or defective.
Cure: Check the switch in the Easy Service Program:
- Cable to the microswitch interrupted or loose contact (BU23 on GS30, distributor
- Cables between GS30, GS2, triac board GS7 or CPU GS5 not properly connected.
Cure: Check all cables from GS30 to the GS5 (CPU) of the film processor.
Reason: Case 2: Pump motor is not turning:
Cure: Check fuse SI9 on GS2. Check triggering on the triac board GS7 LED D2/7. If it
is off, either the CPU is defective or the cable connection between triac board and
distributor board GS1 is defective.
Reason: Case 3: Pump motor defective:
Cable to the power supply defective.
= msg 526
Meaning: No pump strokes are counted by microswitch at fixer pump after the fixer replenisher
pump switched on (emergency input is still possible until a level error is indicated)
Reason: Case 1: Pump motor is turning:
- Microswitch out of adjustment or defective.
Cure: Check the switch in the Easy Service Program:
- Cable to the microswitch interrupted or loose contact (BU23 on GS30, distributor
- Cables between GS30, GS2, triac board GS7 or CPU GS5 not properly connected.
Cure: Check all cables from GS30 to the GS5 (CPU) of the film processor.
Reason: Case 2: Pump motor is not turning:
Cure: Check fuse SI1 on GS30. Check triggering on the triac board GS30 LED D5. If it
is off, either the CPU or the cable connection between GS30 and CPU GS5 is
Reason: Case 3: Pump motor defective:
Cable to the power supply defective.
=msg 600
Meaning: Laser calibration not successful
(This error message causes a startup cycle). This message is only displayed with old
calibration boards installed: SN<1036 and <5027.
Exception: SN1022, 1024, 1028, 1029, 1031, 1034, 5022.
Main reason status 8/96:
a)D/A converter on laser control board 134GS defective. Check output of laser control
board like described in error 600. Replace D/A converter if output not o.k.
b) Mirror #1 polluted.
First of all test if laser beam is present in the film plane with the service program (repair
- tests - print engine - AOM test - bright). If beam is not present in the filmplane check
if laser tube works: insert a firm piece of paper between laser tube and pre scan cover.
No beam present:
Reason: 402GS Power supply for laser tube defective
Cure: Check fuse 400 Si2.
Check voltage 2,5 kV by connecting a spare high voltage power supply 402 GS at the
laser tube.
Reason: 300EL HE-NE laser defective
Cure: Replace HE-NE laser by changing "pre scan unit"
Reason: 308GS AOM defective. To check: Service software: AOM bright.
a) check output of AOM driver. Peak to peak 15V, 80Mhz with AOM bright. If o.k. ----
b) dismount prescan cover. Put white piece of paper behind AOM. Several small spots
should be visible. If not: AOM defective.
Cure: Replace pre scan unit. Adjust AOM driver afterwards.
Beam present:
Reason: 300M1 polarized filter motor or 314GS I/O Bus laser calibration board defective
Cure: Check polarized filter motor with service software.
Check voltage (8V ripple) for polarized filter motor on 314GS laser calibration board.
Remark: Replace 314GS laser calibration board and 322 GS Cal sensor always together
Cure: Check fuses Si1/Si2 in 130GS Power Supply Print Engine
Cure: Check voltage on 130GS Power Supply Print Engine: +/- 18V DC
Reason: 118GS AOM-driver board or 134GS I/O Bus laser control board (D/A converter!)
Cure: Check +/-18 V DC and fuses Si1 and Si2 on 130GS power supply print engine
Cure: Check +25 V DC and fuse Si3 on 130GS power supply print engine.
If fuse is blown check the current supplied to the AOM driver.
If the current is higher than 400 mA exchange the AOM driver and adjust the new
Cure: Check 134 GS I/O Bus laser control board output:
- connect a T-piece at video plug on 118GS AOM driver
- check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:
(repair - tests - printengine - AOM test)
AOM offÞ appr. -360mV (+/-60 mV)
AOM bright Þ appr. +460mV (+/-60mV)
Change D/A converter if voltage is not reached.
Cure: Check output (RF) of 118GS AOM driver board with oscilloscope
- switch laser imager off
- plug in a T-connector at 118GS AOM driver output
- switch laser imager on and check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:
AOM off Þ appr. 0V, 80 MHz
AOM bright Þ appr. 15 V, 80 MHz
Reason: 300MG1 lifting magnet, 322GS Cal sensor or 314GS laser calibration board defective.
Cure: Check lifting magnet with the service program.
Calibrate with the service program to different values up to 254.
Remark: Replace 314GS laser calibration board and 322GS cal sensor always together.
=msg 601
Meaning: Laser calibration not successful during filmrun (see also error logbook for previous
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Main reason status 8/96:
a)D/A converter on laser control board
134GS defective. Check output of laser control board like described
in error 600. Replace D/A converter if output not o.k.)
b) Mirror #1 polluted. See also "error 637".
c)For additional info, see ‘’special reasons on LR3300/5200 with polygon mirror’’
Þ If message is only displayed in the sub menu "error log" in the service menu:
Reason: Temporary error during calibration. Laser imager starts a warm up cycle and tries to
calibrate again.
Cure: If it was a temporary error it was eliminated by the warm up cycle.If it was not a temporary
error the next error message in the error logbook will point to the defective part.
Þ If message is on the display:
Reason: D/A converter on laser control board 134GS defective
Cure: Change D/A converter
Reason: Exact reason is not recognized by the device software.
Cure: Check complete print engine with the service software (tests and adjustments),
see error 600.
Reason: Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No real hardware error.
Disappears after reset only for SW <LTP18XX.
Cure: Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
Þ If message is on the display in combination with error 636 or 637 in the sub menu
"error log" in the service menu
see error 636 or 637
=msg 601 on LR3300 / LR5200 with polygon mirror
LR ‘’high res’’ measures the laser brightness with the BOL (begin of line) sensor. in case, the polygon
mirror does not turn, you also get error 601! This has nothing to do with calibration!
How to check, whether the polygon motor turns.
Remove black cap over green LED on polygon control board wiht some tweezers. Green LED must
be on.
Reason: Polygon motor does not turn: Polygon or polygon control board defective. Cable not
connected. 24 V missing.
Cure: Check cables. Exchange polygon or exchange polygon control board. Exchange 24V
power supply.
Reason: Shutter doesn’ t open. Shutter or laser calibration board defective. Cable to shutter not
Cure: Check cabling to shutter, Replace laser calibration board or shutter.
=msg 604
Meaning: Image FIFO of FOI board timeout: For 5 minutes no image data were transmitted,
despite print order was sent by controller.
This is an internal error only. The laser imager gets the print command for this film
once more.
(This error is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Problems with FOI Board on MG3000 output (should be rev. E..F).
Cure: Check AMDI protocol on both sides: At laser imager and at Controller. Check whether
there are intermittent transmission problems. Check cable connection.
Replace FOI board (at Controller) if necessary.
Reason: Due to SW problems in the Controller the image data could not be sent in time.
Upgrade Controller SW (to MeGa3P31 or higher)
=msg 605
Meaning: Laser imager transmits three consecutive "lock errors" to the controller.
Reason: The oscillating frequency of the galvo is wrong or disturbed.
Cure: Replace galvo (replace it always together with 310 GS galvo control board)
Cure: Check the + 15V DC on 132GS scan timing board and 310GS galvo control board
Cure: Check the + 18V on 130GS (power supply print engine), 134GS (I/O bus laser control
board) and 132GS (scan timing board).
Cure: Vibration for the period of transmission of data.
Temporary fault or permanent fault due to floor vibrations.
=msg 606
Meaning: "FOI violation error".
This is an internal error only. The laser imager gets the print command for this film
once more.
(This error is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Interrupt during image data transmission.
Cure: Check FOI cable. Short circuit it at one end and look at AMDI protocol.
=msg 607
Meaning: "Start of image too soon"
This is an internal error only. The laser imager gets the print command for this film
once more.
(This error is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Controller sent already image data, but laser imager was not ready.
Problem with synchronization. Image transmission before start of image request.
Cure: Check revisions of laser imager and controller FOI boards:
Laser Imager: rev. D and higher.
Controller: rev. E and higher.
Check FOI boards. Short circuit it at one end and look at AMDI protocol.
The commands <DC2> and <DC4> should be visible.
Replace FOI board.
=msg 608
Meaning : "FIFO (of FOI board at laser imager) full at end of image" (=EFI
This is an internal error only. The laser imager gets the print
command for this film once more.
(This error is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason : Imager exposed the right number of pixels, but there are still some
pixels left in the FIFO of the FOI board "data underrun". (either too
many data were sent or too less data were read).
Cure : Check FOI cable. Short circuit it at one end and look at AMDI
Check FOI boards. The commands <DC2> and <DC4> should be
visible with AMDI protocol.
Reason : Problems at switching from "border value" to "image info" in case the
text feature in the border (terminal: lctrl>manufacturer) is switched
on. Only possible as of LTP1405. (How to recognize: There is a
small white textline on the top left border diplaying filmtype and so
Cure : Switch off the textline. Press <ENTER> at display "TERMINAL:
>lctrl>manufacturer, so that no manufacturer is entered, and so this
feature is switched off.
Reason: : in combination with a „ghost image“ (= image seems to be repeated
2 cm on the right): Disturbed BOL (begin of line) signal.
Cure: : Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
=msg 609
Meaning: „EFI_D_UR_ERROR“ = Image data FIFO empty during transmission (data underrun).
Reason: FOI transfer speed too low. FOI at LR High Res and MG3000 lower than rev. F (must
be ³ F at both sides!) MG3000 FOIXXX11 parameter transfer_mode not on 1 (must be
1). AMDI motherboard not rev. 3 (at least). Monitor version on MG3000 not 4.22 or
Cure: Exchange FOI board at LR High Res and at MG3000 to rev. F or higher. Install
MON4.22 or higher on MG3000. Change FOI parameter transfer_mode to 1. Check
AMDI motherboard: Must be rev. 3 or higher.
Reason: : in combination with a „ghost image“ (= image seems to be
repeated about 2 cm on the right): Disturbed BOL (begin of line)
Cure: : Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
=msg 610
Meaning: "Select" function of 134GS (laser control board) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: I/O bus IC "select" on 134GS (laser control board) defective.
Cure: Replace laser control board .
=msg 611
Meaning: "Timing" function of 134GS (laser control board) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: I/O bus IC "timing" on 134GS (laser control board) defective.
Cure: Replace laser control board.
=msg 612
Meaning: "FOI" function of 134GS (laser control board) not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: I/O bus IC "FOI" on 134GS (laser control board) defective.
Cure: Replace laser control board.
=msg 613
Meaning: "Test pattern" function of 134GS (laser control board) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: I/O bus IC "test pattern" on 134GS (laser control board) defective.
Cure: Replace laser control board.
=msg 614
Meaning: 314GS (Laser calibration board) not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 314GS (Laser calibration board) defective.
Cure: Replace Laser calibration board
Reason: Cable between 314GS (Laser calibration board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor) not
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Coding cannot be red out due to wrong R23.
Note: This problem only occurs for cold laser imager and disappears normally after RESET.
Cure: Short circuit R23 or replace board
=msg 615
Meaning: 04GS (stepper motor board for the scan drive) not detected during I/O bus node check.
Reason: 304GS (scan drum drive board) defective.
Cure: replace scan drum drive board
Reason: Cable between 304GS (scan drum driven board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 304GS
Cure: Adjust code switch to 2.
=msg 616
Meaning: 324GS (magnet control board) for 300MG1 not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 324GS (magnet control board) defective.
Cure: Replace magnet control board
Reason: Cable between 324GS (Laser calibration board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor)
not connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
=msg 620
Meaning: FPGA on LPE_CTRL-HR cannot be loaded
Reason: defective LPE_CTRL-HR
Cure: Reset the printer. Check IO Bus cable connection between RK188 and Laser Control
board 134GS. Eventually change 134GS (IOB Laser control-HR board)
=msg 621
Meaning: Polygon rotates with incorrect speed (most likely it is 0)
Reason: Start signal on pin 4 (plug J4; polygon motor controller 310GS) not present.
Cure: Check voltage between pin 4 and 7 at J4 on 310 GS.
0V Æ problem of 310GS or polygon (hall feedback sensors!)
+5V Æ problem of laser control board 134GS or cable between laser control board
and polygon motor controller.
Remark:+5V on pin 4 is the signal generated on laser control board to switch off the
polygon motor! To switch the motor on , the signal is changed to 0V.
Reason: Missing 24V of power supply 106GS
Cure: Check presence of 24V at plug J2, polygon motor controller 310GS.

 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-5-27 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
=msg 630
Meaning: 300MG1 (lifting magnet) in 0-position but 320GS (lightbarrier 0-pos) is not interrupted
(This is an internal error if it only happens once or twice; it gets a fatal error for more
than two unsuccessful attempts)
Reason: 320GS (light barrier 0-pos) defective
Cure: Check the light barrier with the service program
Reason: Lever with sensor is blocked
Cure: Check if lever can move freely
Check if sensor cable is pulled to tight
=msg 631
Meaning: 300MG1 (lifting magnet) can not reach CAL position.
Reason: Cable between 314GS (I/O laser calibration board) and 300MG1 (lifting magnet)
not connected or interrupted
Cure: Connect cable or check cable for damage.
Reason: 300MG1 (lifting magnet) defective
Cure: Check lifting magnet with the service software and if necessary replace lifting magnet
Cure: Check voltage 5V for the lifting magnet
Reason: 314GS (I/O laser calibration board) defective
Cure: Replace laser calibration board
=msg 632
Meaning: 320GS (light barrier 0-pos lifting magnet) is permanently interrupted
Reason: 300MG1 (lifting magnet) is blocked
Cure: Check lifting magnet with the service program
Reason: Cable between 320GS (lightbarrier) and 314GS (I/O bus laser calibration board) is i
nterrupted or not connected.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage
=msg 633
Meaning: Laser calibration not successful: node test during "reset" failed
Reason: Exact reason is not recognized by the device software
Cure: Check complete print engine with the service program.
For suggestions see error 600.
=msg 634
Meaning: 322GS CAL sensor does not receive laser beam
main reasons status 08/98:
If old DA converter is installed (black or golden lid) most likely D/A converter on laser
control board 134GS defective.
Check output of laser control board like described below.
Replace laser control board if output is not o.k.
2) At SW versions LTP1305 and 1405 the test whether beam is present is already
done after 6 secs after switch on.
If the laser tube is switched on at very low temperature (<15›C) it may take more than
6 secs. until the tube is on.
At LTP01509 this test is done after 30 secs, avoiding error message 634.)
3) Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No
real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW <
LTP18XX): Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
4) Wrong message due to a delayed ignition of the laser tube. No
real hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW <
LTP18XX): Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or highe
Remark: First of all, test if laser beam is present in the film plane with the service program
(repair - tests - print engine - AOM test - bright). If beam is not present in the filmplane
check if laser tube works: insert a firm piece of paper between laser tube and pre scan
---No beam present:---
Reason: 402GS (Power supply for laser tube) defective
Cure: Check fuse 400 Si2.
Check voltage 2,5 kV by connecting a spare high voltage
power supply 402 GS at the laser tube.
Reason: 300EL (HE-NE laser tube) defective
Cure: Replace HE-NE laser by changing "pre scan unit"
Reason: 308GS AOM defective.
Cure: Check 118GS (AOM driver) like described below. If it is o.k.dismount pre scan cover
and check beam in the optical path after diaphragm. Service program: AOM bright. If
beam is not present behind diaphragm exchange 308 GS (AOM) by changing "prescan
unit". Adjust AOM driver afterwards.if beam is present check laser optical path for alien
element or broken part.
---Beam present:---
Reason: 300M1 (polarized filter motor) or 314GS (I/O Bus laser calibration board) defective.
Cure: Check polarized filter motor with service software.
Check voltage (8V ripple) for polarized filter motor on 314GS (laser calibration board).
Remark: Replace 314GS (laser calibration board) and 322 GS Cal sensor always together
Cure: Check fuses Si1/Si2 in 130GS (Power Supply Print Engine)
Cure: Check voltage on 130GS (Power Supply Print Engine): +/- 18V DC
Reason: 118GS (AOM-driver board) or 134GS (I/O Bus laser control board defective).
Cure: Check +/-18 V DC and fuses Si1 and Si2 on 130GS (power supply print engine)
Cure: Check +25 V DC and fuse Si3 on 130GS (power supply print engine).
If fuse is blown check the current supplied to the AOM driver.
If the current is higher than 400 mA exchange the AOM driver and adjust the new
Cure: Check 134 (GS I/O Bus laser control board) output:
- connect a T-piece at video plug on 118GS AOM driver
- check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:
(repair - tests - printengine - AOM test)
AOM off Þ appr. -360mV (+/-60 mV)
AOM bright Þ appr. +460mV (+/-60mV)
Cure: Check output (RF) of 118GS (AOM driver board) with oscilloscope
- switch laser imager off
- plug in a T-connector at 118GS (AOM driver) output
switch laser imager on and check voltage with oscilloscope and service program:
AOM off Þ appr. 0V, 80 MHz
AOM bright Þ appr. 15 V, 80 MHz
Reason: 300MG1 (lifting magnet), 322GS (Cal sensor) or 314GS (laser calibration board)
Cure: Check lifting magnet with the service program.
Calibrate with the service program to different values up to 254.
Remark: Replace 314GS laser calibration board and 322GS cal sensor always together.
Reason: Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No real
hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW < LTP18XX).
Cure: Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
=msg 635
Meaning: Measured density value does not change during calibration
Reason: Meaning : 300M1 (polarizing filter motor) is defective
Cure: Check polarizing filter motor with service program
Meaning: 314GS (laser calibration board) defective.
Cure: Check 8V output at the laser calibration board
Cure: Replace laser calibration board and 322GS (CAL sensor).
=msg 636
Meaning: CAL-sensor 322GS receives light despite AOM should be closed.
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: AOM Driver BIAS adjustment is wrong.
(The fog level of the film will be too high)
Cure: Adjust AOM driver
Reason: The beam is widened by dust etc.
Cure: Look for scattered radiation in optical path of prescan unit. Try to find reason for
scattered radiation.
Replace prescan unit possibly.
=msg 637
Meaning: Laser imager can not calibrate to laser brightness 250.
(This is an internal error. It is displayed in the error ringbuffer and the logbook only)
Reason: Laser calibration board 314 GS defective or deadjusted.
Cure: Replace laser calibration board and 322GS CAL sensor.
As an alternative: Make rough adjustment of laser calibration board:
-First open polarizer filter maximally (TERMINAL: scan>openpolmax)
-Second go to function "TEST-Printengine": AOM Test medium. Calsensor in
calposition. (now the AOM is driven with "calvalue").
-Third: Turn at R57 on the calibration board until you see "250".
Then turn about 1 to 2 turns until you see 255. Leave it like that!!
N.B.: If always 255, turn potentiometer at its end counter- clockwise (at it`s "left" end).
Reason: HE-NE-Laser is cold.
Shortly after switch on the laser imager a film was exposed.
Cur: Check whether error occurs also later than 30 minutes after switching on the laser
Then replace laser tube by changing the pre scan unit.
Reason: Incorrect AOM power adjustment
Cure: Adjust AOM power with the service program
Reason. D/A converter defective. Check output of laser controlboard to confirm it.
Cure: Change D/A converter. Perform AOM driver adjustment afterwards.
Reason: Mirror #1 in the optical path polluted. Possibly in combination with oil leakage of
Cure: Clean mirror #1 with cotton bud (and only with it!).
See section 13, field service bulletin for instructions.
Replace gearbox if oil leakage is visible.
Remove oil from print engine and prescan unit very fussy.
Meaning: Wrong AOM characteristic:
Curve is not monotone increasing
Minimum of curve is higher than one third of maximum.
Reason: During automatic determination of calibration value (e.g. after Power/Bias adjustment
or after deleting of file afterrun.a01) it was not possible to determine the value "one third
of maximum".
Cure: Check Power and Bias adjustment of AOM driver with service software.
Check output signal of laser control board with oscilloscope:
Should be around -360mV (+/-60 mV) for no signal value and about +460mV (+/-
60mV) for "AOM test bright" (i.e. max. = 65535).
If output signal significant less than +390 mV, or significant more than -300 mV change
D/A converter.
=msg 639
Meaning: Laser calibration board 314GS self-test has detected that the measuring range
changing function on the laser calibration board F8.8390.3790.0 is defective (built in
since 11/95).
Reason: Chip on laser calibration board 314GS defective.
Cure: Exchange laser calibration board.
=msg 63A
Meaning: Polarizer prism stepper motor 300 M1 can`t reach 0-position.
Reason: Cables not connected. Stepper motor 300 M1 defective.
Lightsensor 323GS defective. Dyn. Calibration board 314GS
Cure: Check cabling. Replace stepper motor 300 M1. Replace light
sensor 323GS. Replace calibration board 314GS.
Reason: Wrong message due to a mixup of different tasks at startup. No real
hardware error. Disappears after reset(only for SW < LTP18XX).
Cure: Upgrade device SW to LTP1805 or higher.
=msg 63B
Meaning: Laser Shutter doesn't close
Reason: Cable not connected. Calibration board defective. Shutter defective.
Cure: check: cabling
314GS (dyn. laser calibration-board)
300MG1 (shutter)
=msg 641
Meaning: No response from 304 GS (I/O bus stepper motor board) for the scan drive. No
acknowledge signal sent to CPU.
Reason: communication error on 304GS
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
=msg 642
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 304GS (4A instead of 2A) scan drum drive.
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 651
Meaning: Film did not reach 318GS (reflection light barrier at the scan drum entrance).
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: Light barrier 318 GS defective
Cure: Check the light barrier with the service program
Reason: Lower transport hook stepper motor 304M1 to weak because of bad soldered resistors
(R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 306GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
=msg 652
Meaning: Film stays too long in 318GS (reflection light barrier at the scan drum entrance)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the scan drum.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: Inserted magazine wrong format coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
Reason: Scan drum drive stepper motor 300M3 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors
(R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 304GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board.
Reason: Pressure of small roller in front of scan drum too high.Film bumps into upper roller and
stays there for a certain time (< 1 sec.).
Cure: Replace scan drum or lower pressure of the upper of the two rollers.
=msg 653
Meaning: Film is not long enough in 318GS reflection light barrier at the scan drum entrance
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the scan drum.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: Film in the magazine too small or inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
=msg 654
Meaning: Film detected by 318GS (reflection light barrier at the scan drum entrance).
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the scan drum.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: 300M3 Scan drum drive not activated
Cure: check fuse 116Si3
Cure: check voltage 36,5 V DC on 304 GS
Cure: change 304GS stepper motor board
Reason: Scan drum drive stepper motor 300M3 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors
(R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 304GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
=msg 660
Meaning : 134GS (I/O bus laser control board): pixel counter problem.
Reason : Hardware error
Cure : Replace 134GS (I/O bus control board)
Reason : In CIC- or Parallel-configuration::
During start up the LR tests the pixel counters. If during this test a parallel docked
processor or the Capacity is switched on, the test could be disturbed which is leading
to a wrong test result.
Cure : Upgrade to SW LTP1805 or higher. There, in order to avoid a wrong
service message, the LR repeats the test after 2 seconds, if an error
=msg 661
Meaning: 134GS (I/O bus laser control board): line counter problem.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 134GS (I/O bus laser control board)
=msg 662
Meaning: 134GS (I/O bus laser control board): auxiliary pixel clock problem.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace (134GS I/O bus laser control board)
=msg 663
Meaning: 134GS (I/O bus laser control board: IC59 defective.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 134GS I/O bus laser control board)
=msg 664
Meaning: 134GS I/O bus laser control board): pixel enable signal wrong.
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 134GS (I/O bus laser control board)
=msg 680
Meaning: 132GS scan timing board: no signals are transmitted.
Reason: Cable at 132 GS scan timing board and cable at plug ST16 laser control board
(134GS) are not connected or interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable Check cable and connectors for damage.
Reason: Scan timing board defective
Cure: Change board
Reason: +18V of print engine power supply 130GS are missing or too low. Probably C4 and C5
wrong poled. Fuse Si1 defective.
Cure: Check +18V. Replace print engine power supply.
=msg 681
Meaning: 132GS scan timing board: no line synchronization pulse from scan timing board
Reason: Missing jumper 1 on 134GS laser control board.
Cure: Check jumper setting on 134GS.
Reason: 132GS scantiming board defective.
Cure: Exchange it.
=msg 682
Meaning: 132GS scan timing board: synchronization pulse and pixel clock is to slow.
Reason: Possibly synchronization pulse from galvo control board missing.
To confirm: Check scanwidth. If to big -->synch pulse missing
Cure: Check mechanical fitting of galvo control board at galvo shaft.
Check cable for connection and damage.
Cure: Check galvo motor with the service program and replace scan timing board or
galvo control board (+galvo!) if necessary.
Reason: Galvo frequency not reached within 9 sec
Cure: Install software ³ LTP01509; in these versions the time-out for the galvo to reach the
required frequency is increased to 45 sec
=msg 683
Meaning: 132GS scan timing board: synchronization pulse is to slow.
Reason: Wrong jumper setting on 132GS scan timing board
Cure: Check jumper setting. Missing jumper 1 on 134GS laser control board
=msg 684
Meaning: 132GS scan timing board: wrong pixel clock and/or synchronization pulse frequency
Reason: Hardware error
Cure: Replace 132GS scan timing board
=msg 710
Meaning: 208GS (Stepper motor board upper transport hooks) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: 208GS (stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 208GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor) not
connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 208GS
Cure: Check coding. Adjust code switch to 4
=msg 711
Meaning: 206GS (Stepper motor board upper format hooks) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: 206GS (stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 206GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor) not
connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 206GS
Cure: Adjust code switch to 3.
=msg 740
Meaning: 200M1 (Stepper motor for the upper format hooks) can not reach 0-position
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply not present
Cure: Check fuse 116Si1 on the fuse distributor 116GS.
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC on 206 GS stepper motor board
Reason: 200M1 Stepper motor defective or upper format hooks jammed.
Cure: Check stepper motor with service software and check for easy running.
Reason: stepper motor 200M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44)
on the stepper motor node 206GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
Reason: 202GS (Light barrier) defective.
Cure: Test light barrier with service software.
=msg 741
Meaning: No response from 206GS (I/O bus stepper motor board) for the upper format hooks
Reason :communication error on 204GS
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
=msg 742
Meaning: Stepper motor 200M2 for the upper transport hooks can not reach 0-position
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply not present
Cure: Check fuse 116Si2 on the fuse distributor 116GS.
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC on 208 GS stepper motor board
Reason: 200M2 (Stepper motor) defective or upper format hooks jammed
Cure: Check stepper motor with service software and check for easy running.
Reason: stepper motor 200M2 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 208GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
Reason: 204GS (Light barrier) defective.
Cure: Test light barrier with service software
=msg 743
Meaning: No response from 208GS (I/O bus stepper motor board) for the upper transport hooks
Reason: communication error on 204GS
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
=msg 744
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 206GS (upper format hooks): 4A instead 2A
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 745
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 208GS (upper transport hooks): 4A instead 2A
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 746
Meaning: 200M1 (stepper motor upper format hooks): lost steps during motor self test at warm
up cycle.
Reason: 200M1 (stepper motor for the upper format hooks) can not reach the format position
8", 14" and 17" because they are blocked.
Cure: Film jam in the upper tray. Remove film. Use several test films with the service
to find the reason for the film jam.
Cure: Check for mechanical blocking (cable etc.) of the upper format hook.
Reason: stepper motor 200M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 206GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 747
Meaning: 200M2 (stepper motor upper transport hooks): lost steps during self test at warm up
Reason: 200M2 stepper motor for the upper transport hooks can not reach the position 10" and
11" because they are blocked.
Cure: Film jam in the upper tray.
Remove film. Use several test films with the service program to find the reason for the
film jam.
Cure: Check for mechanical blocking (cable etc.) of the upper transport hooks.
Reason stepper motor 200M2 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 208GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-5-27 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
=msg 751
Meaning: Film did not reach 210GS (reflection light barrier for the film detection in the upper tray)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam between scan drum and upper tray.
Cure :Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: 104GS (I/O bus driver board) defective
Cure: Replace driver board
Reason: Light barrier 210GS defective
Cure: Check the light barrier with the service program
Reason: stepper motor upper transport hooks 200M2 is to weak because of bad soldered
resistors (R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 208GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 752
Meaning: Film stays too long in 210GS (reflection light barrier for the film detection in the upper
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
Reason: stepper motor upper transport hooks 200M2 is to weak because of bad
soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 208GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 753
Meaning: Film is not long enough in 210GS (reflection light barrier for film detection upper tray)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film in the magazine too small or inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
=msg 754
Meaning: Film is still in 210GS (reflection light barrier for film detection in the upper tray), or film
is already in 73LS (reflection light barrier at the receiver entrance)
or GS 138 (light-barrier at the laser imager exit)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam between transport section and upper tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: Maindrive 100M1 defective
Cure: Check maindrive with service program
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply on 122GS I/O bus stepper motor board for the main drive not
Cure: Check fuse Si5 on 116GS fuse distributor.
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC
Reason: If in combination with "error 800" (=processor not ready) and with LR3300 software
LTP1305 or 1405, it might be a problem of the "unload task" of the LR3300 software:
whenever a film is between upper tray and exit of the laser imager, and during this time
error 800 appears, then the maindrive stops briefly, leading to a filmjam in the upper t
ransport section of the laser imager.
Films will be found in the area of the dispensers or the film guide.
Cure: Install software LTP1805 (CM+9.8394.3617.0)
=msg 755
Meaning: Film was in 210GS (reflection light barrier for film detection in the upper tray), but did
not reach 73LS (reflection light barrier at the receiver entrance) or GS 138 (light-barrier at
the laser imager exit) within time.
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam between upper tray and upper transport section.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: If in combination with "error 800" (=processor not ready) and with LR3300 software
LTP1305 or 1405, it might be a problem of the"unload task" of the LR3300 software:
whenever a film is between upper tray and exit of the laser imager, and during this time
error 800 appears, then the maindrive stops briefly, leading to a filmjam in the upper
transport section of the laser imager. Films will be found in the area of the dispensers
or the film guide.
Cure: Install software LTP1805 (CM+9.8394.3617.0)
=msg 756
Meaning: Film did not reach GS 138 (light-barrier at the laser imager exit)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in upper transport section.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
=msg 757
Meaning: During transport to the processor the film stays too long in 138GS (film detection light
barrier at the exit of the laser imager)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam at the exit of the laser imager.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
=msg 758
Meaning: During transport to the processor the film is not long enough in the film detection light
barrier 138GS at the exit of the laser imager (This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam at the exit of the laser imager.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
=msg 759
Meaning: During transport to the processor the film did not leave the film detection light barrier
138GS at the exit of the laser imager
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam at the exit of the laser imager.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
=msg 760
Meaning: During transport to the receiver the film did not did not reach 73LS (reflection light
barrier at the receiver entrance)
(LR display: "Film jam in device. Try to correct error")
Reason: Film jam before receiver
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam
=msg 761
Meaning: No film detected by receiver lightbarrier 73LS during film transport
Reason: Film jam between upper tray and receiver
Cure: Remove film; use several test films to find the reason for the film jam
Reason: 73LS defective
Cure: Change 73LS
Reason: Cable between 73LS and 71GS not connected / interrupted
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage
Reason: 79GS Receiver Control board defective
Cure: Replace Receiver Control Board
=msg 800
Meaning: Processor not ready during warm up (text also on laser imager display) or processor
for laser imager not reachable
Reason: Darkroom feedtable is opened
Cure: Wait till feedtable is closed.
Reason: Processor is heating up
Cure: If required, set the film sorter to receiver operation and have the films transported into
the receiver.
Reason: Serial cable between processor and laser camera not plugged in.
Cure: Connect cable. Check for damage.
Reason: Sporadic communication problem between processor CPU and CPU of laser imager
(RK188). Eventually internal processor problem (heating element defective)
Cure: Check film processor for defects with processor service software and the
communication protocol between laser imager and processor:
Terminal: Proc>prot
Replace RS232 interface at laser imager. Check cable.
Replace CPU of film processor.
=msg 850
Meaning: Light Sensor 138GS (exit laser imager) detects film during startup.
Reason: Film jam at the exit of the laser imager.
Cure: If in combination with error 800 in the error logbook, the film jam may be caused by a
transport problem that is induced of error 800.
Cure: Install SW LTP1509 (or higher): CM+8.8390.9945.0
Reason: I/O Bus cable to parallel docking unit (lift, exit rollers, crosstransport) not connected.
Cure: Connect cable.
=msg 910
Meaning: 306GS (Stepper motor board lower transport hook) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: 306GS (stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 306GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor) not
connected / interrupted.
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 306GS
Cure: Adjust code switch to 5.
=msg 911
Meaning: 316GS (Stepper motor board lower format hook) not detected during I/O bus node
Reason: 316GS (stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Cable between 316GS (stepper motor board) and 126GS (I/O bus distributor) not
connected / interrupted
Cure: Connect cable. Check cable for damage.
Reason: Wrong coding of 316GS
Cure: Adjust code switch to 6.
=msg 940
Meaning: 300M4 (Stepper motor for lower transport hook) can not reach 0-position
Reason: 300M4 (Stepper motor) defective or lower transport hook jammed.
Cure: Test 300M4 (stepper motor) with service software and check for easy running.
Reason: 36 V DC supply on GS 306 not present.
Cure: Check fuse 116Si4 on the fuse distributor 116GS.
Cure: Check voltage 36 V DC
Reason: stepper motor lower transport hooks 300M4 is to weak because of bad soldered
resistors (R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 306GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
Reason: 306GS (Stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board.
Reason: 302GS (Light barrier) defective.
Cure: Test light barrier with service software.
=msg 941
Meaning: No response from 306GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the lower transport hooks).
No acknowledge signal sent to CPU.
Reason: communication error on 306GS
Cure: Replace stepper motor control board
=msg 942
Meaning: 300M2 (Stepper motor for lower format hooks) can not reach 0-position
Reason: 312GS (Light barrier) defective.
Cure: Test light barrier with service software.
Reason: 300M2 (Stepper motor) defective or lower transport hook jammed.
Cure: Test 300M2 (stepper motor) with service software and check for easy movement.
Reason: 36 V DC supply on 316GS (I/O bus stepper motor board) not present.
Cure: Check fuse 116Si4 on the fuse distributor 116GS.
Cure: Check voltage 36 V DC
Reason: 316GS (Stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board.
Reason: stepper motor lower transport hooks 300M4 is to weak because of bad soldered
resistors (R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 316GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
Reason: Filmjam due to friction in dispenser clutch too low.
Cure: Clean or replace clutch. Clean it with "Isopropanol"
=msg 943
Meaning: No response from 316GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the lower transport hooks).
No acknowledge signal sent to CPU.
Reason: communication error on 316GS
Cure: Replace stepper motor control board
=msg 944
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 306GS (lower transport hooks): 4A instead 2A
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 945
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 316GS (lower format hooks): 4A instead 2A
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 946
Meaning: 300M4 (stepper motor lower transport hook): lost steps during self test at warm up
(LR display: "Film jam in device. Try to correct error")
Reason: 300M4 (stepper motor for the lower transport hook) can not reach the position because
they are blocked.
Cure: Film jam in the lower tray.
Remove film. Use several test films with the service program to find the reason for the
film jam.
Cure: Check mechanical blocking of the lower transport hook.
Reason: stepper motor lower transport hooks 300M4 is to weak because of bad soldered
resistors (R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 306GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
Reason: Filmjam due to friction in dispenser clutch too low.
Cure: Clean or replace clutch.
Clean it with "Isopropanol"
=msg 948
Meaning: 300M2 (stepper motor lower format hooks): lost steps during self test at warm up cycle
(LR display: "Film jam in device. Try to correct error")
Reason: Up to SN1045: clutch is too soft if its warm.
Cure: Replace clutch by CM+7.8360.4019.0
Reason: 300M2 (stepper motor for the lower format hooks) can not reach the format position
because the hooks are blocked.
Cure: Film jam in the lower tray.
Remove film. Use several test films with the service program to find the reason for the
film jam.
Cure: Check mechanical blocking (cable, etc.) of the lower format hooks.
Reason: stepper motor lower format hooks 300M2 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors
(R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 316GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
Reason: Filmjam due to friction in dispenser clutch too low.
Cure: Clean or replace clutch. Clean it with "Isopropanol"
=msg 951
Meaning: Film detected by 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and lower
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: maindrive 100M1 defective. Remove belt. Check gears for easy running.
Cure: check maindrive with service program
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply on 122GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the main drive) not
Cure: Check fuse Si5 on 116GS fuse distributor.
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC
Reason: Film guide plate at lower transport section not inserted.
Cure: Check proper fitting of film guide plate at lower transport section.
=msg 952
Meaning: Film reaches 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and lower tray)
too late
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Friction in dispenser clutch too low.
 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2007-5-27 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
Cure: Clean or replace clutch.
Clean it with "Isopropanol"
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the filmjam
Reason: Film in the magazine too small or inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
Reason: Light sensor 128GS defective
Cure: Check light sensor with service program (Test - complete film cycle)
Reason: For SW < LTP1805 in some circumstances the error message is
sporadically displayed, even if there is no mechanical problem.
Cure: Upgrade SW to LTP1805 or higher
=msg 953
Meaning: Film reaches 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and lower tray)
too fast
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
=msg 954
Meaning: Film did not reach 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and lower
tray) (This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find a possible mechanical failure.
Reason: maindrive 100M1 defective
Cure: check maindrive with service program
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply on 122GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the main drive) not
Cure: Check fuse Si5 on 116GS (fuse distributor).
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V
=msg 955
Meaning: Film stays too long in 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and
lower tray). (This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film
Reason: Inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding
=msg 956
Meaning: Film is not long enough in 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser
and lower tray). (This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: film in the dispenser too small or inserted magazine wrong coded.
Cure: Check magazine coding.
=msg 957
Meaning: Film was in 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and lower tray)
but did not reach 318GS (reflection light barrier at the scan drum entrance)
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam in the lower tray.
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: maindrive 100M1 defective
Cure: check maindrive with service program
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply on 122GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the main drive) not
Cure: Check fuse Si5 on 116GS (fuse distributor).
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC
Reason: stepper motor lower transport hooks 300M4 is to weak because of bad soldered
resistors (R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 306GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
=msg 958
Meaning: 128GS (reflection light barrier located between dispenser and lower tray) detects film
after switching on the laser camera or after a film remove cycle.
(LR display: "Film jam in device. Try to correct error")
Reason: Film jam in the area of the lower tray after switching on or after an automatic film
remove cycle (start up)
Cure: Remove film. Use several test films to find the reason for the film jam.
Reason: Maindrive 100M1 defective
Cure: Check maindrive with service program
Reason: 36,5 V DC supply on 122GS (I/O bus stepper motor board for the main drive) not
Cure: Check fuse Si5 on 116GS (fuse distributor).
Cure: Check voltage 36,5 V DC
=msg 970
Meaning: 352GS (Stepper motor board cross transport) not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 352GS (stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Wrong coding of 352GS
Cure: Adjust code switch to 8.
=msg 971
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 352GS crosstransport: (4A instead 2A)
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 972
Meaning: No response from 352GS (I/O bus stepper motor board crosstransport)
Reason: Communication error on 352 GS
Cure: Replace 352 GS
=msg 973
Meaning: Crosstransport does not reach zero position, light sensor 354GS (zero position cross
transport) is not interrupted
Reason: Light sensor 354GS doesn`t detect crosstransport hook
Cure: Check if light sensors 354/356GS are mounted on a plate with a 2mm lowering
(already made for SN 3011;3012;>3013
If not, mount 2 mm washers below plate. Make it light tight with tape.
Reason: Crosstransport hook is broken
Cure: Mount new crosstransport belt with hook
Reason: Cross transport motor 350M1 does not move (defective) or 352GS motor control board
Cure: Change motor or motor control board
Reason: No power supply
Cure: Check fuse on 702GS fuse distributor board
Reason: Mechanical blocking
Cure: Check drive with service software
Reason: Stepper motor 350M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 352GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
=msg 974
Meaning: Crosstransport motor 350M1 cannot reach endposition (time-out)
Reason: Light sensor 356GS (endposition crosstransport) doesn`t detect crosstransport hook
Cure: Check if light sensors 356/354GS (Zero / end position crosstransport) are mounted on
a plate with a 2mm lowering already made for SN 3011;3012;>3013). If not, mount
2 mm washers below plate. Make it light tight with tape.
Reason: Crosstransport hook is broken
Cure: Mount new crosstransport belt with hook
Reason Cross transport motor 350M1 does not move (defective) or 352GS motor control board
Cure: Change motor or motor control board
Reason: No power supply
Cure: Check fuse on 702GS fuse distributor board
Reason :Mechanical blocking
Cure: Check drive with service software
Reason: stepper motor 350M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 352GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 975
Meaning: Crosstransport motor 350M1 lost steps during selfcheck
Reason: 2 bearings of the guide pulley are not proper lubricated or the belt tension is adjusted
too strong
Cure: modification kit: new bearings, a new belt and 2 side panels: CM+8.5105.2400.0
Cure: Take out crosstransport. Remove film.
Reason: stepper motor 350M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 352GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 976
Meaning: No film detected at light sensor 356GS (endposition crosstransport) during transport
crosstransport to lift.
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: 2 bearings of the guide pulley are not proper lubricated or the belt tension is adjusted
too strong.
Cure: Modification kit: new bearings, a new belt and 2 side panels: CM+8.5105.2400.0
Reason: Possibly film jam.
Cure: Take out crosstransport. Remove film. Try to find exact reason for filmjam.
Reason: Stepper motor 350M1 (cross transport) is to weak because of bad soldered resistors
(R43/R44) on the stepper motor node 352GS
Cure: Resolder resistors or change board
=msg 977
Meaning: Light sensor 356GS (endposition crosstransport) not clear during/after film transport
from crosstransport to lift. (This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Possibly filmjam. Eventually number of steps for crosstransport motor (maxsteps
xtrans) too big.
(14x17" film should have about 2 mm clearance in thelift if transport hook
crosstransport is in its endposition)
Cure: Refer to documentation section 3: Installation of crosstransport.
Take out crosstransport. Remove film. Try to find out exact reason for filmjam.
=msg 980
Meaning: 754GS (Stepper motor board lift) not detected during I/O bus node check
Reason: 754GS (stepper motor board) defective.
Cure: Replace stepper motor board
Reason: Wrong coding of 754GS
Cure: Adjust code switch to 14.
=msg 981
Meaning: Wrong stepper motor node 754GS lift: 4A instead 2A
Cure: Change board to 2A version
=msg 982
Meaning: No response from 754GS (I/O bus stepper motor board crosstransport )
Reason: communication error on 754GS
Cure: replace 754GS
=msg 983
Meaning: 750M1 (lift motor) cannot reach zero position: 752GS (reflection light sensor for 0-
position detection of lift) doesn`t detect film.
Reason: 752 GS (light sensor) defective or not connected
Cure: Check light sensor connection or replace it
Reason: Stepper motor 750M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 754GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 984
Meaning: Lift cannot reach end position: Endposition time-out. (This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Filmjam in the area of the lift
Cure: Remove films
Reason: Stepper motor 750M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 754GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 985
Meaning: Lift motor 750M1 lost steps during selfcheck
Reason: Filmjam in the area of the lift
Cure: Remove films
Reason: Stepper motor 750M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 754GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 986
Meaning: No film detected at light sensors 758GS/760GS (left and right light sensor for film
detection in the lift) during transport from lift to processor Þ film jam
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Cure: Take out crosstransport. Remove film. Try to find out exact
reason for the filmjam.
Reason: Stepper motor 750M1 is to weak because of bad soldered resistors (R43/R44) on the
stepper motor node 754GS
Cure: Resolder Resistors or change board
=msg 987
Meaning: Film is too long in light sensor 758GS/760GS (left and right light sensor for film
detection in the lift) during filmrun to processor Þ film jam
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Cure: Take out crosstransport. Remove film. Try to find out exact reason for filmjam.
=msg 988
Meaning: Film passed light sensor 758GS/760GS (left and right light sensor for film detection in
the lift) but didn`t reach entry rollers of processor during filmrun to processor
(This error causes a startup cycle)
Reason: Film jam
Cure: Take out crosstransport. Remove film. Try to find out exact reason for filmjam.
Reason: Film detection (magnet rollers) in the entrance of the processor not correct mounted
Cure: Check if the magnet rollers are snapped in the correct position
ybks 发表于 2008-8-19 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
AGFA LR3300激光照相机总是重启是怎么回事?请教谢谢请求给个答复。
ybks 发表于 2008-8-25 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
     你好!我就是那天给您打电话的同事,故障是(AGFA MG3000 总是重新启动,那个电源风扇不转,而且那个主板上的总共是6个指示灯,亮5个)请指教,给出具体故障可以吗?谢谢谢谢谢谢!不甚感激!!!!
shiji 发表于 2008-8-25 22:03 | 显示全部楼层


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