Fluorescence A property of molecules to absorb light at one wavelength and emit light at a longer wavelength. Flow cytometers detect Fluorescence emission at a 90 degree angle to the exciting light beam.
Forward Scatter (FSC) 前向角 A parameter measuring light scattered less than 10 degrees as a cell passes through the laser beam. The FSC measurement is related to cell size.
G0 Phase of cell cycle designating cells that are quiescent and have not yet entered the growth cycle. Normal cells in this phase have exactly one set of chromosome pairs.
G1 Phase of cells cycle in which cells are committed to division. These cells have the same number of chromosomes and the same amount of DNA as GO phase cells. They are about to enter S phase where they synthesize DNA.
G2 Phase of cells cycle in which proliferating cells have duplicated their DNA and formed two sets of chromosome pairs, in preparation for division. G2 follows the S phase and precedes the M (mitosis) phase.
Gain 增益 An adjustment that modifies amplifier responses. Increasing the gain increases the electronic pulse (and the relative fluorescence intensity value and the channel value) in response to a light signal.
Gate 翻译过来后还是觉得称之为“gate”好!A boundary that defines a subset or sub-population of events. Gates are set by drawing boundaries around the subsets on data plots (dot plots or histograms). Use gates either for data acquisition or analysis. Inclusive gates select only the events that fall within (and on) the boundary. Exclusive gates select only the events that fall outside of the boundary.
Live gate 与上面的“gate”不同,是作为记录的条件的gate,不在gate之内的数据不被存入电脑!Gate through which any data from the flow cytometer/computer parallel interface must pass before acquisition. Any data outside the gate does not enter the computer.
Haploid 单倍体 Having one set of single chromosomes. Reproductive cells, like eggs and sperm, are haploid.
Histogram A data plot of a single parameter. This displays either the relative fluorescence intensity value or the channel number on the x axis and the number of events on the y axis.
Linear scale 线性The scale on which the output is directly proportional to the input. When the control is set at Linear, the voltage measured is directly proportional to the channel into which the event falls.
Logarithmic scale 对数 The scale on which the values increase logarithmically. This scale is used when the instrument is set to LOG. There are four decades across the 1024 channels on FACScan (256 channels per decade). The scale ranges from 1 to 10,000. For FACScan, the number of decades is fixed.
M Phase of the cell cycle, mitosis, during which a cell divides into two. This precedes GO/G1 and follows G2. M phase and G2 cells contain the same amount of DNA and the same number of chromosomes. In normal cells, this is the tetraploid number (4N) of chromosomes.
Marker 就是第五篇中的一张图上面的M1,M2等。作为统计时的分界区域限制。A line separating regions on single parameter histograms that are treated statistically separate. See cursor.
Parameter A measurement of light intensity, either scattered or emitted fluorescence, from a particle as it passes through a laser beam. For all five parameters (FSC, SSC, FL1, FL2, FL3) the height of the electronic pulse that is generated is used. In addition, for cell cycle analysis CellQuest software can measure either FL2 area and FL2 width (for staining with propidium iodide) or FL3 area and FL3 width (for staining with 7-amino-actinomycin D).
Photodiode 光电二极管,将光信号转化为电信号。A semiconductor device used to detect light and generate an electrical current. Typically used in forward scatter (FSC) detection.
Photomultiplier 光电倍增管 A photodetector, with adjustable voltage, that translates optical tube (PMT) signals into electrical current. PMT detectors are used for SSC and fluorescence parameters. Increasing the PMT voltage, increases the output signal for a given amount of light.
Ploidy 倍性 The number of chromosomes present in the cell. The amount of DNA in a cell gives an indication of the ploidy, but is not directly proportional. See Haploid, Diploid, and Aneuploid.
Pulse 不是脉搏,是脉冲!The electronic signal generated by a particle (cell or nucleus) in the flow cytometer.
Rate The number of events per second processed by the computer.
Reference Sample 就是作为一个内标的样本,通过它可以对一些物质进行定量检测!(这就是为什么在一些帖子里面,我们总是说流式是个定性,半定量工具,要做到半定量或定量,需要内标。不是所有的数据都可以定量的。) A sample of known DNA content mixed with an experimental sample to provide an internal standard.
S Phase of the cell cycle, DNA synthesis, in which the cell duplicates its DNA.
Scale The maximum number of events displayed for a channel in a histogram. A low scale number magnifies the data.
Side Scatter (SSC) Also called 90o scatter or right angle scatter. Light scattered at a 90 degree angle as a cell passes through the laser beam. This measurement is related to the internal granularity or complexity of a particle.
Singlet A single particle (cell or nucleus), which a flow cytometer records as one event.
Threshold 阈值,在流式中,这是个很重要的概念! The lowest channel number for a selected parameter for which an event may be recorded. The flow cytometer sends to the computer only events above the threshold level. 安全问题及流式细胞术的应用
1,电安全问题:偏振板,激光供电等都是高电压,要特别小心。仪器内部应该只有厂家人员及相关工作人员才能操作,试验人员不要冒险!! 2,激光安全问题:流式的激光有相应的cover来保护,不要打开,否则危险!某些仪器操作时必须关上相应的门!不要直视激光室内不要有反光物体。不要试图用什么阻断激光束! 3,生物学安全问题:如病毒,细菌,致癌物质等,倒废液桶时要注意!不要用手或身体其它部位直接接触有可能有危险的东西,提高警惕! 4,财产安全问题:流式是贵重仪器,液流系统,激光系统,电脑系统都价值昂贵!大家在操作时千万要严肃,嘻笑不适合在流式旁!
流式细胞术的应用 流式细胞术址检测细胞各种成分的重要细胞生物学工具。它不但可以定量检测细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核中的各种细胞成分,而日可以研究细胞的各种功能状态(细胞增殖,细胞凋亡、细胞分化、酶活性、细胞膜通透性、氧化还原状态、吞噬性等)。目前还叫以定量检测血清中的各种可溶性生物分子成分。
细胞膜:脂质双层分子结构中具有多种蛋白质分子——细胞表面抗原,表面糖类、表面受体,细胞因子,膜电位.膜结合钙离子,细胞表面电荷等,这对确定细胞的性质及其功能是十分重要的。 细胞质:各种细胞成分,包拈蛋白质、RNA、各种细胞器中的特殊成分、各种抗原、基因编码蛋白,细胞质内钙离子、pH值等。 细胞核:DNA,RNA,蛋白质.各种基因表达蛋白、抗原蛋白等。(摘自《实用流式细胞术彩色图谱》)
上图中2N代表G0/G1期细胞,4N代表G2/M期细胞,两者中间代表S期细胞。这是以2倍体和4倍体细胞为主的流式DNA图 下图为含有大量非整倍体细胞G0/G1(2.8N)和G2/M(5.6N)。
上图中101~102(M1)为阴性细胞,101以上的(M2)为阳性细胞。 这里有一个在常见的问题:如何做M1阴性界限?!实际上,这个M1的划分完全是根据阴性对照来的!如下图:红色部分代表阴性对照,即:您所检测的物质在阴性组中的基础表达量,可以理解为背景、静息状态下、基础水平、未受刺激时等。蓝色部分即阳性组,也就是接受刺激后,功能状态下、药物作用后等。
左上:CD4+ 右下:CD8+ 左下:CD4-/CD8- 右上:CD4+/CD8+
散点图常被用来分析多参数数据,如上面CD分子的表达,以及凋亡周期特异性,早期凋亡的检测等!如下图:Annexin V-FITC/PI染色。
关于Annexin V-FITC/PI染色右上角的意义,现在有几种说法: 1)坏死+晚期凋亡 2)晚期凋亡 3)坏死(如下图)
散点图可以用来进行多参数分析,上面已经提到。至于参数选择,就可以自己选择了,也许您可以发明一种新的方法来作为试验平台呢!比如这篇文章:《New method for the analysis of cell cycle-specific apoptosis》就是在tunnel法的原理上进行的变化,产生了一种新的细胞周期特异性凋亡的分析方法:API法。
下载链接: 1.膜联蛋白V 与碘化丙啶用于细胞.周期特异性凋.亡的检测 2.New Method for the Analysis of Cell Cycle–Specific Apoptosis
cellquest中文使用说明: CELLQUEST软件的使用手册
cellquest 英文使用说明下载地址: CellQuest使用手册电子书(CellQuest Software Reference Manual)
ModFit 是由美国Verity Software House公司设计,专门用于流式细胞术中进行细胞周期分析的软件。它通过对DNA含量直方图进行曲线拟合,能快速计算出各种倍体细胞的含量、细胞周期各时相及亚二倍体细胞所占的比例、DNA指数、G0/G1期峰的变异系数等。此外,2.0版本还增加了“同步化分析”和“增殖分析”的功能,可分别进行同步化细胞和增殖细胞的研究。
主程序与使用说明下载地址: WinMDI ver 2.9 下载 使用这个软件可以使原本只能在实验室完成的工作可以转移到家里去进行。软件操作简单,内存占用少,而且是免费的,没有什么版权问题,是值得强力推荐的一个流式分析软件!
如FCSExpressV3Full是个很好的软件,生成图形漂亮,可惜30d的试用期,我重装系统后一直不舍得安装,等需要的时候再安装使用吧。 还有testDNA、analyse、Winlist等,均可以作为辅助软件进行流式资料分析。
在流式荧光之间有相互干扰时,补偿就显得尤为重要了,版内经常有如Annexin V-PI染色检测细胞凋亡的流式图片,但是可以看出,一部分的补偿没有调整好,轻则影响数据准确性,重则出现错误结果!