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郑振寰 发表于 2007-6-5 16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式











人民日报 2003-01-29 13:01

附:法国让·梅里厄P4实验室介绍 引自:https://www.cervi-lyon.inserm.fr/Presentation/PresentationGB.htm
P4 laboratory "Jean Mérieux": a type of facility with high level of bio security and a research center for viruses, not common in Europe and rare worldwide

The designation P4 (pathogen of class 4) refers to the level of containment required for handling pathogens inducing a high level of mortality in humans. Normally there is no vaccination or efficient medical treatment against these agents. The highest level of containment required to handle these germs is designated by the terminology BSL4 ( Biological safety level 4). The principle class 4 viral agents are Smallpox and virus generating hemorrhagic fevers: Ebola, Lassa, Marburg, Crimea Congo, Rift valley, etc. These infectious diseases are highly contagious with high fatality rates. In relationship to the exterior, the P4 laboratory operates under lower pressures to prevent the escape of the infectious agents and the air is circulated through filters to remove the pathogens. Personnel work in specifically designed suits similar to those in the nuclear industry . At present, fewer than 15 laboratories of this type existi, the majority of which are located in the USA.
The P4 structure is involving a number of scientific institutions
In October 2000, the Merieux Foundation and the Pasteur Institute created the "Research Center Mérieux Pasteur in Lyon” : the Merieux Foundation was responsible for the technical maintenance ensured the technical maintenance and biosecurity while the Pasteur Institute assumed the scientific direction. For this, the Pasteur Unit “biology of Emerging Viral Infections (UBIVE)” was created , and this included the National Reference Centre for Hemorrhagic Fevers (CNR).
Since 2004 , INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research ) is responsible for the administration of the P4 laboratory. In addition to the Pasteur Institute unit, INSERM has two teams which are researching on Paramyxovirus and Ebola virus .

The Jean Mérieux-INSERM P4 laboratory de Lyon has five main objectives
(i) Public health: to ensure the maintenance of the P4 buildings and training of people to work within a P4 laboratory.

(ii) The diagnosis and monitoring of special pathogenic agents. These may be known or emerging pathogens either of natural origin or created by bioterrorism. To this end INSERM seeks the collaboration of other structures with relevant expertise such as National Reference Centres, Armed Forces Centres of research, University, etc… ..

(iii) To accommodate scientific teams (INSERM or others) on research programs for specific pathogens.
The P4 Jean Mérieux/ INSERM does not carry out research itself, but supplies and supports the necessary ultrastructure to perform studies within the P4 laboratory. Prospective teams submit their projects to the Director of P4 laboratory and it is subsequently examined by the P4 Scientific Council which is in charge of giving its advice (recommanding the project or not). Teams whose programs are approved need to provide appropriate funding. The director of P4 laboratory makes his decision, and, if needed, refers to the Director General of INSERM. .

(iiii) Management of the National bank of special pathogenic agents.

(iiiii) Collaboration with other countries possessing P4 laboratories, or wishing to collaborate with the French P4. Collaborations include European, American, or Asian teams: exchange of information, pathogens, and reagents in keeping with the biosecurity rules, particularly those of AFNOR, AFSSAPS, OECD (NF-EN ISO/CEI 17 025), European Networks, G 7 , G 8, etc…

P4 Jean Mérieux-INSERM is a structure open to collaboration. It is important:

for the Rhone Alpes region which accepted it following a period of debate.

for infectious disease research in Lyon - it will contribute to a major centre of research in this field
at a national level – because there are few structures in Europe,
to survey possible bioterrorist activity (in collaboration with military scientists )


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