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卢大鹏 发表于 2007-8-13 11:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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BeckmanCoulter DXA系列培训资料
Ortho VITROS 系列培训资料
Ortho enGen_ThermoFisher TCA 实验室自动化系统培训资料
Roche Cobas 实验室自动化系统培训资料
Roche Cobas modular系列分析仪培训资料
Horiba-ABX Yumizen系列培训资料
DiaSorin Liaison系列培训资料
Atellica Solution系列培训资料
Siemens Immunoassay系列培训资料 西门子化学发光系列
SIEMENS Advia系列培训资料 西门子生化系列
Toshiba/Abbott系列培训资料 东芝雅培生化系列
Abbott Architect 系列培训资料 雅培生化化学发光系列
ACL TOP 系列培训资料 沃芬TOP血凝系列
BeckmanCoulter Immunoassay系列培训资料 贝克曼化学发光系列
BeckmanCoulter DXH 系列培训资料 贝克曼DXH血球系列
BeckmanCoulter自动样品处理系统介绍性培训资料 贝克曼前后处理流水线系列
BeckmanCoulter AU系列培训资料 贝克曼AU生化系列
BeckmanCoulter DXC系列培训资料 贝克曼DXC生化系列
LaboSpect003/008/AS 7100/7180分析仪培训资料
Horiba-ABX系列培训资料 Horiba-ABX血球系列
Sysmex 血凝系列培训(CA/CS)
Sysmex 尿液分析系列培训(UF1000/5000/UC3500)
Sysmex 血球系列培训(KX21/POCH/XS/XT/XE)
Sysmex XN系列培训(XN-L/XN1000/XN2000/XN3000/XN9000)
Sysmex HISCL系列培训

ZHAOYU 发表于 2007-8-16 23:53 | 显示全部楼层

3.5.7 CX4 PROBE ROTARY ALIGNMENT 1. Procedure Summary. This procedure aids the operator in aligning the sample probe. 2. Materials Required. Allen Wrench 3. Procedure Access. From the diagnostics MAIN MENU Screen: (a) Press F2 SETUP OPTIONS to select operation mode. (b) Press SELECT to set ALIGNMENT mode. (c) Press PREV SCREEN to return to diagnostics MAIN MENU Screen. (d) Cursor and SELECT 5. Sample System, or type 5, ENTER. (e) Cursor and SELECT 1. Probe Rotary Alignment, or type 1, ENTER. 4. Special Instructions. (a) Rotate probe arm to access rotary detent flag set screw. (b) Rotate fine adjustment screw clockwise to its stop. (c) Loosen rotary detent flag set screws. (d) Rotate probe arm and center over reaction carousel cuvette #43. (e) Center probe in cuvette #43 using left/ right arrow keys for counterclockwise/ clockwise probe rotation and up/down arrow keys for vertical up/vertical off. (f) Rotate detent flag so that sensor is ON and white timing mark is aligned with pivot shaft. (g) Tighten one rotary detent set screw. (h) Rotate fine adjustment screw counterclockwise until sensor just toggles from ON to OFF.

ZHAOYU 发表于 2007-8-16 23:55 | 显示全部楼层

1. Procedure Summary. This procedure aids the
operator in aligning the sample mixer.
2. Materials Required.
Allen Wrench.
User-defined cartridge with water in
compartment A, loaded as H2O.3. Procedure Access. From the diagnostics MAIN MENU Screen: (a) Press F2 SETUP OPTIONS to select operation mode. (b) Press SELECT to set ALIGNMENT mode. (c) Press PREV SCREEN to return to diagnostics MAIN MENU Screen. (d) Cursor and SELECT 5. Sample System, or type 5, ENTER. (e) Cursor and SELECT 2. Mixer Rotary Alignment, or type 2, ENTER. 4. Special Instructions. (a) Rotate mixer arm to access rotary detent flag set screw. (b) Rotate fine adjustment screw clockwise to its stop. (c) Loosen rotary detent flag set screws. (d) Rotate mixer arm and center over reaction carousel cuvette #43. (e) Center probe in cuvette #43 using left/ right arrow keys for counterclockwise/ clockwise probe rotation and up/down arrow keys for vertical up/vertical off. (f) Rotate detent flag so that sensor is ON and white timing mark is aligned with pivot shaft. (g) Tighten one rotary detent flag set screw. (h) Rotate fine adjustment screw until sensor just toggles from ON to OFF (or vice versa). Observe the SENSOR STATUS window on the system console.(i) Tighten second set screw. (j) Verify the mixer is centered over reaction carousel cuvette. (k) Verify sensor status toggles during slight rotary movement of mixer arm. Observe the SENSOR STATUS window on the system console.
yongfeng 发表于 2007-8-18 17:52 | 显示全部楼层
郑振寰 发表于 2007-8-18 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 卢大鹏 发表于 2007-8-20 10:57 | 显示全部楼层
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