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郑振寰 发表于 2004-11-26 13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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R-500激光调整 (半导体激光 波长633nm

(1) Dilute 5 drops of latex SS-071-P with CELLPACK 30mL.(Latex for FSC)

(2) Dilute 2 drops of latex A-7312 with CELLPACK 50mL.(Latex for SFL)

(3) Oscilloscope connection.

FSC: TP6 (FSC1) and TP3 (GND) on the PCB No.2130

SFL: TP5 (SFL1) and TP3 (GND) on the PCB No.2130

示波器500mv 1.0us CH1 直流 YT模式


1. 关闭主机电源,打开遮片,移开Flowcell 和后聚焦镜

2. 观察并调整Pinhole,使黑孔在中间位置

3. 打开激光,调整一直线,若不在一直线,可以调整前聚焦镜左右位置

4. 然后再调整前聚焦位置,使激光照在Pinhole上成一条细细竖直光带,并且光带以Pinhole小孔为中心,若不在中心,可以调整Pinhole位置(这种相差不能太大)

5. 上后聚焦镜,使光带成水平,同样是以Pinhole小孔为中心(上下、左右),并且光带越细越好

6. Flowcell,使光呈水平一直线(同样是以Pinhole小孔为中心)

7. Beam stop,使一直线光成两点(越圆越亮越好),均匀对称于Pinhole小孔

8. 接好示波器(500mv 1.0us CH1 直流 YT模式)做颗粒:Pour Latex for FSC approx. 2mL into reaction chamber。然后,“SELECT-5.Service Prog.-ENTER-1.Service Seq.-down arrow three times or press 4-4.Opt.Axis Align-Y: Start. Following message will displayed. Continue? FSC: 1/ FL: 2. Press “1” to start FSC Optical Alignment sequence.


1. FSC基础上,移开FL接受器的遮光盖

2. 放一张白纸,通过FLOWCELL内看有一白孔,白孔在黑圈中心,黑线在白孔中心

3. 用激光笔进行照射时,FLOWCELL在接受器正中成两条对称的黑线(FLOWCELL投影),若偏离调整长旋调钮

4. 然后,调整短旋调钮,使两条黑线(FLOWCELL投影 )最细

9. 接示波器(500mv 1.0us CH1 直流 YT模式)做颗粒:Pour Latex for FL approx. 2mL into reaction chamber。然后,“SELECT-5.Service Prog.-ENTER-1.Service Seq.-down arrow three times or press 4-4.Opt.Axis Align-Y: Start. Following message will displayed. Continue? FSC: 1/ FL: 2. Press “2” to start FL Optical Alignment sequence.

Sensitivity Adjustment

1. Pour 2 Ml of latex (FSC)into the Reaction Chamber

2. Run Optical Axis Alignment by selecting SELECT-5.Service Prog.-ENTER-1.Service Seq.-down arrow three times or press 4-4.Opt.Axis Align-Y: StarAnd the following message appears : Y130.0 DW 0.15 T 11020

3. Adjust VR6 on PCB No.2130 so that the Y value will be 130±20 and DW will be less than 0.15

4. Pour latex(SFL) into the Reaction Chamber.

5. Run Optical Axis Alignment by selecting SELECT-5.Service Prog.-ENTER-1.Service Seq.-down arrow three times or press 4-4.Opt.Axis Align-Y: StarAnd the following message appears : Y130.0 DW 0.15 T 11020(打印出来的结果,图象表现为一个高峰,越高越好)

6. Adjust VR1 on PCB No.2130 so that the X value will be 130±20 and DW will be less than 0.27 (PMT Voltage will be around –250V.)

7. Return to “Ready” by pressing SELECT.(AUTO RINSE will be performed automatically.)

8. Analyze RET CHECK.

9. Adjust VR1 so that the RBC-X will be same value in the Assay sheet. VR1 will be turned approx. three turns.

注:激光调整前,VR1(PCB NO。2130)逆时针3周(在激光偏离不太大)。在完全调整后(FSC SFL)再复位

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