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[求助]cx7f报警fatal note iom module

martin0813 发表于 2008-9-7 18:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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请教各位老师cx7问题,机器运行过程中报警fatal note iom module,无法进行后面的测试。然后操作老师关机重开机 运行正常,过半个小时以后,又出现此报警,查看前30分钟做的标本结果正常,请教各位老师这是什么问题?有什么解决办法?万分感谢,焦急等待中!

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greatsss 发表于 2008-9-8 12:15 | 显示全部楼层




Fatal Note:  IOM Module Bad Print Task
This error is likely left over from CX 4.7 software.  Take the following actions.

1.  Reboot the system.  If problem recurs, proceed to the next step.  In most cases, a reboot will

    resolve the problem.
2.  Boot console to QNX and run set_dinstr to verify software configuration is the same as instrument

     configuration.  If not, select the correct options under set_dinstr to ensure configurations match.

     Be aware that certain data is lost when set_dinstr is run.  If you haven't tried rebooting, do so 

     before running set_dinstr.
3.  Check the file structure.  Boot the console to QNX and type the following commands:
                cd    /

                chkfsys  -uV   /
4.  Reload software.
5.  Call Tech Support if these actions do not resolve the problem.

崔育鸣 发表于 2008-9-8 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
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