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郑振寰 发表于 2010-3-4 12:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Endoscopic images of a duodenal ulcer
An example of a flexible endoscope.
A physician using an endoscope.

Endoscopy means looking inside and typically refers to looking inside the body for medical reasons using an instrument called an endoscope. Endoscopy can also refer to using a borescope in technical situations where direct line-of-sight observation is not feasible.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Components
  • 3 Uses
  • 4 History
    • 4.1 Early
    • 4.2 Storz
    • 4.3 Development of the Gastroscope
    • 4.4 Fibre Optics
    • 4.5 Rod-lens Endoscopes
  • 5 Risks
  • 6 After the endoscopy
  • 7 Recent developments
  • 8 See also
  • 9 Notes
  • 10 References
  • 11 External links


Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic medical procedure that is used to assess the interior surfaces of an organ by inserting a tube into the body. The instrument may have a rigid or flexible tube and not only provide an image for visual inspection and photography, but also enable taking biopsies and retrieval of foreign objects. Endoscopy is the vehicle for minimally invasive surgery, and patients may receive conscious sedation so they do not have to be consciously aware of the discomfort.

Many endoscopic procedures are considered to be relatively painless and, at worst, associated with moderate discomfort; for example, in esophagogastroduodenoscopy, most patients tolerate the procedure with only topical anaesthesia of the oropharynx using lidocaine spray. [1]. Complications are rare but can include perforation of the organ under inspection with the endoscope or biopsy instrument. If that occurs open surgery may be required to repair the injury.


An endoscope can consist of

  • a rigid or flexible tube
  • a light delivery system to illuminate the organ or object under inspection. The light source is normally outside the body and the light is typically directed via an optical fiber system
  • a lens system transmitting the image to the viewer from the fiberscope
  • an additional channel to allow entry of medical instruments or manipulators


Endoscopy can involve

  • The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract):
    • esophagus, stomach and duodenum (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
    • small intestine (enteroscopy)
    • large intestine\colon (colonoscopy,sigmoidoscopy)
    • bile duct
      • endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), duodenoscope-assisted cholangiopancreatoscopy, intraoperative cholangioscopy
    • rectum (rectoscopy) and anus (anoscopy), both also referred to as (proctoscopy)
  • The respiratory tract
    • The nose (rhinoscopy)
    • The lower respiratory tract (bronchoscopy)
  • The ear (otoscope)
  • The urinary tract (cystoscopy)
  • The female reproductive system (gynoscopy)
    • The cervix (colposcopy)
    • The uterus (hysteroscopy)
    • The fallopian tubes (falloscopy)
  • Normally closed body cavities (through a small incision):
    • The abdominal or pelvic cavity (laparoscopy)
    • The interior of a joint (arthroscopy)
    • Organs of the chest (thoracoscopy and mediastinoscopy)
  • During pregnancy
    • The amnion (amnioscopy)
    • The fetus (fetoscopy)
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Panendoscopy (or triple endoscopy)
    • Combines laryngoscopy, esophagoscopy, and bronchoscopy
  • Hand Surgery, such as endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery
  • Non-medical uses for endoscopy
    • The planning and architectural community have found the endoscope useful for pre-visualization of scale models of proposed buildings and cities (architectural endoscopy)
    • Internal inspection of complex technical systems (borescope)
    • Endoscopes are also a tool helpful in the examination of improvised explosive devices by bomb disposal personnel.
    • The FBI uses endoscopes for conducting surveillance via tight spaces.



The first endoscope, of a kind, was developed in 1806 by Philip Bozzini with his introduction of a "Lichtleiter" (light conductor) "for the examinations of the canals and cavities of the human body". However, the Vienna Medical Society disapproved of such curiosity. An endoscope was first introduced into a human in 1822 by William Beaumont, an army surgeon at Mackinac Island, Michigan[citation needed]. The use of electric light was a major step in the improvement of endoscopy. The first such lights were external. Later, smaller bulbs became available making internal light possible, for instance in a hysteroscope by Charles David in 1908[citation needed]. Hans Christian Jacobaeus has been given credit for early endoscopic explorations of the abdomen and the thorax with laparoscopy (1912) and thoracoscopy (1910)[citation needed]. Laparoscopy was used in the diagnosis of liver and gallbladder disease by Heinz Kalk in the 1930s[citation needed]. Hope reported in 1937 on the use of laparoscopy to diagnose ectopic pregnancy[citation needed]. In 1944, Raoul Palmer placed his patients in the Trendelenburg position after gaseous distention of the abdomen and thus was able to reliably perform gynecologic laparoscopy[citation needed].


Karl Storz began producing instruments for ENT specialists in 1945. His intention was to develop instruments which would enable the practitioner to look inside the human body. The technology available at the end of the Second World War was still very modest: The area under examination in the interior of the human body was illuminated with miniature electric lamps; alternatively, attempts were made to reflect light from an external source into the body through the endoscopic tube. Karl Storz pursued a plan: He set out to introduce very bright, but cold light into the body cavities through the instrument, thus providing excellent visibility while at the same time allowing objective documentation by means of image transmission. With more than 400 patents and operative samples to his name, which were to play a major role in showing the way ahead, Karl Storz played a crucial role in the development of endoscopy. It was however, the combination of his engineering skills and vision, coupled with the work of optical designer Harold Hopkins that ultimately would revolutionize the field of medical optics.

 Development of the Gastroscope

The gastroscope was first developed in 1952 by a Japanese team of a doctor and optical engineers. Mutsuo Sugiura, in association with Olympus Corporation, worked with Dr. Tatsuro Uji and his subordinate, Shoji Fukami, to develop what he first called a "gastro camera". It consisted of a tiny camera attached to a flexible tip with a light bulb. With it, they were able to photograph stomach ulcers that were undetectable by X-ray and find stomach cancers in early stage.[2]

 Fibre Optics

In the early 1950s Harold Hopkins designed a “fibroscope” (a coherent bundle of flexible glass fibres able to transmit an image), which proved useful both medically and industrially. The subsequent research and development of these fibres, led to further improvements in image quality. Further innovations included using additional fibres to channel light to the objective end from a powerful external source - thereby achieving the high level of full spectrum illumination that was needed for detailed viewing and colour photography. (The previous practice of a small filament lamp on the tip of the endoscope had left the choice of either viewing in a dim red light or increasing the light output at the risk of burning the inside of the patient.) Alongside the advances to the optical side, came the ability to 'steer' the tip via controls in the endoscopists hands and innovations in remotely operated surgical instruments contained within the body of the endoscope itself. It was the beginning of key-hole surgery as we know it today. Fernando Alves Martins, from Portugal, invents the first fibre optics endoscope (1963/64)

 Rod-lens Endoscopes

However, there were physical limits to the image quality of a fibroscope. In modern terminology, a bundle of say 50,000 fibres gives effectively only a 50,000 pixel image - in addition to which, the continued flexing in use, breaks fibres and so progressively loses pixels. Eventually so many are lost that the whole bundle must be replaced (at considerable expense). Hopkins realised that any further optical improvement would require a different approach. Previous rigid endoscopes suffered from very low light transmittance and extremely poor image quality. The surgical requirement of passing surgical tools as well as the illumination system actually within the endoscope's tube - which itself is limited in dimensions by the human body - left very little room for the imaging optics. The tiny lenses of a conventional system required supporting rings that would obscure the bulk of the lens' area; they were incredibly hard to manufacture and assemble and optically nearly useless. The elegant solution that Hopkins produced (in the late 1960s) was to fill the air-spaces between the 'little lenses' with rods of glass. These fitted exactly the endoscope's tube - making them self-aligning and requiring of no other support and allowed the little lenses to be dispensed with altogether. The rod-lenses were much easier to handle and utilized the maximum possible diameter available. With the appropriate curvature and coatings to the rod ends and optimal choices of glass-types, all calculated and specified by Hopkins, the image quality was transformed - even with tubes of only 1mm. in diameter. With a high quality 'telescope' of such small diameter, the tools and illumination system could be comfortably housed within an outer tube. Once again, it was Karl Storz who produced the first of these new endoscopes as part of a long and productive partnership between the two men. Whilst there are regions of the body that will forever require flexible endoscopes (principally the gastrointestinal tract), the rigid rod-lens endoscopes have such exceptional performance that they are to this day the instrument of choice and in reality have been the enabling factor in modern key-hole surgery. (Harold Hopkins was recognized and honoured for his advancement of medical-optic by the medical community world-wide. It formed a major part of the citation when he was awarded the Rumford Medal by the Royal Society in 1984.)

Disinfection: Of essential importance is the disinfection of the fibre endoscopes within a suitable time. The first disinfection device was constructed by S.E.Miederer 1976 at the University of Bonn/Germany.


  • Infection
  • Punctured organs
  • Allergic reactions due to Contrast agents or dyes (such as those used in a CT scan)
  • Over-sedation

 After the endoscopy

After the procedure the patient will be observed and monitored by a qualified individual in the endoscopy or a recovery area until a significant portion of the medication has worn off. Occasionally a patient is left with a mild sore throat, which promptly responds to saline gargles, or a feeling of distention from the insufflated air that was used during the procedure. Both problems are mild and fleeting. When fully recovered, the patient will be instructed when to resume their usual diet (probably within a few hours) and will be allowed to be taken home. Because of the use of sedation, most facilities mandate that the patient is taken home by another person and not to drive on their own or handle machinery for the remainder of the day.

 Recent developments

Capsule Endoscopy.

With the application of robotic systems, telesurgery was introduced as the surgeon could operate from a site physically removed from the patient. The first transatlantic surgery has been called the (Lindbergh Operation)

 See also

  • Angiography
  • Fiberscope
  • Robotic surgery
  • Therapeutic endoscopy
  • Pierre Solomon Ségalas of Etchépare
  • Laparoscopic surgery


  1. ^ National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (November 2004). "Upper Endoscopy". National Institutes of Health. https://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/upperendoscopy/index.htm. Retrieved on 2007-10-07. 
  2. ^ Kawai, K.; Niwa, H.; Fujita, R.; Shimizu, S. (2002). "The History of Endoscopy: the Japanese Perspective". in Classen, Meinhard; Tytgat, G. N. J.; Lightdale, Charles J.. Gastroenterological endoscopy. Thieme. p. 33. ISBN 1588900134. https://books.google.com/books?id=sp0istaUg1AC&pg=PA33. 

Bittner JG, et al. Resident training in flexible gastrointestinal endoscopy: a review of current issues and options. J Surg Educ. 2007 Nov-Dec;64(6):399-409. PMID: 18063277


  • Tholon,T,Thofern,E,Miederer,SE,(1976):Disinfection procedures of fibrescopes in endoscopy departments. Endoscopy 8(1) 24-29
  • Siegler AM, Kemmann E (1975). "Hysteroscopy". Obstet Gynecol Surv 30 (9): 567–88. doi:10.1097/00006254-197509000-00001. PMID 1099495. 
  • Armin Gärtner; medical technics and information technologie, Band II. Medizintechnik und Informationstechnologie, Band II. ISBN 3-8249-0941-3.
  • Obituary: Professor Harold Hopkins, FRS, The Times, 3 Nov 1994.
  • Sivak MV (2004). "Polypectomy: looking back". Gastrointest. Endosc. 60 (6): 977–82. doi:10.1016/S0016-5107(04)02380-6. PMID 15605015. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0016510704023806. 

 External links

  • [1]
  • Resources for people who use endoscopes.
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy - Open-Access Journal
  • DAVE Project, Digital Atlas of Video Education - Gastroenterology
  • Global Rating Scale, GRS - Quality Assurance for Endoscopy
  • Endoscope Repair Parts
  • Replacement Filters
  • Endocorp USA
  • "How I Do It" — Removing large or sessile colonic polyps. Dr. Brian Saunders MD FRCP; St. Mark’s Academic Institute; Harrow, Middlesex, UK. Retrieved April 9, 2008.


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2010-3-4 12:35 | 显示全部楼层

Therapeutic endoscopy

Therapeutic endoscopy is the medical term for an endoscopic procedure during which treatment is carried out via the endoscope. This contrasts with diagnostic endoscopy, where the aim of the procedure is purely to visualise a part of the gastrointestinal, respiratory or urinary tract in order to aid diagnosis. In practice, a procedure which starts as a diagnostic endoscopy may become a therapeutic endoscopy depending on the findings, such as in cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, or the finding of polyps during colonoscopy.

A number of different techniques have been developed to allow treatment to be carried out endoscopically, to treat disorders such as bleeding, strictures and polyps.


  • 1 Types of endoscopic therapy
    • 1.1 Endoscopic haemostasis
    • 1.2 Injection sclerotherapy
    • 1.3 Argon plasma coagulation
    • 1.4 Dilatation
    • 1.5 Polypectomy
    • 1.6 Variceal banding
    • 1.7 Stenting
    • 1.8 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
    • 1.9 Foreign body removal
  • 2 Areas under development
    • 2.1 Anti-reflux procedures
    • 2.2 Treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus
    • 2.3 Transoral gastroplasty (TOGA procedure)
  • 3 References

 Types of endoscopic therapy

 Endoscopic haemostasis

Endoscopic injection of bleeding peptic ulcers with adrenaline has been practised since the 1970s,[1] endoscopic heater probes have been used since the 1980s,[2] and Argon plasma coagulation has been used since the 1990s. More recently, adrenaline injection tends to be combined with either heater probe coagulation or argon plasma coagulation to minimise the chance of an ulcer rebleeding.[3]

 Injection sclerotherapy

Injection sclerotherapy has been used to treat oesophageal varices since the 1960s. [4] A sheathed needle is passed through a channel in the endoscope, unsheathed and pushed into a varix. A sclerosing agent, such as ethanolamine or absolute alcohol, is then injected into the varix to cause scarring and constriction of the varix with the aim of obliterating the varix (or varices). This technique has now largely been superseded by variceal band ligation.

Sclerotherapy has also been used in the treatment of gastric varices since the late 1980s. [5] In this case Histoacryl glue (cyanoacrylate) is commonly used as the sclerosant. [6] This technique is favoured over band ligation because the position of the varices in the stomach, most often in the gastric fundus, makes the placing of bands very difficult.

 Argon plasma coagulation

APC of bleeding oesophageal ulcer

Argon plasma coagulation (APC) has been used to provide tissue coagulation and haemostasis since the early part of the 1990s.[7] A stream of argon gas is passed through an endoscopic catheter; this is then ionized at the tip of the catheter by an eletric current. The tip of the catheter is held close to the tissue to be treated, and the current arcs across to the tissue causing a superficial (2-3mm) burn. The lack of contact between the catheter and the tissue stops the tendency of the catheter to stick to the tissue, reducing unwanted tissue damage.[8]

Its principal use is in providing haemostasis in gastrointestinal bleeding; angiodysplasia, GAVE,[9] bleeding malignant tumours and bleeding peptic ulcers can all be treated. Trials have also been carried out to assess its use in eradicating Barrett’s oesophagus, but have found that relapse is common.[10]


Pyloric stricture dilated with endoscopic balloon

Dilatation of benign oesophageal strictures using semi-rigid bougies existed long before the advent of flexible endoscopes.[11] Since that time oesophageal dilatation has been carried out using either bougies or endoscopic balloons, and can be used to treat benign oesophageal strictures and achalasia.

Initially, bougies were used to dilate benign strictures of the oesophagus. These could be passed alongside the endoscope, allowing visualisation of the bougie passing through the stricture,[12] but the technique of passing a guidewire through the stricture endoscopically, then removing the endoscope and passing the bougie over the guidewire was more commonly used.[13]

More recently, balloon dilatation of the oesophageal strictures has become more common. It is thought that this technique carries a lower complication rate than the use of bougies, and since endoscopy balloons are single use items there are no concerns about equipment sterilization.[11] In addition to oesophageal dilatation, endoscopic balloons can also be used to dilate pyloric strictures.[14]


Polyp is identified, snare is passed over stalk and polyp is then removed

Endoscopic polypectomy has been carried out since the early 1970s by both endoscopic snare removal and fulguration of polyps with hot biopsy forceps.[15][16]

 Variceal banding

Oesophageal varices have been treated by band ligation since the late 1980s.[17] This therapy is indicated for patients who are at high risk of bleeding from varices, and can be used in actively bleeding varices.


Expandable metal stent

Expandable mesh stents can be deployed in the oesophagus at endoscopy, primarily in patients with inoperable oesophageal cancer which is causing dysphagia.[18]

Plastic stents can also be used to relieve obstruction of the Common bile duct at ERCP.[19]

 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

A method for inserting a feeding gastrostomy tube without the need for surgery was first described in 1980.[20] This endoscopic technique is of particular use as many patients who require feeding tubes (such as after patients with swallowing difficulties after a stroke) are at high risk for complications from anaesthesia and surgery; the endoscopic technique usually requires mild sedation only.

 Foreign body removal

Foreign bodies commonly impact in the lower oesophagus, and removal of these by pushing them into the stomach has been practised since the middle ages.[11] Foreign body retrieval, using forceps and magnets, has been practised since the time of rigid oesophagoscopy and bronchoscopy.

 Areas under development

 Anti-reflux procedures

A number of techniques are being developed for the endoscopic treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease as an alternative to laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication.[21]

 Treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus

Endoscopic circumferential radiofrequency ablation is being developed in an effort to obviate the need for long-term endoscopic surveillance in patients with Barrett’s oesophagus, and to reduce the risk of development of oesophageal carcinoma. Previous techniques, such as Argon plasma coagulation, have been unsuccessful because of incomplete removal of the Barrett’s mucosa and therefore relapse of part of the treated area.[10] Newer techniques using circumferential radiofrequency ablation, which allows larger areas of the oesophagus to be treated at one time giving a more uniform area of treatment, are showing more promising short-term results.[22]

 Transoral gastroplasty (TOGA procedure)

Early trials are under way to evaluate an endoscopic technique for gastric stapling, a type of bariatric surgery, which aims to induce long-term weight loss in morbidly obese patients.[23]


  1. ^ Hirao M, Kobayashi T, Masuda K, et al. (October 1985). "Endoscopic local injection of hypertonic saline-epinephrine solution to arrest hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract". Gastrointest. Endosc. 31 (5): 313–7. doi:10.1016/S0016-5107(85)72213-4. PMID 3876253. 
  2. ^ Sung JY, Chung SC, Lo KK, Leung JW (1988). "Heater-probe treatment of bleeding peptic ulcers". Surg Endosc 2 (4): 234–6. doi:10.1007/BF00705328. PMID 3071870. 
  3. ^ Vergara M, Calvet X, Gisbert JP (2007). "Epinephrine injection versus epinephrine injection and a second endoscopic method in high risk bleeding ulcers". Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2): CD005584. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD005584.pub2. PMID 17443601. 
  4. ^ Hunt PS, Johnston GW, Rodgers HW (April 1969). "The emergency management of bleeding oesophageal varices with sclerosing injections". Br J Surg 56 (4): 305–7. doi:10.1002/bjs.1800560416. PMID 4952481. 
  5. ^ Sarin SK, Kumar A (October 1989). "Gastric varices: profile, classification, and management". Am. J. Gastroenterol. 84 (10): 1244–9. PMID 2679046. 
  6. ^ Kind R, Guglielmi A, Rodella L, et al. (July 2000). "Bucrylate treatment of bleeding gastric varices: 12 years' experience". Endoscopy 32 (7): 512–9. doi:10.1055/s-2000-3817. PMID 10917182. 
  7. ^ Grund KE, Storek D, Farin G (February 1994). "Endoscopic argon plasma coagulation (APC) first clinical experiences in flexible endoscopy". Endosc Surg Allied Technol 2 (1): 42–6. PMID 8081915. 
  8. ^ Farin G, Grund KE (February 1994). "Technology of argon plasma coagulation with particular regard to endoscopic applications". Endosc Surg Allied Technol 2 (1): 71–7. PMID 8081921. 
  9. ^ Garcia N, Sanyal AJ (April 2001). "Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy and Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia" ([dead link]Scholar search). Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 4 (2): 163–171. doi:10.1007/s11938-001-0028-0. PMID 11469974. https://www.treatment-options.com/1092-8472/4/163. Retrieved on 2009-01-25. 
  10. ^ a b Van Laethem JL, Cremer M, Peny MO, Delhaye M, Devière J (December 1998). "Eradication of Barrett's mucosa with argon plasma coagulation and acid suppression: immediate and mid term results". Gut 43 (6): 747–51. PMID 9824599. PMC: 1727342. https://gut.bmj.com/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=9824599. Retrieved on 2009-01-25. 
  11. ^ a b c Riley SA, Attwood SEA. Guidelines on the use of oesophageal dilatation in clinical practice. Gut 2004;53(suppl 1):i1-16
  12. ^ Chung RS, Safaie-Shirazi S, Denbesten L (July 1976). "Dilation of esophageal strictures. A new technique controlled by fiberoptic endoscopy". Arch Surg 111 (7): 795–8. PMID 938225. 
  13. ^ Dupin B, Meric B, Dumon JF (October 1987). "Techniques, results and complications of oesophageal dilatation". Baillieres Clin. Gastroenterol. 1 (4): 809–20. doi:10.1016/0950-3528(87)90020-0. PMID 3329544. 
  14. ^ Lindor KD, Ott BJ, Hughes RW (September 1985). "Balloon dilatation of upper digestive tract strictures". Gastroenterology 89 (3): 545–8. PMID 4018500. 
  15. ^ Williams C (November 1972). "Use of the long colonoscope for examination of the whole colon and for polypectomy". Proc. R. Soc. Med. 65 (11): 967. PMID 4539317. 
  16. ^ Sivak MV, Sullivan BH (1973). "Gastroscopic polypectomy". Cleve Clin Q 40 (3): 153–7. PMID 4752356. 
  17. ^ Stiegmann GV, Goff JS, Sun JH, Wilborn S (February 1989). "Endoscopic elastic band ligation for active variceal hemorrhage". Am Surg 55 (2): 124–8. PMID 2644882. 
  18. ^ Domschke W, Foerster EC, Matek W, Rödl W (May 1990). "Self-expanding mesh stent for esophageal cancer stenosis". Endoscopy 22 (3): 134–6. doi:10.1055/s-2007-1012818. PMID 1694122. 
  19. ^ Zimmon DS, Clemett AR (October 1982). "Endoscopic stents and drains in the management of pancreatic and bile duct obstruction". Surg. Clin. North Am. 62 (5): 837–44. PMID 7123457. 
  20. ^ Gauderer MW, Ponsky JL, Izant RJ (December 1980). "Gastrostomy without laparotomy: a percutaneous endoscopic technique". J. Pediatr. Surg. 15 (6): 872–5. doi:10.1016/S0022-3468(80)80296-X. PMID 6780678. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022346880001352. Retrieved on 2009-01-25. 
  21. ^ Chen D, Barber C, McLoughlin P, Thavaneswaran P, Jamieson GG, Maddern GJ (January 2009). "Systematic review of endoscopic treatments for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease". Br J Surg 96 (2): 128–136. doi:10.1002/bjs.6440. PMID 19160349. 
  22. ^ Eldaif SM, Lin E, Singh KA, Force SD, Miller DL (February 2009). "Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett's Esophagus: Short-Term Results". Ann. Thorac. Surg. 87 (2): 405–411. doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2008.11.043. PMID 19161747. 
  23. ^ Moreno C, Closset J, Dugardeyn S, et al. (May 2008). "Transoral gastroplasty is safe, feasible, and induces significant weight loss in morbidly obese patients: results of the second human pilot study". Endoscopy 40 (5): 406–13. doi:10.1055/s-2007-995748. PMID 18459077. https://www.thieme-connect.com/DOI/DOI?10.1055/s-2007-995748. Retrieved on 2009-01-25.


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2010-3-4 12:37 | 显示全部楼层

Laparoscopic surgery

Cholecystectomy as seen through a laparoscope

Laparoscopic surgery, also called minimally invasive surgery (MIS), bandaid surgery, keyhole surgery is a modern surgical technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through small incisions (usually 0.5-1.5cm) as compared to larger incisions needed in traditional surgical procedures. Laparoscopic surgery includes operations within the abdominal or pelvic cavities, whereas keyhole surgery performed on the thoracic or chest cavity is called thoracoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery belong to the broader field of endoscopy.

There are a number of advantages to the patient with laparoscopic surgery versus an open procedure. These include reduced haemorrhaging, reduced pain and shorter recovery time.

The key element in laparoscopic surgery is the use of a laparoscope. There are two types: 1)a telescopic rod lens system, that is usually connected to a video camera (single chip or three chip) or a digital laparoscope where the charge-coupled device is placed at the end of the laparoscope, eliminating the rod lens system.[1] Also attached is a fiber optic cable system connected to a 'cold' light source (halogen or xenon), to illuminate the operative field, inserted through a 5 mm or 10 mm cannula or trocar to view the operative field. The abdomen is usually insufflated with carbon dioxide gas to create a working and viewing space. The abdomen is essentially blown up like a balloon (insufflated), elevating the abdominal wall above the internal organs like a dome. The gas used is CO2, which is common to the human body and can be absorbed by tissue and removed by the respiratory system. It is also non-flammable, which is important because electrosurgical devices are commonly used in laparoscopic procedures.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Procedures
  • 3 Advantages
  • 4 Risks
  • 5 Robotics and technology
  • 6 Non-robotic hand guided assistance systems
  • 7 See also
  • 8 References
  • 9 External links


It is difficult to credit one individual with the pioneering of laparoscopic approach. In 1902 Georg Kelling, of Dresden, Saxony, performed the first laparoscopic procedure in dogs and in 1910 Hans Christian Jacobaeus of Sweden reported the first laparoscopic operation in humans. In the ensuing several decades, numerous individuals refined and popularized the approach further for laparoscopy. The introduction of computer chip television camera was a seminal event in the field of laparoscopy. This innovation in technology provided the means to project a magnified view of the operative field onto a monitor, and at the same time freed both the operating surgeon's hands, thereby facilitating performance of complex laparoscopic procedures. Prior to its conception, laparoscopy was a surgical approach with very limited application and used mainly for purposes of diagnosis and performance of simple procedures in gynecologic applications.

Clarke, H.C., Laparoscopy: New Instruments for Suturing and Ligation: Fertil. Steril. 23, 274 (1972). In 1972 Clarke invented, published, patented, presented and recorded on film laparoscopic surgery, with instruments marketed by the Ven Instrument Company of Buffalo, New York, USA. The advantages of this surgery were outlined in this paper.

The introduction in 1990 of a laparoscopic clip applier with twenty automatically advancing clips (rather than a single load clip applier that would have to be taken out, reloaded and reintroduced for each clip application) made surgeons more comfortable with making the leap to laparoscopic cholecystectomies (gall bladder removal). On the other hand, some surgeons continue to use the single clip appliers as they save as much as $200 per case for the patient, detract nothing from the quality of the clip ligation, and add only seconds to case lengths.


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the most common laparoscopic procedure performed. In this procedure, 5-10mm diameter instruments (graspers, scissors, clip applier) can be introduced by the surgeon into the abdomen through trocars (hollow tubes with a seal to keep the CO2 from leaking). Rather than a minimum 20cm incision as in traditional cholecystectomy, four incisions of 0.5-1.0cm will be sufficient to perform a laparoscopic removal of a gallbladder. Since the gall bladder is similar to a small balloon that stores and releases bile, it can usually be removed from the abdomen by suctioning out the bile and then removing the deflated gallbladder through the 1cm incision at the patient's navel. The length of postoperative stay in the hospital is minimal, and same-day discharges are possible in cases of early morning procedures.

In certain advanced laparoscopic procedures where the size of the specimen being removed would be too large to pull out through a trocar site, as would be done with a gallbladder, an incision larger than 10mm must be made. The most common of these procedures are removal of all or part of the colon (colectomy), or removal of the kidney (nephrectomy). Some surgeons perform these procedures completely laparoscopically, making the larger incision toward the end of the procedure for specimen removal, or, in the case of a colectomy, to also prepare the remaining healthy bowel to be reconnected (create an anastomosis). Many other surgeons feel that since they will have to make a larger incision for specimen removal anyway, they might as well use this incision to have their hand in the operative field during the procedure to aid as a retractor, dissector, and to be able to feel differing tissue densities (palpate), as they would in open surgery. This technique is called hand-assist laparoscopy. Since they will still be working with scopes and other laparoscopic instruments, CO2 will have to be maintained in the patient's abdomen, so a device known as a hand access port (a sleeve with a seal that allows passage of the hand) must be used. Surgeons that choose this hand-assist technique feel it reduces operative time significantly vs. the straight laparoscopic approach, as well as providing them more options in dealing with unexpected adverse events (i.e. uncontrolled bleeding) that may otherwise require creating a much larger incision and converting to a fully open surgical procedure.

Conceptually, the laparoscopic approach is intended to minimise post-operative pain and speed up recovery times, while maintaining an enhanced visual field for surgeons. Due to improved patient outcomes, in the last two decades, laparoscopic surgery has been adopted by various surgical sub-specialties including gastrointestinal surgery (including bariatric procedures for morbid obesity), gynecologic surgery and urology. Based on numerous prospective randomized controlled trials, the approach has proven to be beneficial in reducing post-operative morbidities such as wound infections and incisional hernias (especially in morbidly obese patients), and is now deemed safe when applied to surgery for cancers such as cancer of colon.

The restricted vision, the difficulty in handling of the instruments (new hand-eye coordination skills are needed), the lack of tactile perception and the limited working area are factors which add to the technical complexity of this surgical approach. For these reasons, minimally invasive surgery has emerged as a highly competitive new sub-specialty within various fields of surgery. Surgical residents who wish to focus on this area of surgery gain additional training during one or two years of fellowship after completing their basic surgical residency.

The first transatlantic surgery (Lindbergh Operation) ever performed was a laparoscopic gallbladder removal.

Laparoscopic techniques have also been developed in the field of veterinary medicine. Due to the relative high cost of the equiment required, however, it has not become commonplace in most traditional practices today but rather limited to specialty-type practices. Many of the same surgeries performed in humans can be applied to animal cases - everything from an egg-bound tortoise to a German Shepherd can benefit from MIS. A paper published in JAVMA (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association) in 2005 showed that dogs spayed laparoscopically experienced significantly less pain (65%)than those that were spayed with traditional 'open' methods. Arthroscopy, thoracoscopy, cystoscopy are all performed in veterinary medicine today. The University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine and Colorado State University's School of Veterinary Medicine are two of the main centers where veterinary laparoscopy got started and have excellent training programs for veterinarians interested in getting started in MIS.


There are a number of advantages to the patient with laparoscopic surgery versus an open procedure. These include:

  • reduced haemorrhaging , which reduces the chance of needing a blood transfusion.
  • smaller incision, which reduces pain and shortens recovery time.
  • less pain, leading to less pain medication needed.
  • Although procedure times are usually slightly longer, hospital stay is less, and often with a same day discharge which leads to a faster return to everyday living.
  • reduced exposure of internal organs to possible external contaminants thereby reduced risk of acquiring infections.


Some of the risks are briefly described below:

  • The most significant risks are from trocar injuries to either blood vessels or small or large bowel. The risk of such injuries is increased in patients who have below average body mass index[2] or have a history of prior abdominal surgery. The initial trocar is typically inserted blindly. While these injuries are rare, significant complications can occur. Vascular injuries can result in hemorrhage that may be life threatening. Injuries to the bowel can cause a delayed peritonitis. It is very important that these injuries be recognized as early as possible.[3]
  • Some patients have sustained electrical burns unseen by surgeons who are working with electrodes that leak current into surrounding tissue. The resulting injuries can result in perforated organs and can also lead to peritonitis.
  • There may be an increased risk of hypothermia and peritoneal trauma due to increased exposure to cold, dry gases during insufflation. The use of heated and humidified CO2 may reduce this risk.[4]
  • Many patients with existing pulmonary disorders may not tolerate pneumoperitoneum (gas in the abdominal cavity), resulting in a need for conversion to open surgery after the initial attempt at laparoscopic approach.
  • Not all of the CO2 introduced into the abdominal cavity is removed through the incisions during surgery. Gas tends to rise, and when a pocket of CO2 rises in the abdomen, it pushes against the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the abdominal from the thoracic cavities and facilitates breathing), and can exert pressure on the phrenic nerve. This produces a sensation of pain that may extend to the patient's shoulders. For an appendectomy, the right shoulder can be particularly painful. In some cases this can also cause considerable pain when breathing. In all cases, however, the pain is transient, as the body tissues will absorb the CO2 and eliminate it through respiration. [5]
  • Coagulation disorders and dense adhesions (scar tissue) from previous abdominal surgery may pose added risk for laparoscopic surgery and are considered relative contra-indications for this approach.
  • Patients can often have trouble walking after surgery for a few days

 Robotics and technology

A laparoscopic robotic surgery machine.

The process of minimally invasive surgery has been augmented by specialized tools for decades. However, in recent years, electronic tools have been developed to aid surgeons. Some of the features include:

  • Visual magnification - use of a large viewing screen improves visibility
  • Stabilization - Electromechanical damping of vibrations, due to machinery or shaky human hands
  • Simulators - use of specialized virtual reality training tools to improve physicians' proficiency in surgery
  • Reduced number of incisions

Robotic surgery has been touted as a solution to underdeveloped nations, whereby a single central hospital can operate several remote machines at distant locations. The potential for robotic surgery has had strong military interest as well, with the intention of providing mobile medical care while keeping trained doctors safe from battle.

 Non-robotic hand guided assistance systems

There are also user-friendly non robotic assistance systems that are single hand guided devices with a high potential to save time and money. These assistance devices are not bound by the restrictions of common medical robotic systems. The systems enhance the manual possibilities of the surgeon and his team, regarding the need of replacing static holding force during the intervention.

Some of the features are:

  • The Stabilisation of the camera picture because the whole static workload is conveyed by the assistance system.
  • Some systems enable a fast repositioning and very short time for fixation of less than 0.02 seconds at the desired position. Some systems are lightweight constructions (18kg) and can withstand a force of 20 N in any position and direction.
  • The benefit – a physically relaxed intervention team can work concentrated on the main goals during the intervention.
  • The potentials of these systems enhance the possibilities of the mobile medical care with those lightweight assistance systems. These assistance systems meet the demands of true solo surgery assistance systems and are robust, versatile and easy to use.

 See also

  • Arthroscopy
  • Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES)
  • Revision weight loss surgery
  • Single port access surgery, also known as single incision laparoscopic surgery


  1. ^ Mastery of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery W. Stephen, M.D. Eubanks; Steve Eubanks (Editor); Lee L., M.D. Swanstrom (Editor); Nathaniel J. Soper (Editor) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2nd Edition 2004
  2. ^ Mirhashemi R, Harlow BL, Ginsburg ES, et al: Predicting risk of complications with gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. Obstet Gynecol 92:327, 1998
  3. ^ Janie Fuller, DDS, (CAPT, USPHS), Walter Scott, Ph.D. (CAPT, USPHS), Binita Ashar, M.D., Julia Corrado, M.D. FDA, CDRH, "Laparoscopic Trocar Injuries: A report from a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) Systematic Technology Assessment of Medical Products (STAMP) Committee" Finalized: November 7, 2003
  4. ^ Yuanfei Peng, Ph.D., Minhua Zheng, M.D., Ph.D., Qing Ye, Ph.D., Xuehua Chen, Ph.D., Beiqing Yu, Ph.D., and Bingya Liu, M.D., Ph.D. "Heated and Humidified CO2 Prevents Hypothermia, Peritoneal Injury, and Intra-Abdominal Adhesions During Prolonged Laparoscopic Insufflations", Journal of Surgical Research 151, 40–47 (2009)doi:10.1016/j.jss.2008.03.039
  5. ^ "Abdominal pain after laparoscopy: the value of a gas drain." Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1987 Mar;94(3):267-9

 External links

  • "Surgical Device Poses a Rare but Serious Peril" from the New York Times
  • Laparoscopic surgeries
  • Surgery without scars - N.O.T.E.S.


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