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郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



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BeckmanCoulter DXA系列培训资料
Ortho VITROS 系列培训资料
Ortho enGen_ThermoFisher TCA 实验室自动化系统培训资料
Roche Cobas 实验室自动化系统培训资料
Roche Cobas modular系列分析仪培训资料
Horiba-ABX Yumizen系列培训资料
DiaSorin Liaison系列培训资料
Atellica Solution系列培训资料
Siemens Immunoassay系列培训资料 西门子化学发光系列
SIEMENS Advia系列培训资料 西门子生化系列
Toshiba/Abbott系列培训资料 东芝雅培生化系列
Abbott Architect 系列培训资料 雅培生化化学发光系列
ACL TOP 系列培训资料 沃芬TOP血凝系列
BeckmanCoulter Immunoassay系列培训资料 贝克曼化学发光系列
BeckmanCoulter DXH 系列培训资料 贝克曼DXH血球系列
BeckmanCoulter自动样品处理系统介绍性培训资料 贝克曼前后处理流水线系列
BeckmanCoulter AU系列培训资料 贝克曼AU生化系列
BeckmanCoulter DXC系列培训资料 贝克曼DXC生化系列
LaboSpect003/008/AS 7100/7180分析仪培训资料
Horiba-ABX系列培训资料 Horiba-ABX血球系列
Sysmex 血凝系列培训(CA/CS)
Sysmex 尿液分析系列培训(UF1000/5000/UC3500)
Sysmex 血球系列培训(KX21/POCH/XS/XT/XE)
Sysmex XN系列培训(XN-L/XN1000/XN2000/XN3000/XN9000)
Sysmex HISCL系列培训

 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:10 | 显示全部楼层

WalkAway? plus System

The WalkAway? plus System is the 4th generation of proven WalkAway? technology and reliability. By combining fluid-level detection with a directional LED system, the WalkAway? plus System shows when and where maintenance is needed. The double-capacity fluid systems reduce maintenance time by up to 30%.
System includes LabPro Information Management software designed to simplify workflow and minimize technologist interaction while accommodating differing regional and institutional environments through extensive customization features. The optional LabPro AlertEX software eliminates manual review for unusual conditions or results and integrates institution-specific resolution guidance into your workflow.

  • A direct hookup to de-ionized water provides even more savings
  • The reagent system design simplifies maintenance through lever-activated reagent caps that are easy to lock
  • Processes Conventional, Synergies plus? and MICroSTREP plus? panels - direct, non ID-dependant MICs, help you zero in on emerging resistance
  • Processes Rapid and Specialty ID panels for reduced turnaround when speed matters
  • Optional remote diagnostics provides an exta level of service responsiveness
  • Our #1 rated Service and Support offers unmatched experience and expertise to assure the optimal performance of your microbiology service
 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:11 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:18 | 显示全部楼层

autoSCAN?-4 System

The autoSCAN?-4 System processes panels in seconds, simplifying ID/AST testing while standardizing results. Over 25 years of exceptional instrument reliability and our conventional panel technology – with the fewest FDA limitations in automated ID/AST - make the autoSCAN?-4 an excellent supplemental system for difficult organisms or as a primary instrument for low volume usage.
System includes LabPro Information Management software designed to simplify workflow and minimize technologist interaction while accommodating differing regional and institutional environments through extensive customization features. The optional LabPro AlertEX software eliminates manual review for unusual conditions or results and integrates institution-specific resolution guidance into your workflow.


  • Operation is easy to learn and use, with minimal training
  • Cost effective automation for low volumes
  • Processes Conventional panels with direct, non-ID-dependant MICs, to help you zero in on emerging resistance
  • Processes Specialty ID panels for reduced turnaround when speed matters
  • Optional remote diagnostics provides an extra level of service responsiveness
  • Our #1 rated Service and Support offers unmatched experience and expertise to assure the optimal performance of your microbiology service
 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:18 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:20 | 显示全部楼层

LabPro? Information Manager


Easily organize and manage microbiology test data.

With the LabPro Information Manager, powerful management of lab test results from order to LIS transmission is just five mouse clicks away. Using an intuitive, customizable interface, data is streamlined and organized from MicroScan instruments, enabling faster workflow and delivery of test results. LabPro:

  • Allows labs to adapt work processes to specific lab requirements using customizable alerts, rules, and analysis
  • Enables detailed data analysis and reporting by exporting data to spreadsheets, graphing software, and databases
  • Allows accurate reporting through user-defined alerts that direct laboratory staff to take immediate corrective action
  • Records actions taken to resolve atypical results, simplifying auditing and enhancing Quality Control (QC)


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:35 | 显示全部楼层

Conventional Panels

As the foundation of our ID/AST products, Conventional panels deliver accuracy, choice and flexibility. With the fewest FDA limitations of leading automated ID/AST systems, use of conventional panels reduces supplemental testing costs and reporting delays associated with rapid only systems. Our exclusive, PROMPT? inoculation method with 4-hr stability, reduces inoculum preparation time by over 40% when compared to turbidity methods. Direct MIC susceptibility methodology helps ensure detection of emerging and low-level resistance, while combo ID/AST formats provide creative workflow solutions.
  • A broad menu of current antimicrobials to meet your formulary needs for clinically significant pathogens of gram-negative bacteria, staphylococci, enterococci and beta-streptococci
  • Visual confirmation of biochemical and susceptibility results for added confidence
  • PROMPT?* or turbidity inoculation method supports workflow flexibility
  • Fits any laboratory workflow by offering either manual or automated processing on the autoSCAN?-4 and WalkAway? systems
  • Testing both ID and AST in one panel with our Combo format reduces workload
  • ID-only and MIC-only formats offer testing choice
  • Room temperature stability with 1-year shelf-life provides convenient storage
  • Offers extensive identification coverage of clinically significant gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial pathogens
  • ESBL confirmation on most gram negative panels

*PROMPT? is a trademark of 3M Company, St. Paul, MN USA


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:39 | 显示全部楼层

Synergies plus? Panels

Synergies plus? panels provide the perfect blend of rapid and conventional testing in one panel. A direct MIC susceptibility in Read-When-Ready and overnight formats combined with a reagent-less, 2 to 2.5 hour identification, provides key antimicrobial results in as little as 4.5 hours.
  • WalkAway? System processing automatically extends susceptibility incubation to overnight when needed so rapid product limitations are avoided – saving time and reducing costs.
  • The LabPro AlertEX software customized for Critical Alerts notifies your laboratory of results that should be addressed right away, improving productivity and communication of critical patient results.
  • Achieve 90% of MRSA detection in 6.5 hours and 75% of VRE in 8 hours
  • Supports visual confirmation of susceptibility results for added confidence
  • Combo ID/AST formats provide actionable, reportable results in one consolidated test
  • Turbidity inoculation method ensures adequate inoculum density for optimal performance
  • Room temperature stability with 1-year shelf-life for convenient storage
  • Tests clinically significant pathogens of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria for comprehensive sample coverage


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:42 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:44 | 显示全部楼层

MICroSTREP plus? Panels

Healthcare professionals are faced with a variety of significant fastidious pathogens where resistance to an extensive number of antibiotics is rapidly on the rise. This can lead to complications ranging from pediatric ear infections to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis or sepsis. For appropriate antimicrobial therapy, accurate MIC testing should be assessed for all significant isolates.
MICroSTREP plus? panels deliver accurate, cost-effective MICs for fastidious organisms. Endpoints are clear-cut, increasing accuracy and improving critical care management.

  • Provides comprehensive coverage of fastidious organsisms including Streptococcus pneumoniae, beta and viridans streptococci, and Haemophilus*
  • Process manually or automate with autoSCAN?-4 and WalkAway? systems for workflow flexibility**
  • Achieve optimal performance through turbidity method inoculation
  • Offers easy room temperature storage of MIC-only panels at room temperature with 1-year stability
  • MIC-only panels offer a broad range of antimicrobics.

* Available outside the U.S
** No automated read for haemophilus


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:46 | 显示全部楼层

ESβL plus? Panels

Organisms possessing Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESβL) may be clinically resistant to therapy with penicillins, cephalosporins and aztreonam, despite apparent in vitro susceptibility to some of these agents. The incidence of these strains is on the rise and is a significant health concern in some regions. Because of this, the screening and confirmation of ESβL-producing strains is recommended by all major national guidelines.
  • Fulfills CLSI recommendations for the testing of E. coli, K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca and P. mirabilis
  • Supports testing of other ESβL producing gram-negative bacteria, outside the United States
  • PROMPT?* or turbidity inoculation method provides workflow flexibility
  • Manual processing enables ESβL plus? panels to be used in any laboratory situation
  • MIC-only panels have room temperature stability for 1-year for convenient storage
  • Use ESβL plus? panels to study other types of beta-lactamase production in gram-negative bacteria, such as ampC, outside the United States

*PROMPT? is a trademark of 3M Company, St. Paul, MN USA


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 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2011-3-19 15:48 | 显示全部楼层

Specialty ID Panels

Special organisms require a special panel…

Specialty ID panels provide same-day identification of yeast, Haemophilus/Neisseria and anaerobic bacteria. The technology tests for the presence of pre-formed enzymes used by the organism to metabolize various substrates.
  • Comprehensive organism databases identify common clinical isolates
  • Manual or automated processing on the autoSCAN?-4 and WalkAway? Systems testing fits any laboratory workflow1
  • Turbidity inoculation method ensures adequate inoculum density for optimal performance
  • Room temperature stability for convenient storage

1 Anaerobe ID panels are only processed manually


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azhuchuhai 发表于 2011-7-21 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
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all-in 发表于 2020-6-5 17:56 | 显示全部楼层
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