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COULTER® HmX五分类血液分析仪

郑振寰 发表于 2004-4-5 14:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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COULTER® HmX Hematology Flow Cytometer Printer Friendly Related Product Information SelectFeatures More Info ------------------ Lab Resources Latest Developments Literature MSDS Link Support Overview Training & Education ------------------ Hematology Home Hematology Literature IQAP Designed for performance, reliability and user-friendliness, the COULTER HmX hematology flow cytometer allows clinical laboratories to do more in less time, fulfilling the ever increasing need for enhanced productivity. You can be confident in HmX results, reliability and support, all backed by the leader in hematology. HmX is your assurance of getting the best value. With its advanced, three-dimensional VCS Technology, the COULTER HmX provides the highest level of sensitivity, specificity and efficiency in its class of differential hematology systems. Product Features Operational Excellence Top-of-the-line "flagship" results with enhanced VCS Technology Zero daily routine maintenance saves time every day Continuous auto-loading for complete walk away operation. Easy-to-handle, no-interrupt STATs feature for immediate test prioritization Enables lab professionals to spend more time on abnormals Increased Productivity High throughput: processes up to 75 samples per hour Simple to use software with one-touch start up Fully automated quality control and calibration platforms Small sample size enables you to run all samples, including micro-collection samples Increased Confidence in Results Consistently reliable results with the highest up-time in its class Advanced software features for automated review and management of analytical information High correlation of data between core and satellite laboratories Error-free patient ID with bar-code reading at the point of aspiration for fail-safe sample management Enables lab professionals to spend more time on abnormals More Info VCS Technology Separates Beckman Coulter From The Rest VCS Technology is the most powerful tool available for blood cell analysis. This proprietary technology offers the greatest sensitivity, specificity and efficiency of any differential system available today. VCS Optimization (patent pending) ensures even more robust performance from this unique combination of technologies, providing even fewer reviews. What makes VCS so exceptional and useful? The VCS module is a unique flow cytometer. A structural combination in which a biological sample in the form of a hydrodynamically-focused stream of particles is passed into and through a point-focused laser beam. Electrically conductive contacts within the fluid stream pathway provide simultaneous electrical pulse outputs as the result of Coulter DC Volume and Coulter RF/DC (radio frequency/direct current) interrogation of each cell. These three output signals are then combined to define WBC subpopulations, effectively distinguishing the five principal white blood cell types: lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. VCS is a superior, single channel technology, a patented system for the detection of white cell subpopulations and an open architecture system which provides the platform for other types of breakthrough analyses such as the reticulocyte count. *Not all products are available in all countries
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-24 23:04:15编辑过]

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BeckmanCoulter Immunoassay系列培训资料 贝克曼化学发光系列
BeckmanCoulter DXH 系列培训资料 贝克曼DXH血球系列
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Sysmex XN系列培训(XN-L/XN1000/XN2000/XN3000/XN9000)
Sysmex HISCL系列培训

 楼主| 郑振寰 发表于 2004-8-24 17:14 | 显示全部楼层
HMX 五分类血球仪产品特性: VCS技术代表了一种国际性的标准,被最多的实验室所选择 专利的VCS三维分析技术使得库尔特血细胞分析仪在同类仪器中拥有最好的敏感性、特异性和有效性。 经典专利技术 基于库尔特原理的库尔特小孔技术是最灵敏、被最多应用并被最广泛接受的真正表达细胞体积的技术。在测量细胞方面尚无其他技术可以超越它。

专利的重叠校正技术可排除2个或2个以上细胞同时通过小孔造成的计数和体积测量的误差。 专利的脉冲编辑技术可以排除不典型脉冲对测量细胞大小的干扰。 准确的血小板计数 库尔特多项专利技术确保了其仪器的血小板计数的无与伦比的准确性 专利的血小板拟和曲线能消除红细胞对血小板计数的干扰。 专利的扫流技术可确保血小板准确计数。 三个小孔进行专利的三次计数,确保检测精度。 对细胞浓度低的标本自动进行延长计数 使用专利技术,实现零日常维护,为您节省更多时间: 专利设计的分血片具有自我清洁功能 专利的燃烧电路保证永不堵孔。 专利的清洁剂轻松保证管道及小孔的清洁 鞘流自动顺冲和反冲使冲洗更有效 专利设计的穿刺针无需保养且使用寿命长 百万次循环的工形管道 全自动网织红细胞功能 库尔特首创以白细胞分类流式通道进行网织红细胞的各项检测,使实验室网织红细胞分析进行标准化时代。HMX提供的有关网织红细胞的多项参数,充分满足临床诊断所需。 实验室间质量保证体系 贝克曼库尔特是全球唯一提供后续性质控保证体系公司,使您的实验室与国际标准接轨。 贝克曼库尔特始终自豪于提供给客户的最专业化的服务。这同时也是IQAP的本质,全世界有超过9000个实验室参加这项活动,参加活动后,您每月都会收到同全球范围内使用相同仪器及相同批号质控品的用户的比较报告。 IQAP人性化的服务将保证程序所需的记录和计算所耗费的时间减至最少。它提供的关于准确性和精密性的报告简明易懂,帮助您的实验室达到国际标准。 标准规格: 1.方法和原理: 库尔特原理,VCS技术,重叠校正和脉冲编辑技术等 2.测试速度:75份样本/小时 3.参数:26项 白细胞计数 淋巴细胞%和# 单核细胞%和# 中性粒细胞%和# 嗜酸性粒细胞%和# 嗜碱性粒细胞%和# 红细胞计数 血红蛋白 红细胞压积  平均红细胞体积   平均红细胞血红蛋白含量 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度 红细胞分布宽度   血小板计数   平均血小板体积 血小板压积 血小板分布宽度 网织红细胞%和# 不成熟网织红细胞分数   平均网织红细胞体积 4.标本量要求 穿刺进样:185ul全血 开盖进样:125ul全血 预稀释进样:50ul全血 5.精密度:CV WBC 4.0-15.0×103细胞/ul ≤2.5% LY% 31%  2SD≤3.0 RBC 3.00-6.00×106细胞/ul ≤2.0% MO% 8%  2SD≤2.0 Hgb 12.0-18.0g/dl     ≤1.5% NE% 57%   2SD≤3.0 Plt 200-500×103细胞/ul ≤5.0% EO% 3%  2SD≤1.0 Mpv 7.0-12.0fl      ≤3.0% BA% 1%   2SD≤1.0 RDW 12-15%        ≤2.5% RET% 1.% 1SD≤0.23 Mcv 80-100fl       ≤2.0% 6.线性范围/操作范围 参数   线性范围       操作范围 WBC 0.00-99.9×103细胞/ul 0.00-500.00×103细胞/ul RBC 0.00-7.00×106细胞/ul 0.00-20.00×106细胞/ul HGB 0.0-25.0g/dl      0.0-99.9g/dl PLT 0-999×103细胞/ul   0-2500×103细胞/ul MCV 50-150.0 fl MPV 5.0-20.0fl
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