HP Computer Hard drive Replacements Chapter: Synchron CX Documents
Summary INSTRUMENTS CX4CE/5CE/7, CX3/4/5/7DELTA, CX9 S/N AFFECTED NONE 970601 (540 MB) 486-25N, 486-33S N2,486-33N, 486 VL2 4/50 970889 (270 MB)486-66 P/N(S)/DESCRIPTION(S) 974037 (1080 MB) VE3 Pentium ESTIMATED LABOR HOURS 6Hours
All replacement Hard disk drives must be formatted with DOS before loading QNX operating software.
Hard disk drive must be reconfigure back to 723 cylinders every time setup is entered for Hard drives over 500 MB.
Vectra 386/25, D2361A computers are no longer supported with spare hard drives.
Failure to format in DOS before loading QNX software can result in corrupted files and require reloading software.
Summary of computers (consoles) used by SYNCHRON instruments:
Vectra 386/25, D2361A*, (MODEL DT-A02) Vectra 486/25N, D2612A* Vectra 486/33N, D2772B* Vectra N2 4/33s, D3142A*, (486-33s N2) Vectra VL2 486/50, D3133A* Vectra VE 4/66, D3496A-60703*, (486-66) Vectra VE3 5/133 Series 3, D4075A*, (Pentium set to run a 100Mz) IBM (see IBM service manual) * model numbers located on back name plate of computers.
INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR 486/33N install the current operating system software version and follow the installation procedure.
Verify computer type is 486/33N Install hard drive Power up computer Press "F2" to enter into BIOS setup Press "Enter" to continue Use the Arrow keys to go down to "Hard Disk Drive", "DRIVE 1" Using the F7 and arrow keys, change the settings to the following: "Custom" 723 - 16 - 63 - 1 - 722 - N Select F3 to save and exit. Insert DOS 5.0 Boot disk (DOS available in Special Interests, under Notebooks) Press F3 and "Y" to exit DOS main menu and go to DOS prompt at A:/ prompt and type "FDISK" then press enter Delete all partitions (option 3) Create primary DOS partition (option 1), enter "Y" for maximum size. After reboot, go to DOS prompt again and type "format c: /s", enter "Y" and enter to continue Remove floppy disk and reboot Hit enter for time and date and verify the c:/ prompt. Turn off computer NOTE: Hard drives over 500 MB must be configured to 723 cylinders in the computer setup. After initial configuration, any time setup is entered the auto-configure will detect the hard drive's cylinders and cause the Har d drive to be inoperable. The Hard drive must be reconfigured back to 723 cylinders every time setup is entered.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-31 18:19:04编辑过]