硬盘是4个g的,用98引导盘启动后,用fdisk分了一个200M的分区并激活.然后用13张盘安装,在选择完use english和安装的机器类型后出现:
Mounting hard disk drive....
[mount disk 3/drivers/disk.atc]
[Returned status=0(0000h)]
Error modifying settings for disk 3.
Create QNX partition on hard disk drive....
The mext svreen will ask you to define the part of the disk that
the QNX operating system will reside on .Enter this information
as follows:
Type c to create the QNX partition
Type 7 followed by <ENTER> for the operating system type
Type 0 followed by <ENTER> for the first disk cylinder for QNX
Look at the Last cylinder number at the bottom of the screen.Type that number followed by <ENTER>.
Type b to active the QNX partition
Type s to save the boot information
Type q to complete the FDISK screen
以上是出现的英文提示,但是不管运行哪个操作都会出现错误信息,退出程序.不知该如何操作,各位老大给点提示吧.谢谢了!!! |